EE-TTS: Emphatic Expressive TTS with Linguistic Information






Published 4/16/2024 by Yi Zhong, Chen Zhang, Xule Liu, Chenxi Sun, Weishan Deng, Haifeng Hu, Zhongqian Sun



While Current TTS systems perform well in synthesizing high-quality speech, producing highly expressive speech remains a challenge. Emphasis, as a critical factor in determining the expressiveness of speech, has attracted more attention nowadays. Previous works usually enhance the emphasis by adding intermediate features, but they can not guarantee the overall expressiveness of the speech. To resolve this matter, we propose Emphatic Expressive TTS (EE-TTS), which leverages multi-level linguistic information from syntax and semantics. EE-TTS contains an emphasis predictor that can identify appropriate emphasis positions from text and a conditioned acoustic model to synthesize expressive speech with emphasis and linguistic information. Experimental results indicate that EE-TTS outperforms baseline with MOS improvements of 0.49 and 0.67 in expressiveness and naturalness. EE-TTS also shows strong generalization across different datasets according to AB test results.

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  • Current text-to-speech (TTS) systems can produce high-quality speech, but generating highly expressive speech remains a challenge.
  • Emphasis, a crucial factor in expressive speech, has received more attention recently.
  • Previous methods have tried to enhance emphasis by adding intermediate features, but they couldn't guarantee overall speech expressiveness.
  • To address this, the researchers propose Emphatic Expressive TTS (EE-TTS), which leverages multi-level linguistic information from syntax and semantics.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the challenge of creating text-to-speech (TTS) systems that can produce highly expressive and natural-sounding speech. One key aspect of expressive speech is emphasis - the way certain words or syllables are stressed or highlighted.

Previous approaches have tried to enhance emphasis by adding additional features to the TTS model, but they couldn't guarantee that the overall speech would sound truly expressive and natural. To solve this problem, the researchers developed a new TTS system called EE-TTS.

EE-TTS uses linguistic information from the text, including syntax (grammatical structure) and semantics (meaning), to predict where emphasis should be placed. It then conditions the acoustic model to synthesize speech that incorporates this emphasis in a natural and expressive way. The idea is that by considering the deeper linguistic context, EE-TTS can produce speech that sounds more human-like and emotionally engaging.

Technical Explanation

The Emphatic Expressive TTS (EE-TTS) system proposed in the paper consists of two main components:

  1. Emphasis Predictor: This module analyzes the input text and identifies the appropriate positions for emphasis. It leverages linguistic information at the syntactic and semantic levels to determine where certain words or syllables should be stressed.

  2. Conditioned Acoustic Model: This is the speech synthesis component of the system. It takes the text input along with the emphasis predictions from the first module and generates the final expressive speech output.

The key innovation of EE-TTS is its ability to integrate multi-level linguistic knowledge to enhance the expressiveness of the synthesized speech. By considering both the grammatical structure and the meaning of the text, the system can produce speech that sounds more natural and human-like, with appropriate emphasis and intonation.

Experimental results show that EE-TTS outperforms baseline TTS systems in terms of both expressiveness and overall naturalness, with mean opinion score (MOS) improvements of 0.49 and 0.67, respectively. The system also demonstrates strong generalization capabilities, performing well across different datasets according to the researchers' AB testing.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to improving the expressiveness of TTS systems, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Dependency on Linguistic Analysis: EE-TTS relies heavily on the accuracy of its linguistic analysis, particularly the syntactic and semantic parsing of the input text. If these underlying natural language processing components are not robust, it could negatively impact the system's ability to predict emphasis correctly.

  2. Generalization to Diverse Linguistic Contexts: While the paper shows strong generalization across datasets, it's unclear how well EE-TTS would perform in handling highly complex or unconventional linguistic structures, such as those found in poetry, jokes, or casual conversational speech.

  3. Evaluation Metrics: The paper primarily uses subjective mean opinion scores to assess the system's performance. Incorporating more objective, quantitative metrics, such as prior-agnostic multi-scale contrastive text-audio evaluation or open-vocabulary keyword spotting, could provide additional insights into the system's capabilities and limitations.

  4. Robustness to Noise and Distortion: The paper does not explore how well EE-TTS performs in the presence of background noise, audio compression, or other real-world distortions that can affect the perceived quality and expressiveness of the synthesized speech.

  5. Integration with Robust Codec Language Modeling: Exploring ways to combine EE-TTS with advanced language modeling techniques could further enhance the system's ability to generate coherent, contextually appropriate, and expressive speech.


The Emphatic Expressive TTS (EE-TTS) system proposed in this paper represents an important step forward in the quest to create text-to-speech systems that can generate highly expressive and natural-sounding speech. By leveraging multi-level linguistic information, EE-TTS is able to produce speech with appropriate emphasis and intonation, resulting in significant improvements in both expressiveness and overall naturalness.

While the paper highlights the potential of this approach, further research is needed to address the system's dependence on linguistic analysis, ensure robust performance in diverse contexts, and explore integration with advanced language modeling techniques. Nonetheless, the insights and techniques presented in this work offer a promising direction for the continued development of more expressive and engaging text-to-speech technologies.

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