Fine-Grained Named Entities for Corona News






Published 4/23/2024 by Sefika Efeoglu, Adrian Paschke
Fine-Grained Named Entities for Corona News


Information resources such as newspapers have produced unstructured text data in various languages related to the corona outbreak since December 2019. Analyzing these unstructured texts is time-consuming without representing them in a structured format; therefore, representing them in a structured format is crucial. An information extraction pipeline with essential tasks -- named entity tagging and relation extraction -- to accomplish this goal might be applied to these texts. This study proposes a data annotation pipeline to generate training data from corona news articles, including generic and domain-specific entities. Named entity recognition models are trained on this annotated corpus and then evaluated on test sentences manually annotated by domain experts evaluating the performance of a trained model. The code base and demonstration are available at

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  • This paper focuses on developing a fine-grained named entity recognition (NER) system for extracting relevant information from news articles related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The researchers aim to capture a wide range of entity types that are crucial for understanding the impact and context of the pandemic, going beyond the typical named entity categories.
  • The proposed approach leverages state-of-the-art NER models and customizes them to the COVID-19 domain, using a large corpus of news articles to train and evaluate the system.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a method for identifying and categorizing different types of named entities, such as people, organizations, and locations, within news articles about the COVID-19 pandemic. This is relevant to the task of intent detection and entity extraction from biomedical literature.

The researchers recognized that the typical named entity categories used in general-purpose NER systems might not capture all the relevant information needed to understand the context and impact of the pandemic. So, they developed a more fine-grained NER system that can identify a wider range of entity types, such as specific diseases, medical treatments, and government policies.

By training their NER model on a large dataset of COVID-19-related news articles, the researchers aimed to create a system that can accurately identify and classify a diverse set of named entities relevant to the pandemic. This is similar to the approach used in the paper on automatic detection of relevant information for financial predictions and forecasts.

The fine-grained NER system developed in this paper can be used to extract valuable information from news reports, helping researchers, policymakers, and the public better understand the evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed a fine-grained NER system specifically tailored to the COVID-19 domain. This builds on the work in the paper on leveraging contextual information for effective entity salience detection.

They started with a state-of-the-art NER model as the base and then customized it to recognize a more extensive set of entity types relevant to the pandemic, such as specific diseases, medical treatments, government policies, and economic impacts. The approach is similar to the structure-aware text-to-graph model presented in the Grapher paper.

To train and evaluate the fine-grained NER system, the researchers compiled a large corpus of news articles related to COVID-19, manually annotating a subset of the data with the expanded set of entity types. They then fine-tuned the base NER model on this annotated dataset, using techniques like transfer learning to leverage the model's general language understanding capabilities.

The resulting fine-grained NER system demonstrated improved performance in identifying and classifying a wide range of pandemic-related entities compared to general-purpose NER models. This aligns with the findings from the cross-lingual named entity corpus for Slavic languages paper.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a valuable contribution to the field of NER, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. By developing a more fine-grained and specialized NER system, the researchers have shown the potential to extract richer and more contextual information from news reports.

However, the study is limited to a specific domain (COVID-19) and may not generalize well to other types of news or text. The researchers acknowledge that the performance of the fine-grained NER system could be influenced by the quality and breadth of the training data, and further research may be needed to understand its applicability to other domains.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the potential biases or errors that may arise in the NER system's predictions. It would be helpful to understand the limitations and potential pitfalls of the approach, as well as strategies for addressing them.


This paper presents a novel approach to named entity recognition for COVID-19-related news articles, going beyond the typical entity types to capture a more fine-grained set of information relevant to understanding the pandemic. The researchers have demonstrated the potential of this specialized NER system to extract valuable insights from news reports, which could be beneficial for researchers, policymakers, and the general public.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of domain-specific NER models in unlocking the full potential of textual data, particularly in rapidly evolving and high-impact scenarios like the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research and refinement of the approach could lead to even more powerful tools for information extraction and analysis.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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