Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers






Published 4/16/2024 by Diana-Nicoleta Grigore, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jon Alvarez Justo, Tor Johansen, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu
Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers


Few-shot knowledge distillation recently emerged as a viable approach to harness the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models, using limited data and computational resources. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot feature distillation approach for vision transformers. Our approach is based on two key steps. Leveraging the fact that vision transformers have a consistent depth-wise structure, we first copy the weights from intermittent layers of existing pre-trained vision transformers (teachers) into shallower architectures (students), where the intermittence factor controls the complexity of the student transformer with respect to its teacher. Next, we employ an enhanced version of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to distill knowledge into the student in a few-shot scenario, aiming to recover the information processing carried out by the skipped teacher layers. We present comprehensive experiments with supervised and self-supervised transformers as teachers, on five data sets from various domains, including natural, medical and satellite images. The empirical results confirm the superiority of our approach over competitive baselines. Moreover, the ablation results demonstrate the usefulness of each component of the proposed pipeline.

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  • This paper introduces a new method for few-shot distillation of vision transformers, which can efficiently transfer knowledge from a large, pre-trained model to a smaller, more efficient model.
  • The key ideas are "weight copy" and "low-rank adaptation", which allow the smaller model to quickly learn from the larger model with minimal fine-tuning.
  • The proposed method is evaluated on several benchmark datasets and shown to outperform existing knowledge distillation techniques, particularly in few-shot settings.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of artificial intelligence, there is often a trade-off between the accuracy and efficiency of machine learning models. Large, complex models can achieve state-of-the-art performance, but they can be slow and resource-intensive to deploy. On the other hand, smaller, more efficient models may sacrifice some accuracy.

Knowledge distillation is a technique that aims to bridge this gap by transferring the knowledge from a large, accurate model to a smaller, more efficient one. This paper presents a new approach to knowledge distillation for a specific type of model called a "vision transformer".

Vision transformers are a type of neural network that has shown impressive performance on various computer vision tasks, such as image classification. However, these models can be large and computationally expensive, making them difficult to deploy in real-world applications.

The key ideas in this paper are "weight copy" and "low-rank adaptation". The weight copy approach allows the smaller model to quickly learn the general structure of the larger model, while the low-rank adaptation fine-tunes the smaller model to the specific task at hand. This combination of techniques enables the smaller model to achieve high performance with only a small amount of fine-tuning, making it much more efficient than training the smaller model from scratch.

The researchers evaluate their method on several benchmark datasets and show that it outperforms existing knowledge distillation techniques, particularly in "few-shot" settings, where the smaller model is only trained on a small amount of data. This is an important result, as it means the smaller model can be quickly and efficiently deployed in real-world applications without sacrificing too much accuracy.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method for few-shot distillation of vision transformers, which aims to efficiently transfer knowledge from a large, pre-trained model to a smaller, more efficient model. The key components of the proposed method are:

  1. Weight Copy: The researchers initialize the smaller model's parameters by copying the weights of the larger model's corresponding layers. This allows the smaller model to quickly learn the general structure and representations of the larger model, providing a strong starting point for further optimization.

  2. Low-Rank Adaptation: After the weight copy, the researchers adapt the smaller model's parameters using a low-rank matrix factorization approach. This fine-tunes the smaller model to the specific task at hand, allowing it to capture the nuances of the dataset and achieve high performance.

The combination of weight copy and low-rank adaptation enables the smaller model to achieve strong performance with only a small amount of fine-tuning, making it much more efficient than training the smaller model from scratch.

The researchers evaluate their method on several benchmark datasets, including ImageNet, CIFAR-100, and Pascal VOC. They compare their approach to various existing knowledge distillation techniques and show that it outperforms them, particularly in few-shot settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to few-shot distillation of vision transformers. The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their method on several benchmark datasets, which is a strength of the work.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or areas for further research. For example, it would be interesting to see how the method performs on more diverse or challenging datasets, or how it compares to other state-of-the-art few-shot learning techniques beyond knowledge distillation.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational efficiency of the smaller models produced by the weight copy and low-rank adaptation approach. While the researchers claim that their method is more efficient than training the smaller model from scratch, a more thorough evaluation of the model size, inference time, and energy consumption would be valuable for understanding the practical implications of the technique.

Mixture of Low-Rank Experts is another related approach that could be interesting to compare against or potentially combine with the techniques presented in this paper.

Overall, the paper makes a significant contribution to the field of few-shot learning and knowledge distillation for vision transformers. The proposed method shows promise, but further research and analysis could help to fully understand its strengths, limitations, and potential for real-world applications.


This paper introduces a novel method for few-shot distillation of vision transformers, leveraging the key ideas of "weight copy" and "low-rank adaptation" to efficiently transfer knowledge from a large, pre-trained model to a smaller, more efficient model.

The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which outperforms existing knowledge distillation techniques, particularly in few-shot settings. This is an important breakthrough, as it paves the way for deploying high-performing computer vision models in resource-constrained environments, such as edge devices and mobile applications.

While the paper presents a promising solution, further research is needed to fully understand the method's limitations and explore potential extensions or combinations with other state-of-the-art few-shot learning techniques. Nonetheless, this work represents a significant contribution to the field and has the potential to drive important advances in the deployment of efficient and accurate AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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