Vision Beyond Boundaries: An Initial Design Space of Domain-specific Large Vision Models in Human-robot Interaction






Published 5/20/2024 by Yuchong Zhang, Yong Ma, Danica Kragic



The emergence of Large Vision Models (LVMs) is following in the footsteps of the recent prosperity of Large Language Models (LLMs) in following years. However, there's a noticeable gap in structured research applying LVMs to Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), despite extensive evidence supporting the efficacy of vision models in enhancing interactions between humans and robots. Recognizing the vast and anticipated potential, we introduce an initial design space that incorporates domain-specific LVMs, chosen for their superior performance over normal models. We delve into three primary dimensions: HRI contexts, vision-based tasks, and specific domains. The empirical validation was implemented among 15 experts across six evaluated metrics, showcasing the primary efficacy in relevant decision-making scenarios. We explore the process of ideation and potential application scenarios, envisioning this design space as a foundational guideline for future HRI system design, emphasizing accurate domain alignment and model selection.

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  • This paper explores the potential of using Large Vision Models (LVMs) to enhance Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
  • Despite the proven benefits of vision models in HRI, there is a lack of structured research in this area
  • The authors introduce an initial design space that incorporates domain-specific LVMs for improved HRI

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the rise of Large Vision Models (LVMs), which are similar to the successful Large Language Models (LLMs) that have become widely used in recent years. The authors note that while vision models have been shown to be effective in improving interactions between humans and robots, there is a lack of in-depth research on applying these models specifically to human-robot interaction (HRI) scenarios.

To address this gap, the researchers introduce an initial framework that incorporates domain-specific LVMs, which they believe can outperform standard vision models in HRI contexts. The framework explores three main areas: the types of HRI scenarios, the vision-based tasks involved, and the specific domains where these models can be applied.

The team then validates their approach through a study involving 15 experts, who assessed the models across six different metrics. The results demonstrate the potential benefits of using LVMs to enhance decision-making and other relevant tasks in HRI.

The paper also discusses the ideation process and potential application scenarios, positioning this design space as a foundation for future HRI system development. The key focus is on ensuring accurate alignment between the models and the specific HRI domains, as well as selecting the most appropriate LVMs for each use case.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by highlighting the recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and how the emergence of Large Vision Models (LVMs) is following a similar trajectory. However, the authors note a significant gap in structured research applying LVMs to the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), despite extensive evidence supporting the efficacy of vision models in enhancing these interactions.

To address this gap, the researchers introduce an initial design space that incorporates domain-specific LVMs, chosen for their superior performance over standard models. The design space explores three primary dimensions: HRI contexts, vision-based tasks, and specific domains.

The empirical validation was conducted among 15 experts across six evaluated metrics, focusing on relevant decision-making scenarios. The results showcase the primary efficacy of the proposed approach, highlighting the potential benefits of using LVMs to improve HRI systems.

The paper also delves into the ideation process and potential application scenarios, positioning this design space as a foundational guideline for future HRI system design. The key emphasis is on ensuring accurate domain alignment and the selection of appropriate LVMs to maximize the benefits in each specific context.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to leveraging Large Vision Models (LVMs) to enhance Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), an area that the authors correctly identify as underexplored. The proposed design space and empirical validation provide a solid foundation for further research in this domain.

However, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or caveats of the proposed approach. For example, it would be helpful to understand the challenges in aligning the domain-specific LVMs with the nuances of HRI scenarios, or the potential biases and errors that may arise from using these models in real-world HRI applications.

Additionally, the paper could have benefited from a more critical analysis of the expert evaluation methodology and the limitations of the six metrics used. It would be valuable to understand the rationale behind the chosen metrics and how they capture the multifaceted aspects of HRI.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the broader implications and ethical considerations of integrating advanced vision models into HRI systems. As these technologies become more prevalent, it is crucial to consider the potential societal impact, privacy concerns, and the need for robust safety and accountability measures.

Despite these limitations, the paper lays a solid foundation for future research in this area. Encouraging further exploration of LVMs in HRI, as well as a more comprehensive analysis of the limitations and ethical considerations, could strengthen the field and contribute to the responsible development of these technologies.


This paper introduces an initial design space for incorporating Large Vision Models (LVMs) into Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems, recognizing the vast potential of vision models in enhancing human-robot interactions. The authors' empirical validation and exploration of ideation and application scenarios provide a valuable starting point for further research in this area.

While the paper offers a promising approach, it would benefit from a more critical analysis of the limitations, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding the use of LVMs in HRI. Addressing these aspects could help guide the responsible development and deployment of these technologies, ultimately leading to more effective and trustworthy HRI systems that leverage the power of large-scale vision and language models to benefit both humans and robots.

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