Why Would You Suggest That? Human Trust in Language Model Responses






Published 6/5/2024 by Manasi Sharma, Ho Chit Siu, Rohan Paleja, Jaime D. Pe~na
Why Would You Suggest That? Human Trust in Language Model Responses


The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revealed a growing need for human-AI collaboration, especially in creative decision-making scenarios where trust and reliance are paramount. Through human studies and model evaluations on the open-ended News Headline Generation task from the LaMP benchmark, we analyze how the framing and presence of explanations affect user trust and model performance. Overall, we provide evidence that adding an explanation in the model response to justify its reasoning significantly increases self-reported user trust in the model when the user has the opportunity to compare various responses. Position and faithfulness of these explanations are also important factors. However, these gains disappear when users are shown responses independently, suggesting that humans trust all model responses, including deceptive ones, equitably when they are shown in isolation. Our findings urge future research to delve deeper into the nuanced evaluation of trust in human-machine teaming systems.

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  • This paper explores the factors that influence human trust in language model responses.
  • The researchers conducted experiments to understand how factors like anthropomorphic cues, explanations, and honesty affect people's willingness to trust and rely on language model outputs.
  • The findings provide insights into the complex relationship between humans and AI systems, and have implications for the design and deployment of trustworthy language models.

Plain English Explanation

When interacting with AI language models, people often need to decide how much to trust the responses they receive. This paper investigates the factors that shape human trust in language model outputs.

The researchers ran a series of experiments to see how different elements, like whether the model seems human-like, provides explanations, or is transparent about its capabilities, impact people's willingness to trust and follow the model's suggestions. For example, the study looked at whether people are more likely to trust a language model that gives a clear rationale for its responses compared to one that doesn't.

The results shed light on the nuanced way humans interpret and assess language model behavior. They suggest that designing AI systems that are transparent about their limitations and provide relevant explanations can help foster greater trust and appropriate reliance from human users. This is an important consideration as language models become more widely adopted.

Technical Explanation

This paper investigates the factors that influence human trust in language model responses. The researchers conducted a series of experiments to understand how anthropomorphic cues, explanations, and honesty about capabilities affect people's willingness to trust and rely on language model outputs.

The experimental design involved presenting participants with language model responses under different conditions. For example, some responses included anthropomorphic cues that made the model seem more human-like, while others provided explanations for the model's reasoning. The researchers then measured how much participants trusted and intended to follow the model's suggestions.

The results suggest that both anthropomorphic cues and explanations can increase trust, but that honesty about the model's capabilities is also important. Participants were less trusting when the model's responses lacked transparency about its limitations. The findings indicate that the design of language models should carefully consider how to balance human-like attributes with clear communication of the system's actual abilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between humans and language models, but also highlights some important caveats and areas for further research.

One limitation is the reliance on hypothetical scenarios rather than real-world interactions. While this allowed for controlled experiments, it may not fully capture the nuances of how people assess trust in practical applications. Future work could explore trust dynamics in more naturalistic settings.

Additionally, the study focused on a single language model with a specific set of capabilities. The findings may not generalize to other models with different architectures or functionality. Further research is needed to understand how trust factors may vary across diverse AI systems.

The paper also does not delve into potential biases or errors that language models may exhibit, which could undermine human trust. Addressing these issues of model reliability and transparency is crucial for developing trustworthy AI systems.

Overall, this paper lays important groundwork for understanding the factors that shape human-AI trust, but continued exploration and a critical eye are necessary to ensure language models are designed to be truly trustworthy.


This study provides valuable insights into the complex factors that influence human trust in language model responses. The findings suggest that design elements like anthropomorphic cues, explanations, and honesty about capabilities can all play a role in shaping people's willingness to trust and rely on language model outputs.

These insights have important implications for the development of trustworthy AI systems. As language models become more widely adopted, understanding how to foster appropriate trust and reliance will be crucial. The paper's recommendations around transparent communication and balancing human-like attributes with clear articulation of limitations can help guide the design of language models that are more aligned with human expectations and needs.

Further research is needed to explore trust dynamics in more realistic settings and across diverse AI architectures. Ongoing critical examination of language model reliability and potential biases is also essential. By continuing to study and address the complexities of human-AI trust, we can work towards developing AI systems that are truly worthy of people's confidence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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