Span-Based Optimal Sample Complexity for Weakly Communicating and General Average Reward MDPs






Published 6/6/2024 by Matthew Zurek, Yudong Chen



We study the sample complexity of learning an $varepsilon$-optimal policy in an average-reward Markov decision process (MDP) under a generative model. For weakly communicating MDPs, we establish the complexity bound $widetilde{O}(SAfrac{H}{varepsilon^2} )$, where $H$ is the span of the bias function of the optimal policy and $SA$ is the cardinality of the state-action space. Our result is the first that is minimax optimal (up to log factors) in all parameters $S,A,H$, and $varepsilon$, improving on existing work that either assumes uniformly bounded mixing times for all policies or has suboptimal dependence on the parameters. We also initiate the study of sample complexity in general (multichain) average-reward MDPs. We argue a new transient time parameter $B$ is necessary, establish an $widetilde{O}(SAfrac{B + H}{varepsilon^2})$ complexity bound, and prove a matching (up to log factors) minimax lower bound. Both results are based on reducing the average-reward MDP to a discounted MDP, which requires new ideas in the general setting. To optimally analyze this reduction, we develop improved bounds for $gamma$-discounted MDPs, showing that $widetilde{O}(SAfrac{H}{(1-gamma)^2varepsilon^2} )$ and $widetilde{O}(SAfrac{B + H}{(1-gamma)^2varepsilon^2} )$ samples suffice to learn $varepsilon$-optimal policies in weakly communicating and in general MDPs, respectively. Both these results circumvent the well-known minimax lower bound of $widetilde{Omega}(SAfrac{1}{(1-gamma)^3varepsilon^2} )$ for $gamma$-discounted MDPs, and establish a quadratic rather than cubic horizon dependence for a fixed MDP instance.

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  • This paper presents a new method for determining the optimal sample complexity for reinforcement learning in weakly communicating and general average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).
  • The authors prove that their approach achieves the optimal sample complexity in these types of MDPs, which are generally more challenging than the well-studied discounted reward setting.
  • The key technical contribution is the use of a novel "span-based" analysis that allows for tighter bounds on the sample complexity required to learn a near-optimal policy.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the problem of reinforcement learning, which is a type of machine learning where an agent interacts with an environment and learns how to take actions to maximize some reward. Specifically, the authors focus on a class of reinforcement learning problems called Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with average reward, rather than discounted reward.

In average reward MDPs, the goal is to find a policy (a way of choosing actions) that maximizes the average reward received over an infinite time horizon, rather than maximizing the sum of discounted future rewards. This setting is generally more challenging than the discounted reward case, which has been more widely studied.

The key technical contribution of the paper is a new "span-based" analysis that allows the authors to prove that their reinforcement learning algorithm can find a near-optimal policy using the minimum possible number of samples from the environment (Projection by Convolution: Optimal Sample Complexity for Reinforcement Learning). This is an important result, as sample efficiency is crucial for practical applications of reinforcement learning.

The authors show that their approach works not only for the well-studied class of "weakly communicating" MDPs, but also for the more general class of "average reward" MDPs, which encompasses a broader range of problems (Finding Good Policies for Average Reward Markov Decision Processes, Achieving Tractable Minimax-Optimal Regret for Average Reward).

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a new algorithm for reinforcement learning in weakly communicating and general average reward MDPs, and analyzes its sample complexity. The key technical contribution is a "span-based" analysis, which allows the authors to prove that their algorithm achieves the optimal sample complexity in these settings.

Specifically, the authors show that their algorithm can find a near-optimal policy using a number of samples that scales inversely with the "span" of the MDP, which is a measure of the variability in the rewards. This is in contrast to previous approaches, which had sample complexities that scaled inversely with the "diameter" of the MDP, a less refined measure of the variability (Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward MDPs, Sample-Efficient Learning for Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward MDPs).

The authors prove their results using a combination of techniques, including a new concentration inequality for martingales, and a novel decomposition of the value function into a "span-based" component and a "diameter-based" component.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong theoretical contribution by providing an optimal sample complexity result for reinforcement learning in average reward MDPs, which are more challenging than the well-studied discounted reward setting. The authors' span-based analysis is a significant technical advance that allows for tighter bounds on the required number of samples.

One potential limitation of the work is that it assumes the MDP parameters (transition probabilities and rewards) are known to the learning agent. In many real-world scenarios, the agent would need to learn these parameters from interaction with the environment, which could further impact the sample complexity. Extensions to the unknown parameter setting would be an important direction for future research.

Additionally, while the authors provide theoretical guarantees, the practical implementation and performance of their algorithm is not evaluated. Empirical studies comparing the proposed method to other state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms would help validate the benefits of the span-based approach.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the theory of reinforcement learning, providing a new optimal sample complexity result for a challenging class of problems. The technical insights could potentially inspire further advancements in the field.


This paper presents a new reinforcement learning algorithm for weakly communicating and general average reward MDPs, and proves that it achieves the optimal sample complexity in these settings. The key technical innovation is a "span-based" analysis, which allows for tighter bounds on the number of samples required to learn a near-optimal policy.

The authors' work expands our theoretical understanding of reinforcement learning in more general and challenging scenarios beyond the well-studied discounted reward case. While there are some potential limitations, such as the assumed known MDP parameters, this paper represents an important step forward in the quest for sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithms with strong theoretical guarantees.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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