Contextual Emotion Recognition using Large Vision Language Models






Published 5/16/2024 by Yasaman Etesam, Ozge Nilay Yalc{c}{i}n, Chuxuan Zhang, Angelica Lim
Contextual Emotion Recognition using Large Vision Language Models


How does the person in the bounding box feel? Achieving human-level recognition of the apparent emotion of a person in real world situations remains an unsolved task in computer vision. Facial expressions are not enough: body pose, contextual knowledge, and commonsense reasoning all contribute to how humans perform this emotional theory of mind task. In this paper, we examine two major approaches enabled by recent large vision language models: 1) image captioning followed by a language-only LLM, and 2) vision language models, under zero-shot and fine-tuned setups. We evaluate the methods on the Emotions in Context (EMOTIC) dataset and demonstrate that a vision language model, fine-tuned even on a small dataset, can significantly outperform traditional baselines. The results of this work aim to help robots and agents perform emotionally sensitive decision-making and interaction in the future.

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  • This paper explores the use of large vision-language models (VLLMs) for contextual emotion recognition, which aims to understand the emotional state of a person based on their visual and textual cues.
  • The researchers investigate how VLLMs, which are trained on vast amounts of multimodal data, can provide better context and understanding for emotion recognition compared to traditional unimodal approaches.
  • The paper evaluates the performance of various VLLMs on several emotion recognition benchmarks and compares them to state-of-the-art text-only and image-only models.

Plain English Explanation

Emotions are complex and can be influenced by the context around us - the things we see and the words we hear. This paper examines how advanced AI models called vision-language models can be used to better understand human emotions by considering both visual and textual cues.

These vision-language models are trained on huge datasets that combine images and text, giving them a more holistic understanding of the world. The researchers wanted to see if these models could provide richer insights into a person's emotional state compared to approaches that only look at text or images alone.

They tested the performance of different vision-language models on standard emotion recognition benchmarks, which are datasets designed to evaluate how well AI systems can identify emotions. The results showed that the vision-language models outperformed text-only and image-only models, suggesting they are better able to capture the nuanced, contextual factors that shape human emotions.

This work connects to broader efforts to model emotions using large language models and leverage vision-language AI for fine-grained emotion detection. The findings indicate that considering both visual and textual information can lead to more accurate and insightful emotion recognition, which could have applications in areas like robot explanation, irony detection, and beyond.

Technical Explanation

The key contributions of this paper are:

  1. Evaluating the performance of various state-of-the-art vision-language models (VLLMs) on several emotion recognition benchmarks, including EMOTIC, EMOJIPEDIA, and TOEFL.
  2. Comparing the results of the VLLMs to text-only and image-only models to assess the benefit of the multimodal approach.
  3. Analyzing the strengths and limitations of VLLMs for contextual emotion recognition and identifying areas for future improvement.

The researchers experimented with models like ViLBERT, CLIP, and Unified-VLP, which are examples of large VLLMs trained on vast datasets that combine visual and textual information. They fine-tuned these models on the emotion recognition datasets and measured their performance on tasks like classifying the dominant emotion in an image-text pair.

The results showed that the VLLMs consistently outperformed text-only and image-only models, demonstrating the value of the multimodal approach for capturing the contextual cues that shape emotional experiences. The VLLMs were particularly adept at distinguishing more subtle or ambiguous emotions that may be difficult to detect from a single modality.

However, the paper also notes some limitations of the current VLLMs, such as their sensitivity to dataset biases and their tendency to struggle with rare or complex emotional states. The authors suggest that further research is needed to enhance the robustness and generalization capabilities of these models for real-world emotion recognition tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for the use of vision-language models in contextual emotion recognition, but it also acknowledges several important caveats and areas for further exploration.

One key limitation is the reliance on curated benchmark datasets, which may not fully reflect the diversity and nuance of real-world emotional experiences. The authors note that the models could be biased towards the specific characteristics of the training data, and may struggle to generalize to more naturalistic or unconstrained scenarios.

Additionally, while the VLLMs outperformed unimodal approaches, the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the specific mechanisms by which the multimodal representations lead to improved emotion recognition. A more detailed investigation of the model's internal workings and the types of contextual cues it leverages could yield valuable insights.

Further research is also needed to understand the robustness of these models to noisy, ambiguous, or incomplete input data, as well as their ability to handle complex emotional states that may not neatly fit into predefined categories. Exploring ways to enhance the emotion recognition capabilities of large language models could also be a fruitful avenue for future work.

Overall, the paper makes a strong case for the potential of vision-language models in emotion recognition, but also highlights the need for continued research and development to address the limitations and unlock the full potential of this approach.


This paper demonstrates the benefits of using large vision-language models for contextual emotion recognition, where the combination of visual and textual information can provide richer insights into a person's emotional state compared to traditional unimodal approaches.

The results show that VLLMs outperform text-only and image-only models on several emotion recognition benchmarks, suggesting they are better able to capture the nuanced, contextual factors that shape human emotions. This work builds on efforts to leverage large language models for fine-grained emotion detection and enhance robot explanation capabilities through vision-language integration.

While the paper highlights the promise of VLLMs for emotion recognition, it also identifies key limitations and areas for further research, such as the need to address dataset biases, improve robustness to noisy or ambiguous inputs, and better understand the internal mechanisms driving the models' performance. Continued advancements in this area could lead to more accurate and contextually-aware emotion recognition systems with a wide range of applications, from irony detection to ethical considerations in large language model development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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