CoMM: Collaborative Multi-Agent, Multi-Reasoning-Path Prompting for Complex Problem Solving






Published 4/30/2024 by Pei Chen, Boran Han, Shuai Zhang
CoMM: Collaborative Multi-Agent, Multi-Reasoning-Path Prompting for Complex Problem Solving


Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great ability in solving traditional natural language tasks and elementary reasoning tasks with appropriate prompting techniques. However, their ability is still limited in solving complicated science problems. In this work, we aim to push the upper bound of the reasoning capability of LLMs by proposing a collaborative multi-agent, multi-reasoning-path (CoMM) prompting framework. Specifically, we prompt LLMs to play different roles in a problem-solving team, and encourage different role-play agents to collaboratively solve the target task. In particular, we discover that applying different reasoning paths for different roles is an effective strategy to implement few-shot prompting approaches in the multi-agent scenarios. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on two college-level science problems over competitive baselines. Our further analysis shows the necessity of prompting LLMs to play different roles or experts independently. We release the code at:

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  • This paper introduces CoMM, a novel approach to complex problem-solving that leverages collaborative multi-agent, multi-reasoning-path prompting.
  • The key idea is to combine the strengths of multiple AI agents, each with different reasoning capabilities, to tackle complex problems more effectively.
  • CoMM aims to enhance the general capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by coordinating their efforts and allowing them to explore multiple reasoning paths.

Plain English Explanation

CoMM: Collaborative Multi-Agent, Multi-Reasoning-Path Prompting for Complex Problem Solving is a research paper that introduces a new way to solve complex problems using a team of AI agents. The basic idea is that different AI agents, each with their own unique strengths and capabilities, can work together to tackle problems that would be difficult for a single agent to solve on its own.

The approach, called CoMM, allows these AI agents to coordinate their efforts and explore multiple reasoning paths in parallel. This is especially useful for complex problems that require a variety of skills and perspectives to solve. By combining the knowledge and capabilities of multiple agents, CoMM can often find solutions that a single agent would miss.

For example, imagine you're trying to design a new type of renewable energy system. One AI agent might be an expert in solar power, while another specializes in wind turbines, and a third has deep knowledge of energy storage technologies. By working together, these agents could come up with a hybrid system that combines the best features of each approach, resulting in a more effective and innovative solution.

The key advantage of CoMM is that it can enhance the general capabilities of large language models (LLMs), which are powerful AI systems that can perform a wide range of tasks. By allowing LLMs to collaborate and explore multiple reasoning paths, CoMM can help them tackle complex problems that would be difficult for a single LLM to solve on its own.

Technical Explanation

CoMM: Collaborative Multi-Agent, Multi-Reasoning-Path Prompting for Complex Problem Solving presents a novel approach to complex problem-solving that involves coordinating the efforts of multiple AI agents, each with different reasoning capabilities.

The key elements of the CoMM architecture include:

  1. Multi-Agent Coordination: CoMM employs a coordination mechanism that allows multiple AI agents to work together, share information, and explore different reasoning paths in parallel.
  2. Multi-Reasoning-Path Prompting: CoMM prompts the AI agents to consider multiple reasoning paths, which can lead to more diverse and innovative solutions.
  3. Collaborative Learning: The agents in CoMM learn from each other's experiences and insights, allowing the system as a whole to continuously improve its problem-solving abilities.

The researchers conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of CoMM on a range of complex problems, including the design of renewable energy systems and natural language reasoning tasks. The results showed that CoMM outperformed single-agent approaches, demonstrating the benefits of collaborative, multi-path reasoning.

Critical Analysis

The CoMM approach presents several promising avenues for further research and development. One key advantage is its ability to enhance the general capabilities of large language models, which are often constrained by the limited reasoning paths they can explore on their own.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the CoMM approach. For example, it is unclear how the system would scale to handle increasingly complex problems with a large number of agents, or how it would handle conflicts or disagreements between the agents. Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational and memory requirements of the CoMM system, which could be a significant factor in its practical deployment.

Further research could also explore the potential synergies between CoMM and other approaches to multi-agent coordination and reasoning, as well as the ethical implications of deploying such systems in high-stakes decision-making contexts.


The CoMM approach represents a significant advancement in the field of complex problem-solving, demonstrating the potential benefits of collaborative, multi-agent, multi-reasoning-path approaches. By leveraging the strengths of multiple AI agents, CoMM can tackle problems that would be difficult for a single agent to solve, potentially leading to more innovative and effective solutions.

The research presented in this paper lays the groundwork for further exploration and development of collaborative AI systems, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the general capabilities of large language models and other AI technologies to better serve the needs of society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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