When Quantization Affects Confidence of Large Language Models?






Published 5/2/2024 by Irina Proskurina, Luc Brun, Guillaume Metzler, Julien Velcin
When Quantization Affects Confidence of Large Language Models?


Recent studies introduced effective compression techniques for Large Language Models (LLMs) via post-training quantization or low-bit weight representation. Although quantized weights offer storage efficiency and allow for faster inference, existing works have indicated that quantization might compromise performance and exacerbate biases in LLMs. This study investigates the confidence and calibration of quantized models, considering factors such as language model type and scale as contributors to quantization loss. Firstly, we reveal that quantization with GPTQ to 4-bit results in a decrease in confidence regarding true labels, with varying impacts observed among different language models. Secondly, we observe fluctuations in the impact on confidence across different scales. Finally, we propose an explanation for quantization loss based on confidence levels, indicating that quantization disproportionately affects samples where the full model exhibited low confidence levels in the first place.

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  • This paper investigates how quantization, a technique used to compress and accelerate large language models, can affect the confidence of these models in their predictions.
  • Quantization involves reducing the number of bits used to represent the model's parameters, which can lead to a loss of precision but also faster inference times and smaller model sizes.
  • The researchers explore the relationship between quantization and model confidence, which is an important factor in real-world applications where users need to understand the reliability of the model's outputs.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, such as GPT-3 and BERT, have become incredibly powerful tools for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. However, these models can be computationally expensive and resource-intensive, making them difficult to deploy on mobile devices or other constrained hardware.

One way to address this issue is through quantization, which involves reducing the precision of the model's parameters by using fewer bits to represent them. This can lead to a significant reduction in the model's size and inference time, making it more efficient and accessible. However, quantization can also affect the confidence of the model's predictions, which is an important consideration in real-world applications where users need to understand how reliable the model's outputs are.

In this paper, the researchers explore the relationship between quantization and model confidence. They investigate the factors that can influence how quantization affects the model's confidence, such as the level of quantization, the specific task being performed, and the architecture of the model itself. By understanding these relationships, the researchers hope to develop better strategies for deploying large language models in a wide range of applications while maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of the models' outputs.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this paper investigate the impact of quantization on the confidence of large language models. Quantization is a technique used to reduce the precision of a model's parameters, which can lead to faster inference times and smaller model sizes, but may also affect the model's performance and confidence in its predictions.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments to explore the relationship between quantization and model confidence. They used several different quantization techniques, including post-training quantization and cross-block quantization, and evaluated the models on a range of natural language processing tasks, such as sentiment analysis and question answering.

The results of the experiments showed that the impact of quantization on model confidence can be complex and dependent on a variety of factors. In some cases, quantization had little effect on the model's confidence, while in others it led to a significant reduction in confidence, even when the model's overall performance remained relatively high.

The researchers also found that the specific architecture of the language model can play a role in how quantization affects confidence. For example, models with more attention layers may be more sensitive to quantization, as these layers can be more prone to numerical instability when quantized.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this paper have made an important contribution to the understanding of how quantization can affect the confidence of large language models. By exploring the relationship between quantization and model confidence, they have highlighted the need to consider not just the performance of these models, but also their reliability and trustworthiness in real-world applications.

However, the paper does have some limitations. For example, the researchers only evaluated a limited set of quantization techniques and language model architectures, and it's possible that other approaches or models may behave differently. Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the factors that can influence the relationship between quantization and confidence, such as the specific task being performed or the characteristics of the input data.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the potential impact of quantization on the adversarial robustness of language models, which is an important consideration for the deployment of these models in security-critical applications.

Despite these limitations, the findings of this paper are still valuable and serve as an important starting point for further research in this area. By continuing to investigate the relationship between quantization and model confidence, researchers can develop better strategies for deploying large language models in a wide range of applications while ensuring that the outputs of these models are reliable and trustworthy.


This paper explores the complex relationship between quantization and the confidence of large language models. The researchers have found that the impact of quantization on model confidence can vary depending on factors such as the specific quantization technique used, the architecture of the language model, and the task being performed.

These findings have important implications for the deployment of large language models in real-world applications, where the reliability and trustworthiness of the model's outputs are crucial. By understanding how quantization can affect model confidence, researchers and practitioners can develop better strategies for optimizing these models for efficiency while maintaining their accuracy and reliability.

Overall, this paper represents an important contribution to the ongoing research on large language models and their deployment in practical applications. By continuing to explore the relationship between quantization and model confidence, the field can work towards developing more robust and trustworthy AI systems that can be safely deployed in a wide range of settings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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