Behavior-Targeted Attack on Reinforcement Learning with Limited Access to Victim's Policy






Published 6/7/2024 by Shojiro Yamabe, Kazuto Fukuchi, Ryoma Senda, Jun Sakuma
Behavior-Targeted Attack on Reinforcement Learning with Limited Access to Victim's Policy


This study considers the attack on reinforcement learning agents where the adversary aims to control the victim's behavior as specified by the adversary by adding adversarial modifications to the victim's state observation. While some attack methods reported success in manipulating the victim agent's behavior, these methods often rely on environment-specific heuristics. In addition, all existing attack methods require white-box access to the victim's policy. In this study, we propose a novel method for manipulating the victim agent in the black-box (i.e., the adversary is allowed to observe the victim's state and action only) and no-box (i.e., the adversary is allowed to observe the victim's state only) setting without requiring environment-specific heuristics. Our attack method is formulated as a bi-level optimization problem that is reduced to a distribution matching problem and can be solved by an existing imitation learning algorithm in the black-box and no-box settings. Empirical evaluations on several reinforcement learning benchmarks show that our proposed method has superior attack performance to baselines.

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  • This paper presents a novel "behavior-targeted attack" on reinforcement learning (RL) systems, which can manipulate the behavior of an RL agent with limited access to its policy.
  • The proposed attack focuses on altering the agent's behavior rather than just maximizing the reward, making it more stealthy and effective against defenses.
  • The authors demonstrate the attack's effectiveness on various RL environments and discuss its implications for the security and robustness of RL systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to attack reinforcement learning (RL) systems, which are a type of AI that learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards. The attack is designed to change the behavior of the RL agent, rather than just trying to maximize its reward. This makes the attack harder to detect and more effective against defenses that are designed to protect RL systems.

The key idea is that the attacker doesn't need full access to the RL agent's decision-making process (its "policy"). Instead, the attacker can observe the agent's behavior and use that information to gradually nudge the agent towards a desired behavior, even with limited access. This is like a hacker who can't directly control a robot, but can observe its movements and gradually influence it to do what the hacker wants.

The paper shows that this behavior-targeted attack works well in various RL environments, and discusses the implications for the security and robustness of RL systems. As RL becomes more widely used, for example in self-driving cars or robotic assistants, this type of attack could pose a serious threat if not properly addressed.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a "behavior-targeted attack" on reinforcement learning (RL) systems, which aims to manipulate the agent's behavior rather than just maximizing its reward. Unlike previous attack methods that require full access to the agent's policy, this approach can be effective with limited access.

The key idea is to learn a surrogate policy that mimics the victim agent's behavior, and then use gradient-based optimization to gradually update the surrogate policy towards a desired behavior. This "behavior cloning" step allows the attacker to capture the agent's decision-making logic without needing to directly access its policy.

The authors then propose a "behavior-targeted attack" that iteratively updates the surrogate policy to nudge the victim agent's behavior in a targeted way. This is done by defining a "behavior distance" metric that quantifies the difference between the victim's and the surrogate's behaviors, and then minimizing this distance through gradient descent.

The paper evaluates the proposed attack on various RL environments, including Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Reinforcement Learning Agents, SleepNets: Universal Backdoor Poisoning Attacks against Reinforcement Learning, and Cooperative Backdoor Attack on Decentralized Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical Analysis. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the behavior-targeted attack in manipulating the agent's behavior, even with limited access to its policy.

Critical Analysis

The proposed behavior-targeted attack represents an important advancement in the field of RL security, as it highlights the need to consider not just reward maximization, but also the robustness of an agent's behavior. The authors' use of a surrogate policy and the behavior distance metric is a clever and effective way to work with limited access to the victim's policy.

However, the paper also acknowledges some limitations. The attack assumes the attacker has some initial knowledge of the victim's behavior, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the paper does not explore the long-term effects of the behavior-targeted attack on the RL agent's performance and learning, which could be an important area for further research.

It would also be valuable to see the authors address potential defenses against this type of attack, such as techniques for Towards Robust Policy: Enhancing Offline Reinforcement Learning or Stealthy Imitation Reward-Guided Environment-Free Policy that could make RL agents more robust to behavior manipulation.


This paper introduces a novel "behavior-targeted attack" on reinforcement learning systems, which can manipulate an agent's behavior with limited access to its policy. The attack focuses on altering the agent's behavior rather than just maximizing its reward, making it more stealthy and effective against defenses.

The paper's technical contributions and experimental results demonstrate the importance of considering behavioral robustness in RL security. As RL systems become more widely deployed in critical applications, the development of such attacks and potential defenses will be crucial to ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of these AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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