Chronos: Learning the Language of Time Series






Published 5/3/2024 by Abdul Fatir Ansari, Lorenzo Stella, Caner Turkmen, Xiyuan Zhang, Pedro Mercado, Huibin Shen, Oleksandr Shchur, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Sebastian Pineda Arango, Shubham Kapoor and 8 others
Chronos: Learning the Language of Time Series


We introduce Chronos, a simple yet effective framework for pretrained probabilistic time series models. Chronos tokenizes time series values using scaling and quantization into a fixed vocabulary and trains existing transformer-based language model architectures on these tokenized time series via the cross-entropy loss. We pretrained Chronos models based on the T5 family (ranging from 20M to 710M parameters) on a large collection of publicly available datasets, complemented by a synthetic dataset that we generated via Gaussian processes to improve generalization. In a comprehensive benchmark consisting of 42 datasets, and comprising both classical local models and deep learning methods, we show that Chronos models: (a) significantly outperform other methods on datasets that were part of the training corpus; and (b) have comparable and occasionally superior zero-shot performance on new datasets, relative to methods that were trained specifically on them. Our results demonstrate that Chronos models can leverage time series data from diverse domains to improve zero-shot accuracy on unseen forecasting tasks, positioning pretrained models as a viable tool to greatly simplify forecasting pipelines.

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  • This paper introduces Chronos, a new approach to learning the "language of time series" using large language models (LLMs).
  • The researchers explore how LLMs can be used for time series forecasting tasks and identify key challenges and limitations of current LLM-based forecasting models.
  • Chronos aims to address these issues by incorporating specialized time series architectures and pretraining strategies into the LLM framework.

Plain English Explanation

Time series data, which represents measurements or observations collected over time, is ubiquitous in fields like finance, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. Accurately forecasting future values in time series data is an important but challenging task.

Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have shown impressive capabilities in areas like natural language processing and generation. Researchers have begun exploring whether LLMs can also be effective for time series forecasting, with some initial success demonstrated by models like Temporal Fusion Transformer and Tempo.

However, the authors of this paper argue that current LLM-based forecasters still struggle with key challenges, such as effectively capturing the intricate patterns and temporal dynamics present in time series data. They introduce Chronos, a new approach that aims to address these limitations by combining the strengths of LLMs with specialized time series architectures and pretraining strategies.

Technical Explanation

The core of Chronos is a novel transformer-based architecture that incorporates several key components to better handle time series data:

  1. Time Series Encoding: Chronos uses a specialized time series encoder that can effectively capture the temporal dynamics and patterns present in the input time series data.
  2. Temporal Attention: The model utilizes a temporal attention mechanism that allows it to focus on relevant past time steps when making forecasts, rather than treating the time series as a static sequence.
  3. Time Series Pretraining: Chronos is pretrained on a large corpus of synthetic time series data generated using techniques like TSGF and AutoSKTime, helping the model learn general time series patterns and dynamics.

In addition to the architectural innovations, the researchers also explore different fine-tuning and prompt engineering strategies to further enhance Chronos' performance on a variety of time series forecasting tasks.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research:

  • The synthetic pretraining data may not fully capture the complexity and diversity of real-world time series, and further work is needed to improve the quality and realism of the synthetic data.
  • Chronos, like many LLM-based models, can be computationally expensive and resource-intensive, which may limit its practical deployment in some scenarios.
  • The paper focuses primarily on univariate time series forecasting, and additional research is needed to extend Chronos to more complex multivariate and hierarchical forecasting problems.

Despite these limitations, the Chronos approach represents an important step forward in leveraging the power of LLMs for time series analysis and forecasting. By addressing key challenges in this domain, the researchers have laid the groundwork for more robust and reliable time series forecasting models that can have significant impact across a wide range of applications.


The Chronos paper demonstrates the potential of combining large language models with specialized time series architectures and pretraining strategies to advance the state-of-the-art in time series forecasting. The researchers have identified critical limitations in existing LLM-based forecasters and proposed an innovative approach to address them.

While further research is needed to refine and expand the Chronos model, this work represents an important contribution to the field of time series analysis and forecasting. By "learning the language of time series," Chronos and similar models have the potential to unlock new insights and enable more accurate predictions in a wide range of domains, from finance and healthcare to environmental monitoring and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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