Misspecification uncertainties in near-deterministic regression






Published 5/8/2024 by Thomas D Swinburne, Danny Perez
Misspecification uncertainties in near-deterministic regression


Bayesian regression determines model parameters by minimizing the expected loss, an upper bound to the true generalization error. However, the loss ignores misspecification, where models are imperfect. Parameter uncertainties from Bayesian regression are thus significantly underestimated and vanish in the large data limit. This is particularly problematic when building models of low- noise, or near-deterministic, calculations, as the main source of uncertainty is neglected. We analyze the generalization error of misspecified, near-deterministic surrogate models, a regime of broad relevance in science and engineering. We show posterior distributions must cover every training point to avoid a divergent generalization error and design an ansatz that respects this constraint, which for linear models incurs minimal overhead. This is demonstrated on model problems before application to thousand dimensional datasets in atomistic machine learning. Our efficient misspecification-aware scheme gives accurate prediction and bounding of test errors where existing schemes fail, allowing this important source of uncertainty to be incorporated in computational workflows.

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  • This paper discusses the challenges of handling uncertainty in near-deterministic regression models, where the underlying systems have very little inherent randomness.
  • The authors propose a Bayesian surrogate modeling approach to quantify the impact of model misspecification on predictive uncertainty.
  • The research aims to improve the reliability and robustness of regression-based predictions in domains with near-deterministic behavior, such as scientific simulations and engineering systems.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world applications, such as scientific simulations or engineering models, the underlying systems being studied tend to be highly predictable, with very little inherent randomness or uncertainty. However, the models used to represent these systems may not be perfect and can have their own sources of uncertainty, known as "model misspecification."

The key problem addressed in this paper is how to properly quantify and account for this model misspecification uncertainty when making predictions. Typical regression approaches may underestimate the true predictive uncertainty in near-deterministic settings, leading to overconfident and potentially unreliable results.

The researchers propose using a Bayesian surrogate modeling approach to tackle this challenge. By building a probabilistic model that captures both the deterministic system behavior and the uncertainties introduced by the regression model, they aim to provide more accurate and reliable predictions, along with a better understanding of the sources of uncertainty.

This work has important implications for fields that rely heavily on regression-based models, such as scientific simulations, engineering design, and machine learning. By addressing the issue of model misspecification, the proposed approach can help improve the trustworthiness and interpretability of these critical predictive models.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by highlighting the challenges of dealing with near-deterministic regression problems, where the underlying systems exhibit very little inherent randomness or uncertainty. In such cases, traditional regression approaches may fail to adequately capture the impact of model misspecification, leading to overconfident and potentially unreliable predictions.

To address this issue, the authors propose a Bayesian surrogate modeling framework that explicitly models the deterministic system behavior and the uncertainties introduced by the regression model. The key idea is to treat the deterministic system as a "black box" and use a Gaussian process (GP) model to learn a probabilistic representation of its input-output relationship.

The GP model is then used to quantify the impact of model misspecification on the predictive uncertainty. By propagating the GP-based uncertainty through the deterministic system, the approach provides a more realistic assessment of the overall predictive uncertainty, accounting for both the inherent system behavior and the limitations of the regression model.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed Bayesian surrogate modeling approach through several numerical examples, comparing its performance to traditional regression methods. The results show that the Bayesian approach can better capture the true predictive uncertainty, leading to more reliable and robust predictions in near-deterministic settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough investigation of the problem of model misspecification uncertainty in near-deterministic regression problems. The proposed Bayesian surrogate modeling approach is a promising solution that seems to address the key limitations of existing methods.

One potential area for further research could be the exploration of alternative probabilistic modeling techniques, beyond the Gaussian process used in this work. For example, Bayesian neural networks or imprecise probabilistic models may offer additional flexibility and modeling capabilities that could further improve the quantification of misspecification uncertainties.

Additionally, the authors mention the potential computational challenges associated with the Bayesian surrogate modeling approach, particularly for high-dimensional input spaces. Investigating ways to improve the scalability and efficiency of the method, such as through approximate inference techniques or model compression strategies, could enhance its practical applicability.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of regression-based predictive modeling, addressing an important and understudied challenge in near-deterministic settings. The proposed Bayesian surrogate modeling approach represents a significant step forward in improving the reliability and robustness of such models, with potential applications across a wide range of scientific and engineering domains.


This paper tackles the critical issue of handling model misspecification uncertainty in near-deterministic regression problems, where the underlying systems exhibit very little inherent randomness. By proposing a Bayesian surrogate modeling approach, the authors introduce a more comprehensive and reliable way to quantify the impact of model limitations on predictive uncertainty.

The key innovation of this work is the explicit incorporation of the deterministic system behavior and the model misspecification uncertainties into a unified probabilistic framework. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the overall predictive uncertainty, leading to more trustworthy and interpretable regression-based models.

The potential applications of this research span a wide range of domains, from scientific simulations and engineering design to machine learning and decision-making. By addressing the challenges of model misspecification, this work represents an important step forward in enhancing the reliability and robustness of critical predictive models, with significant implications for both scientific progress and real-world decision-making.

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