The Effect of Model Size on LLM Post-hoc Explainability via LIME






Published 5/10/2024 by Henning Heyen, Amy Widdicombe, Noah Y. Siegel, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Philip Treleaven
The Effect of Model Size on LLM Post-hoc Explainability via LIME


Large language models (LLMs) are becoming bigger to boost performance. However, little is known about how explainability is affected by this trend. This work explores LIME explanations for DeBERTaV3 models of four different sizes on natural language inference (NLI) and zero-shot classification (ZSC) tasks. We evaluate the explanations based on their faithfulness to the models' internal decision processes and their plausibility, i.e. their agreement with human explanations. The key finding is that increased model size does not correlate with plausibility despite improved model performance, suggesting a misalignment between the LIME explanations and the models' internal processes as model size increases. Our results further suggest limitations regarding faithfulness metrics in NLI contexts.

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  • This research paper examines the effect of model size on the post-hoc explainability of large language models (LLMs) using the LIME technique.
  • The authors investigate how the effectiveness of LIME in explaining LLM decisions changes as the model size increases.
  • The study provides insights into the relationship between model complexity and the interpretability of its decisions, which is crucial for the responsible development and deployment of AI systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how the size of large language models (like the ones used in chatbots and text generation) affects the ability to explain how they make their decisions. The researchers used a technique called LIME to try to understand the reasoning behind the models' outputs.

As language models get larger and more complex, it becomes harder to understand exactly why they produce the results they do. LIME is a method that tries to break down the model's thinking process and identify the key factors influencing its decisions.

The study found that as the models got bigger, LIME became less effective at providing meaningful explanations. The larger, more sophisticated models seemed to rely on more nuanced and interconnected patterns that were difficult to disentangle using LIME. This suggests that as language models continue to grow in scale, we may need new techniques to understand and verify their behavior.

Understanding how these powerful AI systems make decisions is critical, both for improving their capabilities and ensuring they behave in alignment with human values. This research highlights the challenges we face in making complex AI models more transparent and accountable.

Technical Explanation

The authors conducted experiments to assess the effectiveness of LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) in explaining the decisions of LLMs of varying sizes. LIME is a post-hoc explainability technique that aims to identify the most influential input features contributing to a model's prediction for a given instance.

The researchers used language models from the GPT-2 and GPT-3 families, ranging from the smaller 117M parameter model to the larger 175B parameter model. They evaluated LIME's performance on a variety of NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis, natural language inference, and question answering.

The results showed that as the model size increased, the LIME explanations became less faithful and less stable, providing less insight into the models' decision-making processes. The authors hypothesize that this is due to the growing complexity of the internal representations and decision-making mechanisms in larger LLMs, which cannot be easily approximated by the local linear models used by LIME.

These findings suggest that existing post-hoc explainability techniques may struggle to keep pace with the growing sophistication of large language models. As AI systems become more powerful, new approaches to interpretability and transparency may be needed to ensure their responsible development and deployment.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the limitations of post-hoc explainability methods, such as LIME, when applied to large and complex language models. The authors acknowledge that their findings do not necessarily generalize to other explainability techniques or to different types of AI models.

One potential concern is the reliance on a single explainability method (LIME) in the study. It would be informative to see how other approaches, such as SHAP or counterfactual explanations, perform on these large language models. Additionally, the paper does not explore potential mitigation strategies or alternative explanatory frameworks that could be more suited to understanding the decision-making of complex LLMs.

Further research is needed to better understand the factors that contribute to the decrease in LIME's effectiveness as model size increases. Investigating the specific model characteristics, architectural choices, or training regimes that lead to this phenomenon could inform the development of more robust explainability methods.

Overall, the paper raises important questions about the scalability and generalizability of existing post-hoc explainability techniques, which will need to be addressed as AI systems continue to grow in complexity and become more ubiquitous in real-world applications.


This research highlights the challenges in providing meaningful explanations for the decisions of large and sophisticated language models using post-hoc techniques like LIME. As language models become increasingly powerful and complex, the ability to understand and verify their behavior becomes crucial for the responsible development and deployment of AI systems.

The findings suggest that new approaches to interpretability and transparency may be necessary to keep pace with the growing sophistication of large language models. Continued research in this area can help ensure that these powerful AI systems are aligned with human values and can be trusted to make decisions that positively impact society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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