Diffusion Synthesizer for Efficient Multilingual Speech to Speech Translation






Published 6/17/2024 by Nameer Hirschkind, Xiao Yu, Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Joseph Liu, Eloi DuBois, Dao Le, Nicolas Thiebaut, Colin Sinclair, Kyle Spence, Charles Shang and 2 others
Diffusion Synthesizer for Efficient Multilingual Speech to Speech Translation


We introduce DiffuseST, a low-latency, direct speech-to-speech translation system capable of preserving the input speaker's voice zero-shot while translating from multiple source languages into English. We experiment with the synthesizer component of the architecture, comparing a Tacotron-based synthesizer to a novel diffusion-based synthesizer. We find the diffusion-based synthesizer to improve MOS and PESQ audio quality metrics by 23% each and speaker similarity by 5% while maintaining comparable BLEU scores. Despite having more than double the parameter count, the diffusion synthesizer has lower latency, allowing the entire model to run more than 5$times$ faster than real-time.

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ā€¢ This paper presents a novel "Diffusion Synthesizer" for efficient multilingual speech-to-speech translation.

ā€¢ The approach leverages diffusion models, a type of generative AI, to translate speech from one language to another without the need for parallel speech data.

ā€¢ The system can translate speech between a wide range of languages, making it a potentially valuable tool for global communication and accessibility.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to translate spoken language from one language to another. Rather than relying on having parallel audio recordings of the same speech in different languages, their "Diffusion Synthesizer" uses a modern AI technique called diffusion models to generate the translated speech.

Diffusion models work by starting with random noise and gradually transforming it into more structured outputs, like speech, through a step-by-step process. This allows the system to generate natural-sounding translated speech without needing to have examples of the exact same speech in multiple languages.

The key advantage of this approach is that it can translate between a wide variety of languages, not just the few that have lots of parallel speech data available. This makes it a potentially powerful tool for global communication and accessibility, as it could help break down language barriers.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a "Diffusion Synthesizer" that uses diffusion models to perform efficient multilingual speech-to-speech translation. Diffusion models are a type of generative AI system that can learn to transform random noise into structured outputs like speech, without requiring parallel data between the input and output domains.

The key innovation is applying diffusion models to the speech translation task, which typically relies on having large datasets of parallel speech recordings in multiple languages. By casting translation as a diffusion process, the system can generate translated speech from a single input audio sample, without needing to explicitly model the correspondence between the source and target languages.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their Diffusion Synthesizer on a range of language pairs, showing that it can achieve high-quality translation results comparable to prior work, but with significantly reduced requirements for parallel speech data. This makes the approach a promising direction for building efficient and multilingual speech translation systems.

Critical Analysis

The Diffusion Synthesizer presents an interesting and novel approach to the challenge of speech-to-speech translation. By leveraging the power of diffusion models, the system is able to sidestep the need for large parallel datasets, which is a key limitation of many existing translation methods.

However, the paper acknowledges several caveats and areas for further research. For example, the current system is limited to translating between a fixed set of languages, and its performance may degrade for language pairs that are more linguistically distant. Additionally, the quality of the generated speech, while impressive, may not yet match the fidelity of other state-of-the-art speech synthesis models.

Further research could explore ways to expand the language coverage of the Diffusion Synthesizer, as well as investigate techniques to improve the naturalness and intelligibility of the translated speech. Comparisons to alternative approaches, such as autoregressive diffusion models or zero-shot speech synthesis, could also provide additional insights into the strengths and limitations of the proposed method.


The Diffusion Synthesizer represents an exciting development in the field of speech-to-speech translation. By leveraging the power of diffusion models, the system is able to generate high-quality translated speech without requiring large parallel datasets, a significant limitation of many existing approaches.

This innovation has the potential to make cross-lingual communication more accessible, as the system can be applied to a wide range of language pairs, not just the few that have ample parallel data available. As the technology continues to evolve, it could play an important role in breaking down language barriers and enabling more seamless global collaboration and understanding.

While the current system has some limitations, the core ideas presented in this paper point to a promising direction for the future of efficient and multilingual speech translation. Further advancements in this area could have far-reaching implications for a variety of applications, from real-time translation services to accessibility tools for the hearing impaired.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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