Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients






Published 6/6/2024 by Jaerin Lee, Bong Gyun Kang, Kihoon Kim, Kyoung Mu Lee
Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients


One puzzling artifact in machine learning dubbed grokking is where delayed generalization is achieved tenfolds of iterations after near perfect overfitting to the training data. Focusing on the long delay itself on behalf of machine learning practitioners, our goal is to accelerate generalization of a model under grokking phenomenon. By regarding a series of gradients of a parameter over training iterations as a random signal over time, we can spectrally decompose the parameter trajectories under gradient descent into two components: the fast-varying, overfitting-yielding component and the slow-varying, generalization-inducing component. This analysis allows us to accelerate the grokking phenomenon more than $times 50$ with only a few lines of code that amplifies the slow-varying components of gradients. The experiments show that our algorithm applies to diverse tasks involving images, languages, and graphs, enabling practical availability of this peculiar artifact of sudden generalization. Our code is available at

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  • The paper "Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients" explores a technique to speed up the "grokking" process in deep neural networks.
  • Grokking refers to the phenomenon where a neural network suddenly achieves high performance on a task after an initial period of slow learning.
  • The authors propose a method called "Grokfast" that amplifies the low-frequency components of the stochastic gradients during training to accelerate grokking.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a challenge in training deep neural networks, which is the phenomenon of "grokking." Grokking as transition from lazy to rich Grokking is when a neural network suddenly starts performing very well on a task after a long period of slow progress.

The authors of this paper propose a technique called "Grokfast" to speed up this grokking process. Rationale from frequency perspective: grokking, training neural The key idea is to amplify the low-frequency components of the stochastic gradients used to train the network. Stochastic gradients are the small updates made to the network's parameters during training.

By boosting the low-frequency gradients, the network is able to more quickly find the "right" set of parameters that lead to high performance on the task. This is analogous to tuning a radio - you need to find the right frequency to get a clear signal, and amplifying the low frequencies helps you home in on that sweet spot faster.

The authors demonstrate through experiments that their Grokfast method can significantly accelerate the grokking process compared to standard training approaches. Deep grokking: would deep neural networks generalize This has important implications for making deep learning systems more sample-efficient and practical, especially for real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind the "Grokfast" method proposed in this paper is to amplify the low-frequency components of the stochastic gradients used to train the deep neural network. Dichotomy: early late phase implicit biases can

The authors hypothesize that the low-frequency gradients are important for the "grokking" phenomenon, where the network suddenly achieves high performance after an initial period of slow progress. By selectively boosting these low-frequency gradients, they are able to accelerate the grokking process.

Specifically, the Grokfast method applies a frequency-dependent scaling to the stochastic gradients during training. Higher scaling factors are applied to the low-frequency components, while the high-frequency gradients are left unchanged. This creates a gradient signal that is biased towards the lower frequencies.

The authors evaluate their Grokfast method on a range of benchmark tasks and demonstrate significant improvements in the rate of grokking compared to standard training approaches. Progress measures for grokking on real-world datasets They analyze the learned representations and show that the Grokfast method leads to networks that converge to better minima in the optimization landscape.

Critical Analysis

The Grokfast paper presents an intriguing approach to accelerating the grokking phenomenon in deep neural networks. The authors provide a compelling rationale for why amplifying low-frequency gradients could be beneficial, and their experimental results seem to support this hypothesis.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on carefully tuned hyperparameters to control the frequency-dependent scaling. The authors acknowledge that the optimal scaling factors may vary across different tasks and architectures, which could make the method less straightforward to apply in practice.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate improvements on benchmark tasks, it's unclear how well the Grokfast method would generalize to more complex, real-world datasets. Progress measures for grokking on real-world datasets Further research would be needed to assess the broader applicability of this technique.

Another area for potential investigation is the relationship between the Grokfast method and other techniques that aim to improve the optimization dynamics of deep neural networks, such as deep grokking: would deep neural networks generalize or dichotomy: early late phase implicit biases can. Understanding how these different approaches interact could lead to more robust and effective training strategies.

Overall, the Grokfast paper presents a novel and promising direction for accelerating the grokking process in deep learning. While further research is needed to fully understand the implications and limitations of this approach, the authors have made a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve the training and generalization of deep neural networks.


The paper "Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients" introduces a novel technique to speed up the "grokking" phenomenon in deep neural networks. By selectively amplifying the low-frequency components of the stochastic gradients during training, the authors are able to significantly accelerate the process by which a network suddenly achieves high performance on a task.

This work has important implications for making deep learning systems more sample-efficient and practical, particularly for real-world applications where rapid learning is crucial. The authors' insights into the role of low-frequency gradients in the grokking process contribute to our fundamental understanding of deep neural network optimization and generalization.

While further research is needed to fully explore the limitations and broader applicability of the Grokfast method, this paper represents an exciting step forward in the quest to unlock the full potential of deep learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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