Can LLMs Reason in the Wild with Programs?






Published 6/21/2024 by Yuan Yang, Siheng Xiong, Ali Payani, Ehsan Shareghi, Faramarz Fekri
Can LLMs Reason in the Wild with Programs?


Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown superior capability to solve reasoning problems with programs. While being a promising direction, most of such frameworks are trained and evaluated in settings with a prior knowledge of task requirements. However, as LLMs become more capable, it is necessary to assess their reasoning abilities in more realistic scenarios where many real-world problems are open-ended with ambiguous scope, and often require multiple formalisms to solve. To investigate this, we introduce the task of reasoning in the wild, where an LLM is tasked to solve a reasoning problem of unknown type by identifying the subproblems and their corresponding formalisms, and writing a program to solve each subproblem, guided by a tactic. We create a large tactic-guided trajectory dataset containing detailed solutions to a diverse set of reasoning problems, ranging from well-defined single-form reasoning (e.g., math, logic), to ambiguous and hybrid ones (e.g., commonsense, combined math and logic). This allows us to test various aspects of LLMs reasoning at the fine-grained level such as the selection and execution of tactics, and the tendency to take undesired shortcuts. In experiments, we highlight that existing LLMs fail significantly on problems with ambiguous and mixed scope, revealing critical limitations and overfitting issues (e.g. accuracy on GSM8K drops by at least 50%). We further show the potential of finetuning a local LLM on the tactic-guided trajectories in achieving better performance. Project repo is available at

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  • Explores whether large language models (LLMs) can reason in the "wild" - i.e., outside of curated test sets and in more open-ended, real-world scenarios
  • Focuses on evaluating LLMs' ability to reason with programs, which are a common form of real-world knowledge representation
  • Introduces a new benchmark called GTBench to assess LLMs' program reasoning capabilities

Plain English Explanation

This paper investigates whether large language models (LLMs) - the powerful AI systems behind many of today's chatbots and digital assistants - can actually reason about programs in the same way humans do. Programs are a common way to represent knowledge and problem-solving approaches in the real world, so the researchers wanted to see if LLMs could handle this type of reasoning "in the wild," rather than just on curated test sets.

To do this, they created a new benchmark called GTBench that challenges LLMs to reason about programs - for example, understanding how a piece of code works, finding bugs, or modifying the code to achieve a certain goal. This goes beyond simply answering questions about programs, and requires the models to actively engage with the program logic.

The researchers found that while LLMs can sometimes perform basic program reasoning tasks, they struggle with more complex, open-ended scenarios. This suggests that current LLMs may have fundamental limitations when it comes to the type of strategic, structured reasoning required to work with programs in the real world. The paper highlights the need for further advancements in AI to bridge this gap.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new benchmark called GTBench that evaluates LLMs' ability to reason about programs. GTBench consists of a diverse set of programming tasks, such as understanding code, finding bugs, and modifying programs to achieve specific goals.

Unlike previous work that focused on question-answering about programs, GTBench requires LLMs to engage in more open-ended, strategic reasoning with the program logic. The researchers used this benchmark to test several state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and Chinchilla.

The results showed that while LLMs can handle some basic program reasoning tasks, they struggle with more complex, open-ended scenarios. The models often failed to fully comprehend the program logic or develop effective strategies to solve the tasks. This suggests that current LLMs may have fundamental limitations when it comes to the type of structured, strategic reasoning required to work with programs in the real world.

The paper also discusses the implications of these findings for the field of AI and highlights the need for further advancements to bridge the gap between LLMs' capabilities and the human-level reasoning required for real-world program understanding and manipulation.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises important questions about the limitations of current LLMs when it comes to reasoning with programs, which are a common form of knowledge representation in the real world. By introducing the GTBench benchmark, the researchers have provided a valuable tool for evaluating LLMs' program reasoning abilities in a more open-ended and challenging setting.

However, the paper also acknowledges several caveats and areas for further research. For example, the tasks in GTBench may not fully capture the breadth of program reasoning skills required in practice, and the performance of LLMs may improve with further fine-tuning or architectural changes.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential for LLMs to be combined with other AI techniques, such as structured graph reasoning or logical reasoning, which could help to overcome the observed limitations. The researchers also do not explore whether smaller, more specialized models might be better suited for program reasoning tasks than large, general-purpose LLMs.

Overall, the paper provides a thought-provoking analysis of the current state of LLMs and highlights the need for continued research to develop AI systems that can truly reason about programs and other forms of structured knowledge in the wild.


This paper presents a novel benchmark, GTBench, for evaluating the ability of large language models (LLMs) to reason about programs in open-ended, real-world scenarios. The results suggest that while LLMs can handle some basic program reasoning tasks, they struggle with more complex, strategic reasoning required to fully comprehend and manipulate programs.

These findings highlight the limitations of current LLMs and the need for further advancements in AI to bridge the gap between machine and human-level program reasoning capabilities. The paper encourages the research community to continue exploring ways to enhance LLMs' structured reasoning abilities, potentially by combining them with other AI techniques like structured graph reasoning or logical reasoning, or by developing more specialized models for program-related tasks.

As AI systems become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, understanding their strengths and limitations in reasoning about real-world knowledge representations like programs will be crucial for ensuring their safe and effective deployment.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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