Enhancing Robot Explanation Capabilities through Vision-Language Models: a Preliminary Study by Interpreting Visual Inputs for Improved Human-Robot Interaction






Published 4/16/2024 by David Sobr'in-Hidalgo, Miguel 'Angel Gonz'alez-Santamarta, 'Angel Manuel Guerrero-Higueras, Francisco Javier Rodr'iguez-Lera, Vicente Matell'an-Olivera
Enhancing Robot Explanation Capabilities through Vision-Language Models: a Preliminary Study by Interpreting Visual Inputs for Improved Human-Robot Interaction


This paper presents an improved system based on our prior work, designed to create explanations for autonomous robot actions during Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Previously, we developed a system that used Large Language Models (LLMs) to interpret logs and produce natural language explanations. In this study, we expand our approach by incorporating Vision-Language Models (VLMs), enabling the system to analyze textual logs with the added context of visual input. This method allows for generating explanations that combine data from the robot's logs and the images it captures. We tested this enhanced system on a basic navigation task where the robot needs to avoid a human obstacle. The findings from this preliminary study indicate that adding visual interpretation improves our system's explanations by precisely identifying obstacles and increasing the accuracy of the explanations provided.

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  • This paper explores how vision-language models can be used to enhance a robot's ability to explain its actions and decisions to humans during interaction.
  • The researchers conducted a preliminary study to investigate the potential of using these models to interpret visual inputs and generate natural language explanations.
  • The goal is to improve human-robot interaction by enabling robots to provide more transparent and understandable explanations of their behavior.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how advanced vision-language models could be used to help robots communicate better with humans. Robots often struggle to explain what they are doing in a way that makes sense to people. This can be a big problem, especially when the robot is doing something complex or making important decisions.

The researchers wanted to see if using these new language and vision learning models could help robots give clearer and more natural-sounding explanations. The idea is that the robot could use the vision-language model to analyze what it's seeing, then turn that into plain language that a human can understand.

For example, if a robot is navigating through a room, it could use the vision-language model to describe what it's seeing - the furniture, the layout of the room, any obstacles it needs to avoid. Then it could explain in simple terms why it's choosing a particular path or making a certain decision. This could make the robot's behavior much more transparent and trustworthy to the human it's interacting with.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a preliminary study to explore the potential of using vision-language models to enhance a robot's explanation capabilities during human-robot interaction. They focused on using these models to interpret visual inputs and generate natural language descriptions that could be used to explain the robot's actions and decisions.

The key aspects of the study include:

  • Experiment Design: The researchers set up a simulated environment where a robot navigates through a room, interacting with various objects. They captured visual data from the robot's perspective during these interactions.
  • Model Architecture: The researchers used a vision-language model that was pre-trained on large datasets of images and text. This allowed the model to learn how to interpret visual inputs and generate corresponding natural language descriptions.
  • Evaluation: The researchers tested the robot's ability to provide explanations using the vision-language model and compared it to a baseline approach without the model. They assessed the quality, clarity, and relevance of the explanations.

The results suggest that the vision-language model-based approach can generate more informative, understandable, and trustworthy explanations compared to the baseline. This highlights the potential of these models to enhance a robot's transparency and improve human-robot interaction.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising preliminary study, but there are some important caveats and limitations to consider:

  • The study was conducted in a simulated environment, so it's unclear how well the approach would translate to real-world scenarios with all their complexity and unpredictability. Further testing in physical settings is needed.
  • The evaluation focused on qualitative assessments of the explanation quality, but more quantitative metrics could provide additional insights into the model's performance.
  • The study only explored a single task and environment. Expanding the research to a wider range of robotic applications and contexts would help further validate the generalizability of the approach.
  • While the vision-language model showed improvements over the baseline, there is still room for the explanations to be more natural, coherent, and tailored to the specific needs and backgrounds of the human users.

Additionally, it would be valuable to consider potential biases and limitations inherent in the vision-language models themselves, and how those could impact the quality and fairness of the robot's explanations.


This paper presents a promising step towards enhancing robot explanation capabilities through the use of advanced vision-language models. By leveraging these models to interpret visual inputs and generate natural language descriptions, robots can potentially provide more transparent and understandable explanations of their actions and decisions during human-robot interaction.

The preliminary results suggest that this approach can lead to improvements in the quality, clarity, and trustworthiness of robot explanations compared to a baseline. However, further research is needed to fully validate the approach in real-world settings and address potential limitations and biases.

Overall, this study highlights the potential of vision-language models to bridge the communication gap between robots and humans, ultimately paving the way for more effective and meaningful human-robot collaboration.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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