EmbSpatial-Bench: Benchmarking Spatial Understanding for Embodied Tasks with Large Vision-Language Models






Published 6/11/2024 by Mengfei Du, Binhao Wu, Zejun Li, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei
EmbSpatial-Bench: Benchmarking Spatial Understanding for Embodied Tasks with Large Vision-Language Models


The recent rapid development of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) has indicated their potential for embodied tasks.However, the critical skill of spatial understanding in embodied environments has not been thoroughly evaluated, leaving the gap between current LVLMs and qualified embodied intelligence unknown. Therefore, we construct EmbSpatial-Bench, a benchmark for evaluating embodied spatial understanding of LVLMs.The benchmark is automatically derived from embodied scenes and covers 6 spatial relationships from an egocentric perspective.Experiments expose the insufficient capacity of current LVLMs (even GPT-4V). We further present EmbSpatial-SFT, an instruction-tuning dataset designed to improve LVLMs' embodied spatial understanding.

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  • This paper presents EmbSpatial-Bench, a new benchmark for evaluating the spatial understanding capabilities of large vision-language models in embodied tasks.
  • The benchmark includes a diverse set of real-world spatial reasoning tasks, such as reframing-spatial-reasoning-evaluation-language-models-real and evaluating-spatial-understanding-large-language-models, which are designed to test the models' ability to understand and reason about spatial relationships.
  • The authors evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art vision-language models on EmbSpatial-Bench and provide insights into the strengths and limitations of these models in spatial understanding.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new tool called EmbSpatial-Bench that can be used to test how well large language and vision models understand spatial relationships in the real world. Spatial understanding is an important capability for AI systems, as it allows them to better navigate and interact with their environment.

EmbSpatial-Bench includes a variety of tasks that assess different aspects of spatial reasoning, such as evaluating-large-vision-language-models-understanding-real and exploring-spatial-schema-intuitions-large-language. The authors use this benchmark to evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art vision-language models, which are AI systems that can understand and generate text based on visual information.

The results provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these models when it comes to spatial understanding. This information can help researchers and developers improve the spatial reasoning capabilities of AI systems, which could lead to better performance in tasks like reframing-spatial-reasoning-evaluation-language-models-real and effectiveness-assessment-recent-large-vision-language-models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces EmbSpatial-Bench, a new benchmark designed to evaluate the spatial understanding capabilities of large vision-language models in embodied tasks. The benchmark includes a diverse set of real-world spatial reasoning tasks, such as reframing-spatial-reasoning-evaluation-language-models-real and evaluating-spatial-understanding-large-language-models, which are designed to test the models' ability to understand and reason about spatial relationships.

The authors evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art vision-language models, including CLIP, ALBEF, and ViLT, on the EmbSpatial-Bench tasks. They find that while these models demonstrate strong performance on some spatial reasoning tasks, they struggle with others, particularly those that require more nuanced or contextual understanding of spatial relationships.

The paper also presents a detailed analysis of the models' performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement. For example, the authors note that the models tend to perform well on tasks that rely on exploring-spatial-schema-intuitions-large-language, but struggle with tasks that require more complex spatial reasoning or evaluating-large-vision-language-models-understanding-real understanding.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of spatial reasoning in AI by introducing a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the spatial understanding capabilities of large vision-language models. The authors have carefully designed the EmbSpatial-Bench tasks to cover a range of real-world spatial reasoning challenges, which is an important step towards effectiveness-assessment-recent-large-vision-language-models.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors note that the current benchmark focuses on static spatial relationships and may not fully capture the dynamic nature of real-world spatial understanding. Additionally, the paper suggests that future work could explore the use of reframing-spatial-reasoning-evaluation-language-models-real techniques to further improve the assessment of spatial reasoning capabilities.

It would also be interesting to see the authors investigate the underlying reasons for the models' performance on the different tasks, as this could provide valuable insights into the specific strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to spatial understanding in AI.


The EmbSpatial-Bench benchmark presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of spatial understanding for embodied AI systems. By providing a comprehensive set of real-world spatial reasoning tasks, the authors have created a valuable tool for evaluating the capabilities of large vision-language models in this critical domain.

The insights gained from the evaluation of state-of-the-art models on EmbSpatial-Bench can inform future research and development efforts, ultimately leading to the creation of AI systems with more robust and nuanced spatial understanding. This could have far-reaching implications for effectiveness-assessment-recent-large-vision-language-models and a wide range of applications where spatial reasoning is essential, such as robotics, navigation, and assistive technologies.

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