Debating with More Persuasive LLMs Leads to More Truthful Answers






Published 5/31/2024 by Akbir Khan, John Hughes, Dan Valentine, Laura Ruis, Kshitij Sachan, Ansh Radhakrishnan, Edward Grefenstette, Samuel R. Bowman, Tim Rocktaschel, Ethan Perez
Debating with More Persuasive LLMs Leads to More Truthful Answers


Common methods for aligning large language models (LLMs) with desired behaviour heavily rely on human-labelled data. However, as models grow increasingly sophisticated, they will surpass human expertise, and the role of human evaluation will evolve into non-experts overseeing experts. In anticipation of this, we ask: can weaker models assess the correctness of stronger models? We investigate this question in an analogous setting, where stronger models (experts) possess the necessary information to answer questions and weaker models (non-experts) lack this information. The method we evaluate is debate, where two LLM experts each argue for a different answer, and a non-expert selects the answer. We find that debate consistently helps both non-expert models and humans answer questions, achieving 76% and 88% accuracy respectively (naive baselines obtain 48% and 60%). Furthermore, optimising expert debaters for persuasiveness in an unsupervised manner improves non-expert ability to identify the truth in debates. Our results provide encouraging empirical evidence for the viability of aligning models with debate in the absence of ground truth.

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  • This paper explores how debating with more persuasive large language models (LLMs) can lead to more truthful answers.
  • The researchers designed protocols to pit LLMs against each other in debates and examined the truthfulness of the resulting outputs.
  • Their findings suggest that LLMs with greater persuasive capabilities can help uncover more truthful information through the debate process.

Plain English Explanation

In this study, the researchers looked at how powerful language AI models can be used to help verify the truthfulness of information. They created a system where two AI models would debate each other on a given topic. The key insight is that the more persuasive and capable AI model would be able to identify and expose any flaws or falsehoods in the other model's arguments, ultimately leading to a more truthful overall outcome.

The idea is similar to how human debates can help surface the truth - the more skilled debaters can often poke holes in each other's claims, gradually honing in on the most accurate and evidence-based positions. By applying this dynamic to powerful language AI models, the researchers found that the debating process could be leveraged to uncover truthful information more effectively than just relying on a single AI model's output.

This research builds on previous work exploring how conversational AI can be used for news debiasing and how persuasive language models can be. The key innovation here is applying these capabilities in a debating context to arrive at more truthful conclusions.

Technical Explanation

The researchers designed several protocols to test their hypothesis. In the first protocol, they had two LLMs debate a given topic, with one model assigned the "pro" position and the other the "con" position. The models took turns making arguments, with the other model having the opportunity to rebut.

The researchers then evaluated the truthfulness of the final outputs by having human raters assess them. They found that the debated outputs were rated as significantly more truthful than outputs from a single LLM providing a unilateral response.

In a second protocol, the researchers experimented with giving the LLMs varying levels of persuasive capability. They found that when one model had a clear persuasive advantage, it was better able to identify and counter the flaws in the other model's arguments, leading to a more truthful final output.

These findings suggest that debating with more persuasive LLMs can be an effective way to help humans verify the truthfulness of information, by leveraging the models' ability to challenge each other's claims and surface the most well-supported positions.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several limitations in their work. First, the truthfulness evaluations were conducted by human raters, which introduces potential biases and subjectivity. Additionally, the experiments were limited to a small set of topics, and it's unclear how the results would scale to more complex or nuanced subject matter.

Another potential concern is that the debating process could become an arms race of persuasive capability, where the most rhetorically skilled model wins out regardless of the actual accuracy of its claims. This could potentially lead to further challenges around explainability and contestability of the models' decisions.

Further research is needed to explore the long-term implications of this approach, particularly around the ethical considerations of using powerful language models to determine truth. Careful thought must be given to ensuring these systems are transparent, accountable, and aligned with human values.


This research presents a novel approach to leveraging the capabilities of large language models to help uncover truthful information. By pitting LLMs against each other in a debating context, the researchers found that the more persuasive models were able to identify and counter flaws in their opponents' arguments, leading to more truthful final outputs.

These findings have important implications for the use of AI in information verification and decision-making processes. While further work is needed to address the potential limitations and ethical concerns, this study demonstrates the potential for AI-driven debates to serve as a useful tool for surfacing truthful and well-supported positions on complex topics.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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