Can humans teach machines to code?






Published 5/1/2024 by C'eline Hocquette, Johannes Langer, Andrew Cropper, Ute Schmid



The goal of inductive program synthesis is for a machine to automatically generate a program from user-supplied examples of the desired behaviour of the program. A key underlying assumption is that humans can provide examples of sufficient quality to teach a concept to a machine. However, as far as we are aware, this assumption lacks both empirical and theoretical support. To address this limitation, we explore the question `Can humans teach machines to code?'. To answer this question, we conduct a study where we ask humans to generate examples for six programming tasks, such as finding the maximum element of a list. We compare the performance of a program synthesis system trained on (i) human-provided examples, (ii) randomly sampled examples, and (iii) expert-provided examples. Our results show that, on most of the tasks, non-expert participants did not provide sufficient examples for a program synthesis system to learn an accurate program. Our results also show that non-experts need to provide more examples than both randomly sampled and expert-provided examples.

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  • The paper investigates whether humans can provide sufficient examples to teach machines how to code through program synthesis.
  • The researchers conducted a study where they asked non-expert participants to generate examples for six programming tasks, and compared the performance of a program synthesis system trained on these examples to randomly sampled and expert-provided examples.
  • The results suggest that non-experts often do not provide enough high-quality examples for the program synthesis system to learn accurate programs, and that non-experts need to provide more examples than both randomly sampled and expert-provided examples.

Plain English Explanation

The goal of inductive program synthesis is for a machine to automatically generate a computer program based on examples provided by a human user. The key assumption is that humans can provide good enough examples to teach the machine the desired concept. However, the researchers were unsure if this assumption was valid.

To explore this question, the researchers conducted a study where they asked regular people (non-experts) to provide examples for six different programming tasks, such as finding the maximum element in a list. They then used these examples to train a program synthesis system and compared its performance to a system trained on randomly generated examples and a system trained on examples provided by experts.

The results showed that, for most of the tasks, the non-expert participants did not provide enough high-quality examples for the program synthesis system to learn an accurate program. The non-experts needed to provide many more examples than both the randomly generated and expert-provided examples in order for the system to perform well.

This suggests that the assumption that humans can easily teach machines to code through examples may not be accurate. Regular people struggle to provide the kind of comprehensive and insightful examples that a machine would need to learn complex programming concepts.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the question of whether humans can effectively teach machines to code through inductive program synthesis. The researchers conducted an experiment where they asked non-expert participants to generate examples for six different programming tasks, such as finding the maximum element in a list or converting Celsius to Fahrenheit.

They then used these human-provided examples to train a program synthesis system, and compared its performance to a system trained on randomly sampled examples and a system trained on examples provided by experts. The researchers evaluated the accuracy of the programs produced by each system on held-out test cases.

The results showed that, for most of the tasks, the non-expert participants did not provide sufficient examples for the program synthesis system to learn an accurate program. The system trained on human-provided examples performed worse than the system trained on randomly sampled examples, and needed many more examples than the expert-provided examples to achieve comparable performance.

These findings challenge the underlying assumption of inductive program synthesis that humans can provide examples of sufficient quality to teach machines complex programming concepts. The paper suggests that non-experts struggle to generate the comprehensive and insightful examples required for effective machine learning of programming tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides important empirical evidence that calls into question a key assumption of inductive program synthesis - that humans can easily teach machines to code through the provision of examples. The researchers' systematic comparison of human-provided, randomly sampled, and expert-provided examples highlights the difficulty non-experts face in generating examples that are sufficient for program synthesis systems to learn accurate programs.

However, the paper does not fully explore the reasons why non-experts struggle in this task. It is possible that with more training or guidance, non-experts could improve their ability to provide high-quality examples. Additionally, the paper only examines a limited set of programming tasks, and the results may not generalize to all types of programming problems.

Further research is needed to better understand the factors that influence humans' ability to teach machines through examples, and to explore alternative approaches to bridging the gap between human and machine programming. Potential avenues include investigating the use of large language models for concept induction or exploring hybrid approaches that combine human and machine contributions.


This paper presents an important challenge to the assumption that humans can effectively teach machines to code through the provision of examples. The results suggest that non-experts struggle to generate the quality and quantity of examples required for program synthesis systems to learn accurate programs.

While the findings raise doubts about the feasibility of purely human-driven approaches to teaching machines programming, they also highlight the need for further research to better understand the factors that influence human teaching ability and to explore alternative approaches to bridging the gap between human and machine programming. Addressing these challenges could lead to significant advancements in the field of inductive program synthesis and the broader goal of enabling machines to learn complex skills from human guidance.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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