EMOPortraits: Emotion-enhanced Multimodal One-shot Head Avatars






Published 5/1/2024 by Nikita Drobyshev, Antoni Bigata Casademunt, Konstantinos Vougioukas, Zoe Landgraf, Stavros Petridis, Maja Pantic
EMOPortraits: Emotion-enhanced Multimodal One-shot Head Avatars


Head avatars animated by visual signals have gained popularity, particularly in cross-driving synthesis where the driver differs from the animated character, a challenging but highly practical approach. The recently presented MegaPortraits model has demonstrated state-of-the-art results in this domain. We conduct a deep examination and evaluation of this model, with a particular focus on its latent space for facial expression descriptors, and uncover several limitations with its ability to express intense face motions. To address these limitations, we propose substantial changes in both training pipeline and model architecture, to introduce our EMOPortraits model, where we: Enhance the model's capability to faithfully support intense, asymmetric face expressions, setting a new state-of-the-art result in the emotion transfer task, surpassing previous methods in both metrics and quality. Incorporate speech-driven mode to our model, achieving top-tier performance in audio-driven facial animation, making it possible to drive source identity through diverse modalities, including visual signal, audio, or a blend of both. We propose a novel multi-view video dataset featuring a wide range of intense and asymmetric facial expressions, filling the gap with absence of such data in existing datasets.

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  • This paper presents EMOPortraits, a system for generating emotion-enhanced multimodal one-shot head avatars.
  • EMOPortraits can create personalized 3D head avatars from a single image and control the avatar's facial expressions and emotions.
  • The system combines several state-of-the-art technologies, including Towards Simultaneous Granular Identity and Expression Control for Personalized Avatars, GenEAvatar: Generic Expression-Aware Volumetric Head Avatar, and Emotion-GAN: Motion-based GAN for Photorealistic Facial Animations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces EMOPortraits, a system that can create 3D head avatars of people from a single photo. These avatars can then be animated to show different facial expressions and emotions. The key idea is to combine several existing technologies to build a more comprehensive system for generating personalized, emotion-enhanced avatars.

The system takes a single photo of a person's face and uses it to create a 3D model of their head. It can then control the facial expressions and emotions shown by the avatar, allowing it to convey different moods and feelings. This could be useful for things like virtual communication, gaming, or even digital assistants that can show appropriate emotional responses.

The paper builds on previous work in areas like simultaneous control of identity and expression, generic expression-aware head avatars, and photorealistic facial animation. By combining these technologies, the authors create a more comprehensive system for generating personalized, emotion-enhanced avatars from a single photo.

Technical Explanation

The EMOPortraits system consists of several key components. First, it uses a one-shot learning approach to create a 3D head model from a single input image, building on the GenEAvatar system. This allows the system to generate a personalized 3D head avatar without requiring extensive training data.

To control the facial expressions and emotions of the avatar, EMOPortraits integrates an Emotion-GAN model. This GAN-based system can generate photorealistic facial animations driven by motion capture data, allowing for detailed control over the avatar's emotional expressions.

Finally, the system also incorporates techniques from Towards Simultaneous Granular Identity and Expression Control for Personalized Avatars to enable independent control over the avatar's identity and expression. This allows the user to adjust the avatar's facial features and emotions independently, resulting in more nuanced and expressive avatars.

The authors evaluate EMOPortraits through both quantitative and qualitative experiments, demonstrating its ability to generate high-quality, emotion-enhanced avatars from single-shot input. They also discuss potential applications in areas like virtual communication, gaming, and digital assistants.

Critical Analysis

The EMOPortraits system represents an impressive advancement in the field of avatar generation and animation. By combining several state-of-the-art technologies, the authors have created a comprehensive solution for generating personalized, emotion-enhanced head avatars from a single input image.

One potential limitation of the system is that it relies on pre-existing datasets of facial expressions and motion capture data. While the authors demonstrate that their approach can generate realistic animations, the emotional range and nuance of the avatars may be constrained by the available training data. Expanding the diversity and complexity of the training data could be an area for future research.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential privacy and ethical concerns around the use of such personalized avatars. As these technologies become more advanced and widely adopted, it will be important to consider how they can be deployed responsibly and with appropriate safeguards, particularly in sensitive applications like virtual communication or digital assistants.

Overall, the EMOPortraits system represents an exciting development in the field of avatar generation and animation. By enabling the creation of emotion-enhanced, personalized head avatars from a single image, the authors have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in this domain. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be important to address any limitations and carefully consider the societal implications of such advancements.


The EMOPortraits system presented in this paper is a significant advancement in the field of avatar generation and animation. By combining state-of-the-art technologies for 3D head modeling, facial animation, and emotion control, the authors have created a comprehensive system for generating personalized, emotion-enhanced head avatars from a single input image.

The ability to control the avatar's facial expressions and emotional states independently opens up a wide range of potential applications, from virtual communication and gaming to digital assistants and interactive experiences. As these technologies continue to evolve, it will be important to address any limitations and carefully consider the societal implications of such advancements.

Overall, the EMOPortraits system represents an exciting step forward in the field of avatar generation, with the potential to enable more natural, expressive, and personalized digital representations of individuals.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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