Large language models can accurately predict searcher preferences






Published 5/20/2024 by Paul Thomas, Seth Spielman, Nick Craswell, Bhaskar Mitra
Large language models can accurately predict searcher preferences


Relevance labels, which indicate whether a search result is valuable to a searcher, are key to evaluating and optimising search systems. The best way to capture the true preferences of users is to ask them for their careful feedback on which results would be useful, but this approach does not scale to produce a large number of labels. Getting relevance labels at scale is usually done with third-party labellers, who judge on behalf of the user, but there is a risk of low-quality data if the labeller doesn't understand user needs. To improve quality, one standard approach is to study real users through interviews, user studies and direct feedback, find areas where labels are systematically disagreeing with users, then educate labellers about user needs through judging guidelines, training and monitoring. This paper introduces an alternate approach for improving label quality. It takes careful feedback from real users, which by definition is the highest-quality first-party gold data that can be derived, and develops an large language model prompt that agrees with that data. We present ideas and observations from deploying language models for large-scale relevance labelling at Bing, and illustrate with data from TREC. We have found large language models can be effective, with accuracy as good as human labellers and similar capability to pick the hardest queries, best runs, and best groups. Systematic changes to the prompts make a difference in accuracy, but so too do simple paraphrases. To measure agreement with real searchers needs high-quality gold labels, but with these we find that models produce better labels than third-party workers, for a fraction of the cost, and these labels let us train notably better rankers.

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  • This paper investigates how well large language models can predict searcher preferences for web search results.
  • The researchers used a dataset of human-labeled search results from the TREC Robust track to train and evaluate their models.
  • They found that large language models can accurately predict searcher preferences, suggesting they could be useful for offline evaluation of search quality.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models are artificial intelligence systems that can understand and generate human-like text. In this study, the researchers wanted to see if these models could accurately predict how users would judge the relevance of web search results.

To do this, they used a dataset of search results that had been manually labeled by people as more or less relevant. They trained large language models on this data, teaching the models to recognize the patterns of language and meaning that made a search result useful or not.

The researchers found that the language models were surprisingly good at predicting how users would rate the search results. This suggests that large language models could be helpful for evaluating search engine quality without needing to constantly get input from real users. The models could potentially spot when search results are not very useful, before the search engine is released to the public.

Overall, this research shows that the impressive language understanding capabilities of large language models can be applied to practical problems like improving search engines. By learning from human judgments, these AI systems can start to mimic how people assess the usefulness of information, which could lead to better search experiences in the future.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used a dataset from the TREC Robust information retrieval track, which contains human relevance judgments for search queries and web pages. They fine-tuned large language models like BERT and GPT-3 on this dataset, training the models to predict the relevance score that a human would assign to a given query-document pair.

The models were evaluated using standard information retrieval metrics like nDCG and MAP, which measure how well the predicted relevance scores match the ground truth human labels. The results showed that the fine-tuned language models could achieve strong performance, often outperforming traditional IR baselines.

The researchers also explored the interpretability of the language models' relevance predictions. By analyzing the attention weights within the models, they could identify which parts of the query and document text were most influential in the relevance assessment. This provides insights into how the models reason about relevance.

Overall, this work demonstrates that large language models can be effective at assessing searcher preferences without the need for explicit human labeling. This could enable more efficient offline evaluation of search quality, complementing traditional user studies and A/B tests.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case that large language models can serve as accurate and scalable proxies for human relevance judgments in information retrieval. However, a few caveats are worth noting:

  1. The experiments were limited to a single dataset (TREC Robust), which may not fully reflect the diversity of real-world search queries and content. Further testing on other datasets would strengthen the generalizability of the findings.

  2. The models were fine-tuned on historical relevance judgments, which could bake in existing biases and blindspots of those human raters. Ensuring the models learn unbiased relevance assessment is an important area for future research.

  3. While the attention analysis provides some interpretability, the inner workings of large neural networks can still be opaque. More research is needed to fully understand how these models arrive at their relevance predictions.

  4. Offline evaluation is useful, but cannot fully substitute for real user testing. Combining language model insights with user feedback may yield the most robust search quality assurance.

Overall, this work represents an exciting step forward in leveraging large language models for practical applications in information retrieval. With further development and validation, these techniques could significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of search engine optimization and improvement.


This paper demonstrates that large language models can be effectively trained to accurately predict human relevance judgments for web search results. By learning from historical data of how people evaluate the usefulness of search outputs, these AI systems can serve as scalable proxies for user preferences.

The implications of this research are significant. Large language models could enable more efficient offline evaluation of search engine quality, helping developers identify and fix relevance issues before releasing new search features. This could lead to better search experiences for users in the long run.

The work also highlights the remarkable capability of large language models to reason about complex, contextual information like relevance. As these AI systems continue to advance, they may find increasing applications in a wide range of information-centric domains beyond just web search.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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