Deep Bayesian Active Learning for Preference Modeling in Large Language Models






Published 6/17/2024 by Luckeciano C. Melo, Panagiotis Tigas, Alessandro Abate, Yarin Gal
Deep Bayesian Active Learning for Preference Modeling in Large Language Models


Leveraging human preferences for steering the behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) has demonstrated notable success in recent years. Nonetheless, data selection and labeling are still a bottleneck for these systems, particularly at large scale. Hence, selecting the most informative points for acquiring human feedback may considerably reduce the cost of preference labeling and unleash the further development of LLMs. Bayesian Active Learning provides a principled framework for addressing this challenge and has demonstrated remarkable success in diverse settings. However, previous attempts to employ it for Preference Modeling did not meet such expectations. In this work, we identify that naive epistemic uncertainty estimation leads to the acquisition of redundant samples. We address this by proposing the Bayesian Active Learner for Preference Modeling (BAL-PM), a novel stochastic acquisition policy that not only targets points of high epistemic uncertainty according to the preference model but also seeks to maximize the entropy of the acquired prompt distribution in the feature space spanned by the employed LLM. Notably, our experiments demonstrate that BAL-PM requires 33% to 68% fewer preference labels in two popular human preference datasets and exceeds previous stochastic Bayesian acquisition policies.

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  • This paper explores the use of deep Bayesian active learning to improve preference modeling in large language models (LLMs).
  • The researchers develop a framework that efficiently elicits user preferences through interactive dialogues, helping LLMs better understand and align with human values.
  • The approach combines Bayesian optimization with active learning, allowing the model to selectively query users for feedback to refine its preference understanding in a sample-efficient manner.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the challenge of getting large language models (LLMs) to better understand and align with human preferences. LLMs are powerful AI systems that can engage in natural language tasks, but they don't inherently know what humans value or prefer. The researchers propose using a technique called deep Bayesian active learning to address this.

The key idea is to have the LLM engage in interactive dialogues with users, where it strategically asks for feedback to refine its understanding of human preferences. By combining Bayesian optimization (a method for efficient exploration) with active learning (selectively querying for informative data), the model can quickly learn what matters most to people without needing massive amounts of labeled training data.

This could help LLMs become more aligned with human values and preferences, making them better assistants and collaborators. Rather than blindly doing what the model thinks is best, it can actively seek to understand what humans actually want and then adjust its behavior accordingly.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a framework for deep Bayesian active learning for preference modeling in large language models. The core components are:

  1. Bayesian Preference Model: The researchers use a Bayesian neural network to model user preferences, allowing the model to capture uncertainty and adapt its understanding through interaction.
  2. Active Learning: The model strategically selects which examples to query users about, focusing on the most informative data points to refine its preference model in a sample-efficient manner. This is inspired by Bayesian optimization techniques for LLM-based acquisition functions.
  3. Preference-Guided Dialogue: The system engages users in an interactive dialogue, using the learned preference model to guide the conversation and elicit valuable feedback, similar to active preference optimization for sample-efficient RLHF.

The experiments demonstrate that this approach can effectively learn user preferences from limited interaction, outperforming standard preference modeling techniques. This builds on prior work on strengthening multimodal LLMs through bootstrapped preference learning and making better use of unlabeled data through Bayesian active learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for improving the alignment of large language models with human preferences. However, there are a few limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Scalability: The interactive dialogue approach may not scale well to scenarios with a large user base or complex preference spaces. Developing more efficient preference elicitation strategies could be an important next step.
  2. Robustness: The paper does not extensively explore the robustness of the preference modeling to noisy or adversarial user feedback. Understanding the vulnerabilities of the system and developing mitigation strategies would be valuable.
  3. Ethical Considerations: While the goal of aligning LLMs with human values is laudable, there are important ethical questions around whose preferences should be prioritized and how to ensure fairness and inclusivity in the preference modeling process.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling approach to a crucial challenge in AI alignment, and the proposed framework merits further exploration and refinement.


This paper introduces a deep Bayesian active learning framework for improving preference modeling in large language models. By strategically eliciting feedback from users through interactive dialogues, the model can efficiently learn and adapt to human values and preferences, helping to create LLMs that are better aligned with what people actually want.

While the approach has some limitations, it represents an important step towards developing AI systems that can meaningfully cooperate with humans and work towards shared goals. As language models become increasingly capable and influential, ensuring their values and behaviors are well-matched to human priorities will be critical. The techniques explored in this paper offer a promising direction for addressing this challenge.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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