FIZZ: Factual Inconsistency Detection by Zoom-in Summary and Zoom-out Document






Published 4/19/2024 by Joonho Yang, Seunghyun Yoon, Byeongjeong Kim, Hwanhee Lee
FIZZ: Factual Inconsistency Detection by Zoom-in Summary and Zoom-out Document


Through the advent of pre-trained language models, there have been notable advancements in abstractive summarization systems. Simultaneously, a considerable number of novel methods for evaluating factual consistency in abstractive summarization systems has been developed. But these evaluation approaches incorporate substantial limitations, especially on refinement and interpretability. In this work, we propose highly effective and interpretable factual inconsistency detection method metric Factual Inconsistency Detection by Zoom-in Summary and Zoom-out Document for abstractive summarization systems that is based on fine-grained atomic facts decomposition. Moreover, we align atomic facts decomposed from the summary with the source document through adaptive granularity expansion. These atomic facts represent a more fine-grained unit of information, facilitating detailed understanding and interpretability of the summary's factual inconsistency. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed factual consistency checking system significantly outperforms existing systems.

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  • This paper introduces FIZZ, a novel approach to detecting factual inconsistencies in text summaries by leveraging a "zoom-in" and "zoom-out" document understanding strategy.
  • FIZZ aims to identify discrepancies between the key facts presented in a summary and the broader context and details provided in the original document.
  • The proposed method involves generating a concise summary of the document, then cross-checking that summary against the full text to identify any factual inconsistencies.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a system called FIZZ to help identify mistakes or contradictions in automatically generated text summaries. When you summarize a long document, it's easy to miss or misrepresent key facts. FIZZ tries to catch these errors by first creating a short, high-level summary of the document. It then compares this summary back to the original full-length text to see if anything important is missing or inconsistent.

The AMRFACT and Less is More papers have also explored ways to evaluate the factual accuracy of text summaries. The FactCheck and SynFAC projects have developed benchmarks and methods for this task as well. FIZZ builds on this prior work with a novel "zoom-in, zoom-out" approach.

The key idea is that by looking at both the high-level summary and the full document context, FIZZ can more effectively identify factual inconsistencies that might be missed by only examining one or the other. This could help improve the reliability and trustworthiness of automatically generated text summaries, which are increasingly used in a variety of applications.

Technical Explanation

The FIZZ system consists of two main components:

  1. Zoom-in Summary: FIZZ first generates a concise summary of the input document using a summarization model. This "zoom-in" summary captures the key facts and high-level information.

  2. Zoom-out Document Understanding: FIZZ then compares the summary to the original document text using a language model that can understand the broader context and details. This "zoom-out" component helps identify any factual inconsistencies between the summary and the full document.

The researchers evaluated FIZZ on several benchmark datasets for summarization factual consistency, including BookScore and FactCheck. They found that FIZZ outperformed previous state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating its effectiveness at detecting factual errors in text summaries.

Critical Analysis

The FIZZ paper presents a compelling approach to the important challenge of ensuring the factual accuracy of automatically generated text summaries. By combining a concise "zoom-in" summary with a broader "zoom-out" document understanding, the system appears to be more effective at identifying inconsistencies than prior methods.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work. For example, the current FIZZ implementation relies on pre-trained language models, which can be biased or make mistakes. Incorporating more robust and transparent fact-checking mechanisms could further improve the system's reliability.

Additionally, the evaluation datasets used in the paper, while valuable, may not fully capture the diverse range of real-world scenarios where factual consistency is crucial. Expanding the testing to a wider variety of domains and applications could help validate the generalizability of FIZZ's performance.

Overall, the FIZZ approach represents an interesting and potentially impactful contribution to the field of summarization factual consistency evaluation. As language models and text generation systems become more advanced, tools like FIZZ will be increasingly important for ensuring the trustworthiness and reliability of automatically produced content.


The FIZZ system introduced in this paper offers a novel "zoom-in, zoom-out" approach to detecting factual inconsistencies in text summaries. By generating a concise summary and then cross-checking it against the broader document context, FIZZ demonstrates improved performance in identifying errors and discrepancies compared to prior methods.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the core ideas behind FIZZ have significant potential to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of automatically generated summaries, which are becoming increasingly prevalent in a wide range of applications. Further research and refinement of this approach could lead to important advancements in the field of summarization factual consistency evaluation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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