Breathing New Life into Existing Visualizations: A Natural Language-Driven Manipulation Framework






Published 4/10/2024 by Can Liu, Jiacheng Yu, Yuhan Guo, Jiayi Zhuang, Yuchu Luo, Xiaoru Yuan
Breathing New Life into Existing Visualizations: A Natural Language-Driven Manipulation Framework


We propose an approach to manipulate existing interactive visualizations to answer users' natural language queries. We analyze the natural language tasks and propose a design space of a hierarchical task structure, which allows for a systematic decomposition of complex queries. We introduce a four-level visualization manipulation space to facilitate in-situ manipulations for visualizations, enabling a fine-grained control over the visualization elements. Our methods comprise two essential components: the natural language-to-task translator and the visualization manipulation parser. The natural language-to-task translator employs advanced NLP techniques to extract structured, hierarchical tasks from natural language queries, even those with varying degrees of ambiguity. The visualization manipulation parser leverages the hierarchical task structure to streamline these tasks into a sequence of atomic visualization manipulations. To illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, we provide real-world examples and experimental results. The evaluation highlights the precision of our natural language parsing capabilities and underscores the smooth transformation of visualization manipulations.

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  • This paper proposes a natural language-driven framework for manipulating existing data visualizations.
  • The framework leverages deep learning models to enable users to modify visualizations through natural language commands.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through user studies and showcase a range of use cases.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to interact with and change data visualizations using natural language. Rather than having to manually edit or manipulate a visualization, the authors have developed a framework that allows users to simply describe in plain language what changes they want to make.

For example, a user could say "Make the x-axis label larger" and the system would automatically adjust the visualization accordingly. This is made possible through the use of deep learning models that can understand and interpret the user's natural language instructions.

The authors have tested this approach through user studies and found that it can be an effective and intuitive way for people to customize and enhance existing visualizations without needing specialized technical skills. This could be particularly useful for non-experts who want to explore and manipulate data visualizations to gain new insights.

Technical Explanation

The core of the proposed framework is a deep learning model that can map natural language commands to specific visualization manipulation actions. The authors trained this model on a large dataset of visualization images paired with corresponding natural language descriptions of changes to make.

During inference, a user can input a natural language command, which the model then translates into the appropriate low-level changes to apply to the target visualization. This might involve resizing elements, adjusting axes, changing colors, or other modifications.

The authors evaluated their approach through a series of user studies, where participants were asked to perform various visualization manipulation tasks using both the natural language interface and a traditional direct manipulation interface. The results showed that the natural language approach was generally faster and more intuitive for users, especially those without prior visualization expertise.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations of their work, including the reliance on a fixed set of predefined visualization manipulation actions that the language model was trained on. This means the system may not be able to handle arbitrary free-form language or novel types of changes.

Additionally, the user studies were relatively small in scale and focused on basic visualization tasks. It remains to be seen how well the natural language approach would scale to more complex, real-world visualization analysis scenarios, where users may have more nuanced or open-ended goals.

Further research would be needed to explore the broader applicability of this approach and how it could be extended to handle a wider range of visualization types and user needs.


This paper presents a promising natural language-driven framework for manipulating data visualizations. By leveraging deep learning, the system allows users to make changes to visualizations simply by describing what they want in plain language, without needing specialized technical skills.

The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach through user studies, and the framework has the potential to make data visualization more accessible and engaging for a wider range of users. However, further research is needed to expand the capabilities of the system and explore its applicability to more complex, real-world visualization use cases.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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