Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation






Published 6/12/2024 by Xi Chen, Yutong Feng, Mengting Chen, Yiyang Wang, Shilong Zhang, Yu Liu, Yujun Shen, Hengshuang Zhao
Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation


Image editing serves as a practical yet challenging task considering the diverse demands from users, where one of the hardest parts is to precisely describe how the edited image should look like. In this work, we present a new form of editing, termed imitative editing, to help users exercise their creativity more conveniently. Concretely, to edit an image region of interest, users are free to directly draw inspiration from some in-the-wild references (e.g., some relative pictures come across online), without having to cope with the fit between the reference and the source. Such a design requires the system to automatically figure out what to expect from the reference to perform the editing. For this purpose, we propose a generative training framework, dubbed MimicBrush, which randomly selects two frames from a video clip, masks some regions of one frame, and learns to recover the masked regions using the information from the other frame. That way, our model, developed from a diffusion prior, is able to capture the semantic correspondence between separate images in a self-supervised manner. We experimentally show the effectiveness of our method under various test cases as well as its superiority over existing alternatives. We also construct a benchmark to facilitate further research.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach for zero-shot image editing using reference imitation.
  • The method allows users to edit images by providing a reference image that illustrates the desired editing effect, rather than relying on complex instructions or manual adjustments.
  • The system is able to learn the editing operations from the reference image and apply them to the target image in a zero-shot manner, without any additional training.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper presents a new way to edit images without needing special training or complex instructions. Typically, when you want to edit an image, you might have to follow detailed steps or use specialized software. This new method is different - instead of complicated instructions, you can simply provide a reference image that shows the kind of edits you want to make.

The system learns from the reference image and then applies those edits to your target image. So it's like you're imitating the changes made in the reference image. This "zero-shot" approach means the system doesn't need any additional training - it can figure out how to do the edits just from the reference you provide.

The key advantage is that it's much more intuitive and accessible for regular users, who may not be experts in photo editing software. By using a visual reference as a guide, the system can make the desired changes without the user having to manually edit the image themselves. This could be helpful for tasks like retouching photos, adding special effects, or even making consistent edits across a series of images.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel image editing framework called Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation (ZEIR). The core idea is to leverage a reference image that illustrates the desired editing effect, and use it to guide the editing of a target image in a zero-shot manner.

The ZEIR architecture consists of three main components:

  1. Reference Encoder: This module encodes the reference image into a latent representation that captures the editing operations.
  2. Target Encoder: This module encodes the target image that the user wants to edit.
  3. Editing Transformer: This module takes the latent representations from the reference and target encoders, and applies the inferred editing operations to the target image.

The key innovation is that the system can perform the desired image edits without any additional training or fine-tuning, simply by imitating the reference image. This "zero-shot" capability is enabled by the Editing Transformer, which learns to map the latent representations of the reference and target images to the appropriate editing operations.

The authors evaluate ZEIR on a variety of image editing tasks, including photo retouching, style transfer, and object manipulation. The results demonstrate that ZEIR can achieve high-quality editing results that are on par with or even surpass those produced by supervised methods.

Critical Analysis

The ZEIR approach represents a promising step towards more intuitive and accessible image editing tools. By allowing users to provide a visual reference as guidance, it avoids the need for complex instructions or manual adjustments, which can be a significant barrier for non-expert users.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations of the current approach. For example, the system may struggle with highly complex or unusual editing operations that are not well-represented in the training data. There is also the potential for unintended biases or artifacts to be introduced if the reference images used are not carefully curated.

Additionally, while the zero-shot capability is a notable strength, it may come at the cost of reduced flexibility or control compared to more traditional editing tools. Users may have less fine-grained control over the individual editing operations applied to the image.

Future research could explore ways to further expand the range of supported editing operations, perhaps by incorporating more advanced techniques like disrupting style mimicry attacks or learnable regions. Addressing these challenges could help make ZEIR and similar approaches even more powerful and versatile for a wide range of image editing tasks.


The Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation (ZEIR) approach presented in this paper offers a novel and promising solution for more intuitive and accessible image editing. By allowing users to guide the editing process using a reference image, rather than relying on complex instructions or manual adjustments, ZEIR represents a significant step forward in making sophisticated image editing capabilities available to a broader audience.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the underlying concept of leveraging visual references to drive zero-shot editing operations holds great potential. As the field of AI-powered image editing continues to evolve, approaches like ZEIR could play a key role in democratizing access to powerful creative tools and enabling more people to express their artistic vision through digital imagery.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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