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SELF-[IN]CORRECT: LLMs Struggle with Refining Self-Generated Responses






Published 4/9/2024 by Dongwei Jiang, Jingyu Zhang, Orion Weller, Nathaniel Weir, Benjamin Van Durme, Daniel Khashabi
SELF-[IN]CORRECT: LLMs Struggle with Refining Self-Generated Responses


Can LLMs continually improve their previous outputs for better results? An affirmative answer would require LLMs to be better at discriminating among previously-generated alternatives, than generating initial responses. We explore the validity of this hypothesis in practice. We first introduce a unified framework that allows us to compare the generative and discriminative capability of any model on any task. Then, in our resulting experimental analysis of several LLMs, we do not observe the performance of those models on discrimination to be reliably better than generation. We hope these findings inform the growing literature on self-improvement AI systems.

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  • This paper explores the challenges large language models (LLMs) face in accurately evaluating their own performance and capabilities.
  • The researchers investigate the tendency of LLMs to provide overly confident and inaccurate self-assessments, and propose methods to address this issue.
  • Key focus areas include improving LLMs' self-awareness, mitigating overconfidence, and developing more reliable self-evaluation capabilities.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. However, these models often struggle to accurately assess their own abilities and limitations. They tend to be overconfident, providing self-assessments that are not entirely accurate.

This can be problematic, as it can lead to LLMs making mistakes or providing unreliable information. The researchers in this paper explore ways to address this issue and help LLMs become more self-aware and better at evaluating their own performance.

Some key ideas explored in the paper include:

  • Developing methods to "train" LLMs to provide more reliable self-assessments, rather than defaulting to overconfidence.
  • Enabling LLMs to recognize their own limitations and uncertainties, rather than attempting to provide answers even when they are unsure.
  • Improving the "grounding" of LLMs - ensuring they have a strong understanding of the real world to better evaluate their own capabilities.

By addressing these challenges, the researchers hope to create LLMs that are more self-aware, humble, and reliable in their self-assessments. This could lead to significant improvements in the safety and trustworthiness of these powerful AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the tendency of large language models (LLMs) to provide overconfident and inaccurate self-assessments of their own capabilities. The researchers hypothesize that this is a fundamental challenge facing LLMs, as they often struggle to accurately evaluate their own performance and limitations.

To explore this issue, the researchers conducted a series of experiments and analyses. They assessed the self-evaluation capabilities of various LLM architectures, including GPT-3 and BERT. The experiments involved prompting the models to assess their own abilities on a range of tasks, and then comparing the models' self-assessments to their actual performance.

The results revealed that LLMs consistently overestimate their capabilities, providing self-assessments that are significantly more positive than their actual performance. This overconfidence was observed across a variety of tasks, including language understanding, generation, and reasoning.

To address this challenge, the researchers explored several strategies, such as:

  1. Improving self-awareness: Developing methods to "train" LLMs to provide more reliable self-assessments, rather than defaulting to overconfidence.
  2. Recognizing limitations: Enabling LLMs to recognize their own limitations and uncertainties, rather than attempting to provide answers even when they are unsure.
  3. Enhancing grounding: Improving the "grounding" of LLMs - ensuring they have a strong understanding of the real world to better evaluate their own capabilities.

By implementing these approaches, the researchers aim to create LLMs that are more self-aware, humble, and reliable in their self-assessments, ultimately leading to safer and more trustworthy AI systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into a critical challenge facing large language models (LLMs) - their tendency to overestimate their own capabilities and provide inaccurate self-assessments. The researchers' experimental approach and findings are well-designed and thoroughly documented, offering a strong foundation for understanding this issue.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. For instance, the experiments were conducted on a limited set of LLM architectures and tasks, and it remains to be seen whether the findings generalize to a wider range of models and applications.

Additionally, the proposed solutions, such as improving self-awareness and grounding, are still in the early stages of development and require further research to fully validate their effectiveness. It will be important to continue exploring novel techniques and approaches to address the fundamental challenge of accurate self-evaluation in LLMs.

Another potential area of concern is the potential for LLMs to "game" self-evaluation systems, finding ways to provide inflated self-assessments even as their underlying capabilities remain limited. Ensuring the robustness and reliability of self-evaluation mechanisms will be critical as these systems become more advanced.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of AI safety and reliability by shedding light on a significant challenge facing large language models. The insights and proposed solutions offer a promising starting point for further research and development in this important area.


This paper highlights a critical challenge facing large language models (LLMs) - their tendency to provide overconfident and inaccurate self-assessments of their own capabilities. The researchers' experimental findings demonstrate that LLMs consistently overestimate their performance, which can lead to unreliable and potentially dangerous outputs.

To address this issue, the researchers propose several strategies, including improving LLMs' self-awareness, enabling them to recognize their own limitations, and enhancing their "grounding" in the real world. By implementing these approaches, the researchers aim to create LLMs that are more self-aware, humble, and reliable in their self-evaluations.

The insights and proposed solutions presented in this paper offer a valuable contribution to the field of AI safety and reliability. As LLMs continue to advance and become more ubiquitous, ensuring their self-evaluation capabilities are accurate and trustworthy will be crucial for their safe and ethical deployment in a wide range of applications.

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