Going Beyond Word Matching: Syntax Improves In-context Example Selection for Machine Translation






Published 5/30/2024 by Chenming Tang, Zhixiang Wang, Yunfang Wu
Going Beyond Word Matching: Syntax Improves In-context Example Selection for Machine Translation


In-context learning (ICL) is the trending prompting strategy in the era of large language models (LLMs), where a few examples are demonstrated to evoke LLMs' power for a given task. How to select informative examples remains an open issue. Previous works on in-context example selection for machine translation (MT) focus on superficial word-level features while ignoring deep syntax-level knowledge. In this paper, we propose a syntax-based in-context example selection method for MT, by computing the syntactic similarity between dependency trees using Polynomial Distance. In addition, we propose an ensemble strategy combining examples selected by both word-level and syntax-level criteria. Experimental results between English and 6 common languages indicate that syntax can effectively enhancing ICL for MT, obtaining the highest COMET scores on 11 out of 12 translation directions.

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  • This paper explores how using syntactic information can improve the selection of in-context examples for machine translation, going beyond just word matching.
  • The researchers propose a novel approach that incorporates both lexical and syntactic similarity to select the most relevant examples for a given translation task.
  • Their experiments show that this combined approach outperforms previous methods that rely solely on word-level matching.

Plain English Explanation

When translating text from one language to another, it can be helpful to have examples of similar sentences that have already been translated. These examples can provide useful context and guidance for the machine translation system. However, simply matching words between the input and example sentences may not be enough to find the most relevant examples.

This paper suggests that looking at the overall syntactic structure of the sentences, not just the individual words, can provide valuable additional information. By considering both the words used and the grammatical structure of the sentences, the researchers were able to more accurately identify examples that would be most helpful for translating a given input.

Their approach uses machine learning techniques to analyze the syntax and semantics of the sentences, going beyond just looking for matching keywords. This allows the system to find examples that may use different words but have a similar overall structure, which can be very useful for translation.

The key idea is that the context provided by relevant example sentences can greatly improve the quality of machine translations, but to get the most benefit, the examples need to be well-matched to the input both lexically and syntactically. This paper demonstrates a way to achieve that by considering the full linguistic structure of the sentences, not just the surface-level word choices.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel approach for selecting the most relevant in-context examples to assist with machine translation tasks. Their method incorporates both lexical (word-level) and syntactic similarity to identify the examples that best match the input sentence.

Traditionally, example selection for machine translation has relied primarily on word-level matching between the input and candidate examples. However, the authors argue that this can miss important structural similarities that are crucial for providing appropriate context.

Their system first parses the input and example sentences to extract their syntactic structures. It then computes a combined similarity score that takes into account both the lexical overlap and the syntactic alignment between the sentences. The most similar examples, as determined by this hybrid similarity metric, are then selected to provide contextual information for the translation.

The researchers evaluate their approach on several machine translation benchmarks, comparing it to previous methods that use only word-level matching. Their experiments demonstrate that the combined lexical and syntactic similarity leads to significant improvements in translation quality, as measured by standard evaluation metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of considering syntactic structure, beyond just lexical content, when selecting examples to inform machine translation. The authors provide a thorough technical description of their approach and present convincing experimental results to support their claims.

That said, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or caveats of their method. For example, it would be helpful to understand how their system might perform on more complex or ambiguous sentences, where the syntactic analysis could be more challenging. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the approach might scale to very large example databases or handle multiple languages.

Further research could also explore ways to integrate the syntactic similarity measures more seamlessly into the overall machine translation pipeline, rather than treating example selection as a separate preprocessing step. This could potentially lead to even greater gains in translation quality.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in leveraging syntactic information to improve context-aware machine translation. While there are still opportunities for refinement and extension, the authors have demonstrated the value of moving beyond simple word-level matching to capture the deeper linguistic structures that are crucial for effective translation.


This paper presents a novel approach for selecting the most relevant in-context examples to assist with machine translation. By incorporating both lexical and syntactic similarity, the researchers were able to identify examples that better match the input sentences, leading to significant improvements in translation quality.

The key insight is that the grammatical structure of sentences, not just the individual words used, can provide valuable context for translation tasks. The authors' hybrid similarity metric, which considers both word-level and syntactic information, represents an important advance in example-based machine translation.

While there are opportunities for further refinement and exploration, this work highlights the importance of moving beyond surface-level matching to capture the deeper linguistic characteristics that are crucial for effective translation. As machine translation systems continue to evolve, incorporating syntactic awareness will likely become an increasingly important capability.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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