Wild Visual Navigation: Fast Traversability Learning via Pre-Trained Models and Online Self-Supervision






Published 4/11/2024 by Mat'ias Mattamala, Jonas Frey, Piotr Libera, Nived Chebrolu, Georg Martius, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter, Maurice Fallon



Natural environments such as forests and grasslands are challenging for robotic navigation because of the false perception of rigid obstacles from high grass, twigs, or bushes. In this work, we present Wild Visual Navigation (WVN), an online self-supervised learning system for visual traversability estimation. The system is able to continuously adapt from a short human demonstration in the field, only using onboard sensing and computing. One of the key ideas to achieve this is the use of high-dimensional features from pre-trained self-supervised models, which implicitly encode semantic information that massively simplifies the learning task. Further, the development of an online scheme for supervision generator enables concurrent training and inference of the learned model in the wild. We demonstrate our approach through diverse real-world deployments in forests, parks, and grasslands. Our system is able to bootstrap the traversable terrain segmentation in less than 5 min of in-field training time, enabling the robot to navigate in complex, previously unseen outdoor terrains. Code: https://bit.ly/498b0CV - Project page:https://bit.ly/3M6nMHH

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  • This paper presents "Wild Visual Navigation (WVN)", an online self-supervised learning system for visual traversability estimation in natural environments like forests and grasslands.
  • The key idea is to use high-dimensional features from pre-trained self-supervised models, which can implicitly encode semantic information to simplify the learning task.
  • The system can continuously adapt from a short human demonstration in the field, using only onboard sensing and computing.
  • An online scheme for supervision generation enables concurrent training and inference of the learned model in the wild.
  • The system can bootstrap traversable terrain segmentation in less than 5 minutes of in-field training, enabling robots to navigate complex, previously unseen outdoor terrains.

Plain English Explanation

Navigating robots through natural environments like forests and grasslands can be challenging because the robots can mistakenly perceive things like tall grass, twigs, or bushes as solid obstacles. To address this, the researchers developed a system called "Wild Visual Navigation (WVN)" that can help robots better understand what is traversable terrain in these complex outdoor settings.

The key innovation is the use of high-dimensional features from pre-trained machine learning models that have been trained on a large amount of general data. These features can implicitly capture semantic information about the environment, which makes it much easier for the robot to learn what is traversable and what is not. The system can quickly adapt to a new environment by having a human demonstrate a short example of what is traversable, and the robot can then continuously refine its understanding as it moves through the environment.

This allows the robot to bootstrap its understanding of the terrain in just 5 minutes, and then navigate through complex, previously unseen outdoor areas that would be difficult for a traditional navigation system to handle. The researchers demonstrate this system working in real-world deployments in forests, parks, and grasslands, showing its ability to help robots safely and effectively navigate through natural environments.

Technical Explanation

The core of the WVN system is a deep neural network that is trained to estimate the traversability of the terrain from visual inputs. To simplify this learning task, the system leverages high-dimensional visual features extracted from pre-trained self-supervised models. These features implicitly encode semantic information about the environment, which makes it much easier for the neural network to learn what terrain is navigable.

The system is designed to adapt continuously from a short human demonstration in the field. An online scheme for supervision generation enables the robot to concurrently train and infer the learned traversability model as it moves through the environment. This allows the robot to quickly bootstrap its understanding of the terrain, requiring only about 5 minutes of in-field training time.

The researchers evaluated WVN through diverse real-world deployments in forests, parks, and grasslands. They show that the system can enable robots to effectively navigate complex, previously unseen outdoor terrains, overcoming the challenges posed by false perceptions of rigid obstacles from tall vegetation. This represents an important step forward for making robots more capable of autonomous navigation in natural environments.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing a key challenge in robotic navigation through natural environments. By leveraging pre-trained visual features, the system is able to significantly simplify the learning task, allowing for rapid adaptation to new settings.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the system's performance, such as quantitative metrics or comparisons to existing methods. The evaluation is primarily qualitative, showing the system's ability to navigate through various outdoor environments. More rigorous experimentation and benchmarking would help to better understand the system's strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues around robustness and generalization. It's unclear how well the system would perform in more extreme or unseen environments, or how it would handle changes in weather, lighting, or other environmental factors. Exploring these aspects would be valuable for understanding the practical deployment capabilities of the WVN system.

Overall, the paper presents an interesting and potentially impactful approach to visual traversability estimation, but additional research and evaluation would be needed to fully assess its capabilities and limitations. Encouraging readers to think critically about the research and form their own opinions is important, as [the field of robotics and navigation continues to evolve rapidly.


The "Wild Visual Navigation (WVN)" system presented in this paper offers a promising approach to enabling robots to navigate effectively through complex natural environments like forests and grasslands. By leveraging high-dimensional visual features from pre-trained self-supervised models, the system can quickly adapt to new settings and learn to accurately estimate terrain traversability, overcoming the challenges posed by false perceptions of rigid obstacles.

The real-world deployments demonstrated in the paper suggest that this technology could have significant practical applications, particularly for tasks that require robots to operate autonomously in unstructured outdoor environments. As the field of robotic navigation continues to evolve, innovations like WVN will be crucial for expanding the capabilities of robots and enabling them to interact with and navigate through the natural world in more seamless and effective ways.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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