Why is SAM Robust to Label Noise?






Published 5/7/2024 by Christina Baek, Zico Kolter, Aditi Raghunathan



Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) is most known for achieving state-of the-art performances on natural image and language tasks. However, its most pronounced improvements (of tens of percent) is rather in the presence of label noise. Understanding SAM's label noise robustness requires a departure from characterizing the robustness of minimas lying in flatter regions of the loss landscape. In particular, the peak performance under label noise occurs with early stopping, far before the loss converges. We decompose SAM's robustness into two effects: one induced by changes to the logit term and the other induced by changes to the network Jacobian. The first can be observed in linear logistic regression where SAM provably up-weights the gradient contribution from clean examples. Although this explicit up-weighting is also observable in neural networks, when we intervene and modify SAM to remove this effect, surprisingly, we see no visible degradation in performance. We infer that SAM's effect in deeper networks is instead explained entirely by the effect SAM has on the network Jacobian. We theoretically derive the implicit regularization induced by this Jacobian effect in two layer linear networks. Motivated by our analysis, we see that cheaper alternatives to SAM that explicitly induce these regularization effects largely recover the benefits in deep networks trained on real-world datasets.

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  • Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) is a technique that has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on natural image and language tasks, particularly in the presence of label noise.
  • The paper aims to understand SAM's label noise robustness, which is not fully explained by the observation that SAM finds flatter regions of the loss landscape.
  • The key findings suggest that SAM's robustness is driven by two effects: changes to the logit term and changes to the network Jacobian.

Plain English Explanation

Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) is a machine learning technique that has proven to be very effective at improving the performance of models on natural image and language tasks, especially when the training data includes noisy or incorrect labels.

The researchers behind this paper wanted to better understand why SAM is so robust to label noise. They found that SAM's improvements aren't solely due to the fact that it finds flatter regions of the loss landscape, which was the previous explanation. Instead, SAM's robustness comes from two key effects:

  1. Changes to the logit term: The logit term is a key part of how machine learning models make predictions. SAM explicitly increases the contribution of "clean" examples (those with correct labels) to this logit term, which helps the model learn more effectively.

  2. Changes to the network Jacobian: The Jacobian is a mathematical object that describes how sensitive the model's outputs are to changes in its inputs. SAM alters the Jacobian in a way that provides additional regularization benefits, helping the model generalize better.

These two effects work together to make SAM particularly effective at learning from noisy data, allowing models to achieve strong performance even when the training labels contain errors. The researchers show that cheaper alternatives that capture these same effects can largely replicate the benefits of SAM in real-world datasets.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the reasons behind Sharpness-Aware Minimization's (SAM) state-of-the-art performance on natural image and language tasks, particularly its pronounced improvements in the presence of label noise.

The authors argue that characterizing SAM's robustness solely in terms of it finding flatter regions of the loss landscape is incomplete. Instead, they decompose SAM's robustness into two distinct effects:

  1. Changes to the logit term: The authors show that in linear logistic regression, SAM provably up-weights the gradient contribution from clean examples. This explicit up-weighting is also observable in neural networks, but when the authors remove this effect, they find no visible degradation in performance.

  2. Changes to the network Jacobian: The authors theoretically derive the implicit regularization induced by the Jacobian effect in two-layer linear networks. They find that this Jacobian effect is the primary driver of SAM's benefits in deeper networks trained on real-world datasets.

Motivated by this analysis, the authors demonstrate that cheaper alternatives to SAM that explicitly induce these regularization effects can largely recover the benefits of SAM in deep networks. This suggests that the Jacobian-based regularization is a key mechanism underlying SAM's label noise robustness, as described in related work.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful analysis of the mechanisms underlying Sharpness-Aware Minimization's (SAM) robustness to label noise, going beyond the previous explanation of finding flatter regions of the loss landscape.

One potential limitation is that the theoretical analysis is primarily focused on linear models, and it's not entirely clear how well the insights translate to the more complex deep neural networks typically used in practice. The authors do show that the Jacobian-based regularization effect is the primary driver of SAM's benefits in deeper networks, but a more comprehensive theoretical treatment of SAM's effects in nonlinear models would be valuable.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential downsides or tradeoffs of SAM. While the technique demonstrates impressive performance, there may be scenarios where its benefits are less pronounced or where it introduces undesirable side effects. Further research into the limitations and edge cases of SAM would help provide a more holistic understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, this paper offers a significant contribution to the understanding of Sharpness-Aware Minimization and its ability to improve model robustness, particularly in the presence of label noise. The insights provided here could inform the development of even more effective and efficient techniques for training machine learning models, as highlighted in related work.


The Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) technique has demonstrated impressive performance on a variety of natural image and language tasks, with particularly pronounced improvements in the presence of label noise. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the mechanisms underlying SAM's robustness, going beyond the previous explanation of finding flatter regions of the loss landscape.

The key findings indicate that SAM's robustness is driven by two effects: changes to the logit term and changes to the network Jacobian. The logit term effect explicitly up-weights the contribution of clean examples, while the Jacobian effect provides additional regularization benefits. These two complementary effects work together to make SAM an effective tool for learning from noisy data.

The insights provided in this paper could inform the development of even more efficient and effective techniques for training robust machine learning models, with potential applications across a wide range of domains. By understanding the fundamental drivers of SAM's performance, researchers and practitioners can work towards further advancements in the field of machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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