Large Language Models Cannot Explain Themselves






Published 5/8/2024 by Advait Sarkar



Large language models can be prompted to produce text. They can also be prompted to produce explanations of their output. But these are not really explanations, because they do not accurately reflect the mechanical process underlying the prediction. The illusion that they reflect the reasoning process can result in significant harms. These explanations can be valuable, but for promoting critical thinking rather than for understanding the model. I propose a recontextualisation of these explanations, using the term exoplanations to draw attention to their exogenous nature. I discuss some implications for design and technology, such as the inclusion of appropriate guardrails and responses when models are prompted to generate explanations.

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  • This paper argues that large language models (LLMs) cannot truly "explain" their inner workings and decision-making processes, despite claims that they can provide "explanations."
  • The authors suggest that the purported "explanations" from LLMs are an illusion, and that these models lack the necessary introspective capabilities to genuinely explain their reasoning.
  • The paper discusses the societal harms that can arise from the misuse of these "exoplanations" - explanations that appear to explain the model's behavior but do not actually reflect the model's true decision-making.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and BERT have become increasingly powerful at tasks like language generation, translation, and answering questions. These models are often touted as being able to "explain" their own inner workings and decision-making processes. However, this paper argues that this is an illusion.

The authors suggest that LLMs lack the necessary introspective capabilities to truly explain their reasoning. These models are essentially very complex statistical machines that have been trained on vast amounts of data to generate human-like text. But under the hood, they are not actually "understanding" language in the way a human does. They are simply pattern-matching and generating the most likely next words based on the training data.

When an LLM is asked to "explain" its reasoning, it will generate plausible-sounding text that appears to be an explanation. But this is not a genuine explanation of the model's inner workings - it is merely an exoplanation, a fabricated explanation that sounds convincing but does not reflect the actual decision-making process of the model.

The authors argue that the proliferation of these exoplanations can be harmful to society. People may mistakenly believe that the model's explanations are accurate and truthful, when in reality the model is simply generating plausible-sounding text without any true understanding. This could lead to erroneous conclusions and poor decision-making, with potentially serious consequences.

Technical Explanation

The paper first discusses the illusion of explanation created by large language models (LLMs). The authors argue that while these models can generate coherent and seemingly explanatory text, they do not actually have the introspective capabilities to truly explain their own decision-making processes.

The paper then explores the concept of exoplanations - explanations that appear to explain a model's behavior but do not reflect the model's actual decision-making. The authors suggest that these exoplanations can be harmful, as they may mislead users into thinking the model has a deeper understanding than it actually does.

The paper also discusses the potential for linguistic intentionality - the idea that LLMs may be able to generate text that appears to have intentional meaning, but is ultimately just a product of statistical modeling rather than true comprehension.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises valid concerns about the limitations of large language models and their purported ability to "explain" their own inner workings. The authors make a strong case that the "explanations" provided by these models are often simply fabricated narratives that sound plausible but do not reflect the actual decision-making process.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it does not provide empirical evidence to support its claims about the harms of exoplanations. While the authors make a compelling theoretical argument, more research may be needed to understand the real-world impact of these issues.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential ways to improve the transparency and interpretability of large language models. While the authors are correct that these models currently lack genuine explanatory capabilities, future research may find ways to enhance their introspective abilities and provide more truthful and meaningful explanations.

Overall, the paper provides a thought-provoking critique of the claims around the "explainability" of large language models, and highlights the importance of critically evaluating the capabilities and limitations of these powerful AI systems.


This paper challenges the notion that large language models can truly "explain" their inner workings and decision-making processes. The authors argue that the purported "explanations" from these models are an illusion, and that the models lack the necessary introspective capabilities to genuinely account for their reasoning.

The paper also discusses the societal harms that can arise from the proliferation of these "exoplanations" - explanations that appear to explain the model's behavior but do not actually reflect the model's true decision-making. This could lead to erroneous conclusions and poor decision-making, with potentially serious consequences.

Overall, this paper serves as an important reminder that the capabilities of large language models should not be overstated, and that a critical, skeptical approach is necessary when evaluating their outputs and claims about their inner workings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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