Using Large Language Models to Generate, Validate, and Apply User Intent Taxonomies






Published 5/13/2024 by Chirag Shah, Ryen W. White, Reid Andersen, Georg Buscher, Scott Counts, Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das, Ali Montazer, Sathish Manivannan, Jennifer Neville, Xiaochuan Ni and 6 others



Log data can reveal valuable information about how users interact with Web search services, what they want, and how satisfied they are. However, analyzing user intents in log data is not easy, especially for emerging forms of Web search such as AI-driven chat. To understand user intents from log data, we need a way to label them with meaningful categories that capture their diversity and dynamics. Existing methods rely on manual or machine-learned labeling, which are either expensive or inflexible for large and dynamic datasets. We propose a novel solution using large language models (LLMs), which can generate rich and relevant concepts, descriptions, and examples for user intents. However, using LLMs to generate a user intent taxonomy and apply it for log analysis can be problematic for two main reasons: (1) such a taxonomy is not externally validated; and (2) there may be an undesirable feedback loop. To address this, we propose a new methodology with human experts and assessors to verify the quality of the LLM-generated taxonomy. We also present an end-to-end pipeline that uses an LLM with human-in-the-loop to produce, refine, and apply labels for user intent analysis in log data. We demonstrate its effectiveness by uncovering new insights into user intents from search and chat logs from the Microsoft Bing commercial search engine. The proposed work's novelty stems from the method for generating purpose-driven user intent taxonomies with strong validation. This method not only helps remove methodological and practical bottlenecks from intent-focused research, but also provides a new framework for generating, validating, and applying other kinds of taxonomies in a scalable and adaptable way with reasonable human effort.

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  • Analyzing user intents in web search log data is challenging, especially for emerging forms of search like AI-driven chat
  • Existing methods for labeling user intents are either expensive (manual) or inflexible (machine-learned)
  • The paper proposes a new methodology using large language models (LLMs) to generate user intent taxonomies, with human validation to address limitations

Plain English Explanation

When people use web search engines or AI-powered chat services, their interactions and the information they're looking for can reveal valuable insights. By understanding user intents - the reasons why people are searching or chatting - companies can improve their services and better meet user needs.

However, analyzing user intents from the massive amounts of log data generated by these services is challenging, especially for newer technologies like AI-driven chat. Existing methods for categorizing user intents either rely on expensive manual labeling by humans, or machine learning models that may not be flexible enough to capture the diversity of intents, particularly as user behaviors evolve.

The researchers propose a novel solution using large language models (LLMs). These powerful AI systems can generate rich descriptions, examples, and taxonomies of user intents. However, using an LLM-generated taxonomy directly poses two key challenges:

  1. The taxonomy may not be externally validated or grounded in real-world user behavior.
  2. There's a risk of an undesirable feedback loop, where the model's own biases get encoded into the taxonomy.

To address these issues, the researchers propose a new methodology that combines the generative power of LLMs with human validation and refinement. This allows them to produce a high-quality, purpose-driven user intent taxonomy that can then be used to analyze log data in an effective and scalable way.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents an end-to-end pipeline that uses an LLM with human-in-the-loop to generate, refine, and apply labels for user intent analysis in web search and chat logs.

First, the LLM is used to produce an initial user intent taxonomy, generating rich concepts, descriptions, and examples. Human experts and assessors then review and validate this taxonomy, removing biases and ensuring it aligns with real-world user behaviors observed in the log data.

With the validated taxonomy in place, the researchers apply it to the log data, categorizing user intents at scale. This allows them to uncover new insights into how people are using web search and conversational AI services.

The key innovations of this work are:

  1. The method for generating purpose-driven user intent taxonomies with strong human validation, which addresses the limitations of existing approaches.
  2. The end-to-end pipeline that enables scalable, adaptable user intent analysis for evolving web search and chat technologies.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several important caveats and limitations of their approach:

  • The human validation process, while crucial, still relies on subjective judgments and may not fully capture the nuances of user intents.
  • The taxonomy and labeling process is tailored to the specific dataset and use case, so it may not generalize perfectly to other contexts.
  • There are still open questions about the long-term robustness and stability of the LLM-generated taxonomies, and how they might evolve over time.

Additionally, one could question whether the human-in-the-loop approach truly solves the issue of model biases, or if there are still latent biases that get encoded into the final taxonomy.

Overall, however, the proposed methodology represents a significant advancement in user intent analysis, addressing key practical and methodological challenges. The work also provides a new framework for generating, validating, and applying taxonomies in a scalable and adaptable way - a capability that could be useful for a wide range of applications beyond just user intent analysis.


This research tackles the important challenge of understanding user intents from web search and chat log data, which can reveal valuable insights for improving digital services. By combining the generative power of large language models with human validation, the researchers have developed a novel methodology that addresses the limitations of existing approaches.

The resulting system not only enables more effective user intent analysis, but also provides a new framework for generating and validating taxonomies in a scalable and adaptable way. This work has the potential to drive important advancements in user-centric design and research, with implications for a broad range of digital technologies and services.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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