Fact-Checking the Output of Large Language Models via Token-Level Uncertainty Quantification






Published 6/10/2024 by Ekaterina Fadeeva, Aleksandr Rubashevskii, Artem Shelmanov, Sergey Petrakov, Haonan Li, Hamdy Mubarak, Evgenii Tsymbalov, Gleb Kuzmin, Alexander Panchenko, Timothy Baldwin and 2 others
Fact-Checking the Output of Large Language Models via Token-Level Uncertainty Quantification


Large language models (LLMs) are notorious for hallucinating, i.e., producing erroneous claims in their output. Such hallucinations can be dangerous, as occasional factual inaccuracies in the generated text might be obscured by the rest of the output being generally factually correct, making it extremely hard for the users to spot them. Current services that leverage LLMs usually do not provide any means for detecting unreliable generations. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a novel fact-checking and hallucination detection pipeline based on token-level uncertainty quantification. Uncertainty scores leverage information encapsulated in the output of a neural network or its layers to detect unreliable predictions, and we show that they can be used to fact-check the atomic claims in the LLM output. Moreover, we present a novel token-level uncertainty quantification method that removes the impact of uncertainty about what claim to generate on the current step and what surface form to use. Our method Claim Conditioned Probability (CCP) measures only the uncertainty of a particular claim value expressed by the model. Experiments on the task of biography generation demonstrate strong improvements for CCP compared to the baselines for seven LLMs and four languages. Human evaluation reveals that the fact-checking pipeline based on uncertainty quantification is competitive with a fact-checking tool that leverages external knowledge.

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  • This paper presents a method for fact-checking the output of large language models (LLMs) using token-level uncertainty quantification.
  • The approach aims to identify potentially factually incorrect or "hallucinated" information in the model's generations.
  • The authors evaluate their method on a diverse set of tasks and show it can effectively detect hallucinations while maintaining high generation quality.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have become incredibly powerful at generating human-like text on a wide range of topics. However, these models can sometimes produce factually incorrect or "hallucinated" information that appears plausible but is not grounded in reality. To Believe or Not to Believe Your Language Model and Benchmarking LLMs via Uncertainty Quantification have explored this challenge of identifying hallucinations in LLM outputs.

This paper proposes a new approach to fact-checking LLM generations by quantifying the model's uncertainty at the individual token level. The key idea is that tokens corresponding to factually incorrect information should have higher uncertainty than tokens conveying accurate, grounded information. By analyzing the uncertainty profile of the full text generation, the method can flag potentially hallucinated content.

The authors test their token-level uncertainty quantification technique on a diverse set of tasks, including open-ended generation, question answering, and dialogue. They show that it can effectively detect hallucinations while maintaining high generation quality overall. This represents an important step towards making LLMs more reliable and trustworthy, especially for applications where factual accuracy is critical.

Technical Explanation

The core of the authors' approach is a method for Generating Confidence & Uncertainty Quantification in Black-Box Large Language Models. They train a separate "uncertainty model" in parallel with the main LLM, which learns to predict the model's token-level uncertainty.

During inference, the uncertainty model provides a uncertainty score for each token in the LLM's generation. The authors then aggregate these token-level uncertainty scores to identify potentially hallucinated text regions. Their LUQ: Long-Text Uncertainty Quantification for Large Language Models technique handles the challenge of quantifying uncertainty in long, coherent text generations.

The authors evaluate their method on a diverse set of tasks, including open-ended story generation, question answering, and dialogue. They find that it can effectively detect Detecting Hallucinations in Large Language Model Generation while maintaining high generation quality according to human evaluation.

Critical Analysis

A key strength of this work is the breadth of tasks and datasets used to evaluate the token-level uncertainty quantification approach. By demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse generation scenarios, the authors build confidence in the generalizability of their method.

That said, the paper does not provide a detailed error analysis to understand the types of hallucinations the method struggles with. Exploring the failure modes could lead to insights for further improving the technique.

Additionally, the authors note that their method relies on access to the internal workings of the LLM, which may not be available in all practical settings. Investigating ways to adapt the approach to "black-box" LLMs could expand its real-world applicability.

Overall, this work represents an important advance in the critical area of ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of large language models. The token-level uncertainty quantification technique is a promising step towards building more robust and transparent AI systems.


This paper presents a novel method for fact-checking the output of large language models by quantifying the models' token-level uncertainty. The approach can effectively detect potentially hallucinated or factually incorrect information while maintaining high generation quality.

By bringing more transparency and reliability to LLM outputs, this work represents a significant step towards making these powerful models more trustworthy, especially in high-stakes applications. Further research building on this technique could lead to even more robust and trustworthy AI systems in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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