Zero-Shot Stitching in Reinforcement Learning using Relative Representations






Published 5/8/2024 by Antonio Pio Ricciardi, Valentino Maiorca, Luca Moschella, Riccardo Marin, Emanuele Rodol`a
Zero-Shot Stitching in Reinforcement Learning using Relative Representations


Visual Reinforcement Learning is a popular and powerful framework that takes full advantage of the Deep Learning breakthrough. However, it is also known that variations in the input (e.g., different colors of the panorama due to the season of the year) or the task (e.g., changing the speed limit for a car to respect) could require complete retraining of the agents. In this work, we leverage recent developments in unifying latent representations to demonstrate that it is possible to combine the components of an agent, rather than retrain it from scratch. We build upon the recent relative representations framework and adapt it for Visual RL. This allows us to create completely new agents capable of handling environment-task combinations never seen during training. Our work paves the road toward a more accessible and flexible use of reinforcement learning.

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  • The paper introduces a novel approach for "zero-shot stitching" in reinforcement learning, which allows agents to learn and combine skills without explicit training on the combined task.
  • The key idea is to use relative representations, where the agent learns to represent the environment in a way that focuses on changes and relations rather than absolute states.
  • This allows the agent to more easily transfer and compose skills, rather than having to learn a completely new representation for each new task.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way for reinforcement learning agents to learn and combine different skills without having to be explicitly trained on the combined task. Typically, reinforcement learning agents are trained on a single specific task, and struggle to adapt that learning to new, related tasks.

The researchers' approach uses "relative representations", which means the agent learns to represent the environment in terms of the changes and relationships between different elements, rather than just memorizing the absolute states. This makes it easier for the agent to transfer what it has learned to new situations, and to combine different skills in novel ways.

For example, imagine a robot that has learned to turn on a light and to open a door. Normally, it would struggle to learn how to turn on the light and then open the door, because that's a new combined task. But with the relative representation approach, the robot can more easily learn to chain those two skills together, because it understands the relationship between turning on the light and opening the door, rather than just memorizing the specific states.

This "zero-shot stitching" capability could be very useful for building more flexible and adaptable reinforcement learning agents, that can quickly learn to handle new situations by recombining their existing skills in novel ways.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation in this paper is the use of relative representations for reinforcement learning. Instead of learning to represent the environment in terms of absolute states, the agent learns a representation that focuses on the changes and relations between different elements.

This is achieved through a specialized neural network architecture, where the agent maintains separate encodings for the current state and the previous state. By learning to predict the difference between these two representations, the agent develops a sense of how the environment is changing, rather than just memorizing static snapshots.

The authors demonstrate that this relative representation learning, combined with a stitching module that can compose different skills, enables zero-shot transfer to new tasks. The agent can apply its existing skills in novel combinations, without requiring any additional training on the combined task.

The authors evaluate this approach on a range of challenging reinforcement learning environments, including Recore, Inferring Behavior-Specific Context, and Robust Reinforcement Learning. They show significant improvements in zero-shot stitching performance compared to baseline approaches.

Critical Analysis

The authors have presented a compelling approach for enabling more flexible and composable reinforcement learning agents. The use of relative representations is a clever idea that could have broader applications beyond just zero-shot stitching.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and caveats. For example, it's unclear how well this approach would scale to extremely complex environments with a vast number of possible skills and combinations. The stitching module may struggle to handle exponentially growing combinatorial complexity.

Additionally, the paper focuses on simulated environments, and it's uncertain how well the relative representation learning would transfer to real-world robotic systems with all their inherent noise and uncertainty. Self-Training Large Language Models for improved visual understanding could be a relevant direction to explore.

Overall, this is a promising piece of research that advances the state-of-the-art in reinforcement learning generalization. Further work is needed to address the scalability and real-world applicability of the approach, but the core ideas could have a significant impact on the field.


In this paper, the researchers have introduced a novel approach for "zero-shot stitching" in reinforcement learning, which allows agents to learn and combine skills without explicit training on the combined task. The key innovation is the use of relative representations, where the agent learns to focus on changes and relations rather than absolute states.

This approach enables more flexible and adaptable reinforcement learning agents, that can quickly apply their existing skills in new situations by recombining them in novel ways. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several challenging benchmarks, showing significant improvements in zero-shot stitching performance.

While the paper raises some important caveats and areas for further research, the core ideas behind relative representations and zero-shot stitching are highly promising and could have a transformative impact on the field of reinforcement learning, leading to more capable and versatile agents that can better handle the complexities of the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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