When Can LLMs Actually Correct Their Own Mistakes? A Critical Survey of Self-Correction of LLMs






Published 6/4/2024 by Ryo Kamoi, Yusen Zhang, Nan Zhang, Jiawei Han, Rui Zhang
When Can LLMs Actually Correct Their Own Mistakes? A Critical Survey of Self-Correction of LLMs


Self-correction is an approach to improving responses from large language models (LLMs) by refining the responses using LLMs during inference. Prior work has proposed various self-correction frameworks using different sources of feedback, including self-evaluation and external feedback. However, there is still no consensus on the question of when LLMs can correct their own mistakes, as recent studies also report negative results. In this work, we critically survey broad papers and discuss the conditions required for successful self-correction. We first find that prior studies often do not define their research questions in detail and involve impractical frameworks or unfair evaluations that over-evaluate self-correction. To tackle these issues, we categorize research questions in self-correction research and provide a checklist for designing appropriate experiments. Our critical survey based on the newly categorized research questions shows that (1) no prior work demonstrates successful self-correction with feedback from prompted LLMs in general tasks, (2) self-correction works well in tasks that can use reliable external feedback, and (3) large-scale fine-tuning enables self-correction.

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  • This paper critically examines the self-correction capabilities of large language models (LLMs), analyzing when and how they can correct their own mistakes.
  • It reviews recent research on LLM self-correction, including the factors that influence their ability to self-correct, such as context alignment, confidence levels, and the use of external verifiers.
  • The paper provides insights into the current limitations of LLM self-correction and highlights areas for further research and development to improve this capability.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. However, these models can sometimes make mistakes or produce biased or incorrect outputs. The ability for LLMs to recognize and correct their own errors, known as "self-correction," is an important capability that can enhance their reliability and trustworthiness.

This research paper takes a critical look at the self-correction capabilities of LLMs. It examines recent studies that have explored when and how LLMs can correct their own mistakes. For example, link to "Theoretical Understanding of Self-Correction Through Context Alignment" shows that LLMs can self-correct when the context provided helps them align their output with the intended meaning.

The paper also discusses factors that can influence an LLM's ability to self-correct, such as its confidence level in its own output. Link to "Confidence Matters: Revisiting Intrinsic Self-Correction Capabilities" suggests that LLMs with higher confidence in their outputs are more likely to self-correct.

Additionally, the research highlights the potential need for external "verifiers" to help LLMs identify and correct their mistakes, as described in link to "Small Language Models Need Strong Verifiers to Self-Correct". These verifiers could be additional AI systems or human experts that can provide feedback and guidance to the LLM.

The paper also acknowledges the limitations of current LLM self-correction capabilities and the challenges that still need to be addressed. For instance, link to "Self-Incorrect LLMs Struggle to Refine Self-Generated Outputs" suggests that LLMs may struggle to correct their own mistakes in self-generated outputs.

Overall, this research paper provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of the state of LLM self-correction, highlighting both the progress made and the areas that require further investigation and development to improve the reliability and trustworthiness of these powerful AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by acknowledging the remarkable capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in generating human-like text across a wide range of domains. However, it also highlights the concern that these models can sometimes produce biased, incorrect, or even harmful outputs. The ability for LLMs to recognize and correct their own errors, known as "self-correction," is identified as a crucial capability that can enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of these models.

The paper then reviews recent research on LLM self-correction, examining the factors that influence their ability to self-correct. One key factor is the alignment between the context provided to the LLM and the intended meaning, as shown in the study link to "Theoretical Understanding of Self-Correction Through Context Alignment". This research demonstrates that LLMs can self-correct when the context helps them align their output with the desired meaning.

Another important factor is the LLM's confidence in its own output, as explored in the work link to "Confidence Matters: Revisiting Intrinsic Self-Correction Capabilities". This study suggests that LLMs with higher confidence in their outputs are more likely to self-correct.

The paper also discusses the potential need for external "verifiers" to help LLMs identify and correct their mistakes, as described in link to "Small Language Models Need Strong Verifiers to Self-Correct". These verifiers could be additional AI systems or human experts that provide feedback and guidance to the LLM.

Furthermore, the paper acknowledges the limitations of current LLM self-correction capabilities and the challenges that still need to be addressed. For instance, the study link to "Self-Incorrect LLMs Struggle to Refine Self-Generated Outputs" suggests that LLMs may struggle to correct their own mistakes in self-generated outputs.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and critical analysis of the self-correction capabilities of LLMs, highlighting both the progress made and the areas that require further research and development. The review of recent studies provides valuable insights into the factors that influence LLM self-correction, such as context alignment, confidence levels, and the use of external verifiers.

One potential limitation of the research discussed in the paper is the reliance on specific experimental setups and datasets, which may not fully capture the complexity and diversity of real-world scenarios where LLMs are deployed. Additionally, the paper acknowledges the challenge of LLMs correcting their own self-generated outputs, which raises questions about the generalizability of the self-correction capabilities observed in the reviewed studies.

Further research could explore the impact of different architectures, training approaches, and fine-tuning techniques on LLM self-correction abilities. Additionally, investigating the interplay between self-correction and other desirable properties, such as robustness, fairness, and transparency, could provide valuable insights for developing more trustworthy and reliable LLMs.


This paper provides a critical and insightful survey of the self-correction capabilities of large language models (LLMs). It reviews recent research that has explored the factors influencing LLM self-correction, such as context alignment, confidence levels, and the use of external verifiers. The paper also acknowledges the limitations of current self-correction capabilities and highlights areas for further research and development.

The findings presented in this paper have important implications for the continued advancement and deployment of LLMs in real-world applications. Improving the self-correction capabilities of these powerful AI systems can enhance their reliability, trustworthiness, and safe deployment, ultimately benefiting both the research community and society at large.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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