Exploiting Positional Bias for Query-Agnostic Generative Content in Search






Published 5/2/2024 by Andrew Parry, Sean MacAvaney, Debasis Ganguly



In recent years, neural ranking models (NRMs) have been shown to substantially outperform their lexical counterparts in text retrieval. In traditional search pipelines, a combination of features leads to well-defined behaviour. However, as neural approaches become increasingly prevalent as the final scoring component of engines or as standalone systems, their robustness to malicious text and, more generally, semantic perturbation needs to be better understood. We posit that the transformer attention mechanism can induce exploitable defects through positional bias in search models, leading to an attack that could generalise beyond a single query or topic. We demonstrate such defects by showing that non-relevant text--such as promotional content--can be easily injected into a document without adversely affecting its position in search results. Unlike previous gradient-based attacks, we demonstrate these biases in a query-agnostic fashion. In doing so, without the knowledge of topicality, we can still reduce the negative effects of non-relevant content injection by controlling injection position. Our experiments are conducted with simulated on-topic promotional text automatically generated by prompting LLMs with topical context from target documents. We find that contextualisation of a non-relevant text further reduces negative effects whilst likely circumventing existing content filtering mechanisms. In contrast, lexical models are found to be more resilient to such content injection attacks. We then investigate a simple yet effective compensation for the weaknesses of the NRMs in search, validating our hypotheses regarding transformer bias.

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  • Neural ranking models (NRMs) have been shown to outperform traditional lexical models in text retrieval
  • However, as NRMs become more prevalent, their robustness to malicious text and semantic perturbation needs to be better understood
  • The authors posit that the transformer attention mechanism can induce exploitable defects through positional bias in search models, leading to an attack that could generalize beyond a single query or topic
  • They demonstrate how non-relevant text, such as promotional content, can be easily injected into a document without adversely affecting its position in search results
  • In contrast, lexical models are found to be more resilient to such content injection attacks

Plain English Explanation

Neural ranking models (NRMs) are a type of search algorithm that have been shown to outperform traditional keyword-based search methods. As these NRMs become more widely used, it's important to understand how they can be vulnerable to malicious attacks, such as someone trying to artificially boost the ranking of irrelevant content.

The researchers in this study found that the way NRMs use attention mechanisms can make them susceptible to a type of attack where non-relevant text, like promotional content, can be injected into a document without affecting its position in the search results. This is different from previous attacks, as it can work across multiple queries and topics, rather than being specific to a single search.

To demonstrate this, the researchers used language models to automatically generate promotional text that was then injected into target documents. They found that even when the non-relevant content was contextually relevant, it was still able to maintain a high ranking in the search results. In contrast, the more traditional lexical search models were more resilient to this type of content injection attack.

The researchers suggest a simple way to help compensate for these weaknesses in NRMs, which could be an important step in making these powerful search algorithms more robust and secure.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study investigate the vulnerability of neural ranking models (NRMs) to malicious text injection attacks. They posit that the transformer attention mechanism used in many NRMs can induce exploitable defects through positional bias, leading to an attack that could generalize beyond a single query or topic.

To demonstrate this, the authors conduct experiments where they inject simulated on-topic promotional text automatically generated by prompting large language models (LLMs) with topical context from target documents. They find that this non-relevant text can be easily inserted into a document without adversely affecting its position in search results.

Unlike previous gradient-based attacks, the researchers show that these biases can be exploited in a query-agnostic fashion. This means that without knowledge of the specific topic, they can still reduce the negative effects of non-relevant content injection by controlling the position of the injected text.

Interestingly, the researchers find that contextualizing the non-relevant text further reduces its negative effects while likely circumventing existing content filtering mechanisms. In contrast, they discover that lexical models are more resilient to such content injection attacks.

Critical Analysis

The researchers provide a compelling demonstration of how the attention mechanisms in NRMs can be exploited through positional biases, leading to the injection of non-relevant content into search results. This is an important finding, as it highlights a vulnerability in these powerful models that could be leveraged by bad actors.

While the researchers mention that their attack can generalize beyond a single query or topic, it would be helpful to see more extensive testing across a wider range of queries and domains to fully understand the scope of this issue. Additionally, the use of automatically generated promotional text, while effective for the purposes of the study, may not fully capture the nuances of real-world adversarial content.

It's also worth considering the potential implications of this research beyond search engines. As NRMs become more widely adopted in other domains, such as recommendation systems or text classification, similar vulnerabilities could arise and need to be addressed.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on NRMs without a thorough understanding of their limitations and weaknesses. The proposed compensation approach is a promising step, but further research and development may be necessary to ensure the robustness of these models in the face of evolving adversarial threats.


This paper highlights a concerning vulnerability in neural ranking models (NRMs), where the attention mechanism used in these models can be exploited to inject non-relevant content into search results without adversely affecting their ranking. The researchers demonstrate this issue through experiments using automatically generated promotional text, and find that lexical models are more resilient to such content injection attacks.

The implications of this research extend beyond search engines, as NRMs are increasingly being adopted in a variety of applications. Understanding and addressing the potential weaknesses of these models will be crucial to ensuring their responsible and trustworthy deployment in high-stakes domains. The proposed compensation approach is a step in the right direction, but further work is needed to fully mitigate these types of adversarial attacks and ensure the long-term reliability of neural ranking systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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