Dwell in the Beginning: How Language Models Embed Long Documents for Dense Retrieval






Published 4/8/2024 by Jo~ao Coelho, Bruno Martins, Jo~ao Magalh~aes, Jamie Callan, Chenyan Xiong



This study investigates the existence of positional biases in Transformer-based models for text representation learning, particularly in the context of web document retrieval. We build on previous research that demonstrated loss of information in the middle of input sequences for causal language models, extending it to the domain of representation learning. We examine positional biases at various stages of training for an encoder-decoder model, including language model pre-training, contrastive pre-training, and contrastive fine-tuning. Experiments with the MS-MARCO document collection reveal that after contrastive pre-training the model already generates embeddings that better capture early contents of the input, with fine-tuning further aggravating this effect.

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  • This study investigates the existence of positional biases in Transformer-based models for text representation learning, particularly in the context of web document retrieval.
  • The researchers build on previous research that demonstrated loss of information in the middle of input sequences for causal language models, extending it to the domain of representation learning.
  • The study examines positional biases at various stages of training for an encoder-decoder model, including language model pre-training, contrastive pre-training, and contrastive fine-tuning.

Plain English Explanation

Transformer models are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) system that are widely used for understanding and generating text. This study looks at whether these models develop biases based on the position of information within the text they are trained on.

Previous research has shown that when Transformer models are used to predict the next word in a sentence (known as causal language modeling), they tend to lose information about the middle parts of the input text. This new study extends that finding to Transformer models that are used to learn general representations of text, rather than just predicting the next word.

The researchers examine how these positional biases develop at different stages of training the Transformer model - when it is first pre-trained on a large amount of text data, when it is further pre-trained using a technique called contrastive learning, and when it is fine-tuned for the specific task of retrieving relevant web documents.

Technical Explanation

The study uses an encoder-decoder Transformer model architecture and examines positional biases at multiple stages of the training process:

  1. Language Model Pre-training: The model is first pre-trained on a large corpus of text data to build general language understanding capabilities, similar to how techniques like those used in this paper can enhance sentence embeddings.

  2. Contrastive Pre-training: The pre-trained model then undergoes additional contrastive pre-training, where it learns to differentiate between related and unrelated text passages, akin to how LLMs can be transformed into cross-modal, cross-lingual models.

  3. Contrastive Fine-tuning: Finally, the model is fine-tuned on the specific task of web document retrieval using the MS-MARCO dataset, building on position-aware fine-tuning approaches.

Experiments on the MS-MARCO dataset reveal that after the contrastive pre-training stage, the model already generates embeddings that better capture the early contents of the input text. This effect is further amplified during the contrastive fine-tuning stage.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges that the observed positional biases may be a result of the specific training setup and dataset used, and that further research is needed to understand the generalizability of these findings. As highlighted in this paper on when not to trust language models, it's important to carefully evaluate the limitations and potential issues with language models, especially when they are being used in high-stakes applications.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential societal implications of these positional biases, such as how they may affect the fairness and inclusivity of text-based AI systems. Future research could explore these important considerations, particularly in the context of developing healthcare language model embedding spaces.


This study provides valuable insights into the positional biases that can arise in Transformer-based text representation learning models, particularly during contrastive pre-training and fine-tuning. These findings highlight the need for careful evaluation and mitigation of such biases to ensure the fairness and reliability of AI systems that rely on text understanding. As Transformer models continue to be widely adopted, addressing these issues will be crucial for realizing their full potential in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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