Human-interpretable clustering of short-text using large language models






Published 5/14/2024 by Justin K. Miller, Tristram J. Alexander



Large language models have seen extraordinary growth in popularity due to their human-like content generation capabilities. We show that these models can also be used to successfully cluster human-generated content, with success defined through the measures of distinctiveness and interpretability. This success is validated by both human reviewers and ChatGPT, providing an automated means to close the 'validation gap' that has challenged short-text clustering. Comparing the machine and human approaches we identify the biases inherent in each, and question the reliance on human-coding as the 'gold standard'. We apply our methodology to Twitter bios and find characteristic ways humans describe themselves, agreeing well with prior specialist work, but with interesting differences characteristic of the medium used to express identity.

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  • Large language models have become increasingly popular due to their ability to generate human-like content
  • This paper shows that these models can also be used to successfully cluster human-generated content, with success measured by distinctiveness and interpretability
  • The success is validated by both human reviewers and the chatbot ChatGPT, providing an automated way to address the "validation gap" in short-text clustering
  • The paper compares the machine and human approaches, identifying the biases inherent in each, and questions the reliance on human-coding as the "gold standard"
  • The methodology is applied to Twitter bios, revealing characteristic ways humans describe themselves, agreeing with prior work but also highlighting interesting differences due to the medium

Plain English Explanation

Large language models have become very popular because they can generate content that sounds like it was written by a human. This paper shows that these same models can also be used to group or "cluster" human-written content in a successful way. The researchers define success by how well the clusters are distinct from each other and how easy they are to understand.

The success of this clustering is confirmed by both human reviewers and the chatbot ChatGPT, which provides an automated way to bridge the "validation gap" that has been a challenge for clustering short pieces of text.

By comparing the machine and human approaches, the paper identifies biases in each method and questions the idea that human-coded results should be treated as the ultimate "gold standard."

The researchers apply their technique to Twitter bios, revealing common ways that people describe themselves online. These findings align with previous specialized research, but also highlight some interesting differences that seem to be a result of the specific medium used to express one's identity.

Technical Explanation

The paper demonstrates that large language models can be effectively used for the task of clustering human-generated content, rather than just generating new content. The researchers define success in this clustering task through two key metrics: distinctiveness (how well-separated the clusters are) and interpretability (how easy the clusters are to understand).

To validate the clustering results, the paper uses both human reviewers and the ChatGPT language model. This provides an automated approach to addressing the "validation gap" that has historically been a challenge in short-text clustering.

By comparing the machine and human-coded clustering approaches, the paper identifies biases inherent in each method. This calls into question the reliance on human-coding as the definitive "gold standard" for evaluation.

The researchers apply their clustering methodology to a dataset of Twitter user bios. The resulting clusters reveal characteristic ways that humans describe themselves online, which aligns with prior specialized research on self-presentation. However, the paper also highlights interesting differences that appear to be shaped by the specific medium of Twitter.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for using large language models to effectively cluster human-generated content, rather than just generating new text. The validation approach involving both human reviewers and ChatGPT is a notable strength, as it helps address a key challenge in short-text clustering.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations. For example, the researchers note that their methodology may be biased towards identifying clusters that are easily interpretable to humans, potentially overlooking more nuanced or complex groupings. There is also a question of whether the Twitter bio dataset is fully representative of how people describe themselves across different contexts and mediums.

Additionally, while the paper highlights biases in both the machine and human-coded clustering approaches, it does not provide a clear path forward for resolving these issues. Further research may be needed to develop more robust and unbiased methods for evaluating and validating text clustering results.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution by demonstrating the potential of large language models for tasks beyond just content generation, while also highlighting the complexities involved in validating the outputs of these sophisticated systems.


This paper showcases the versatility of large language models, which can be used not only for generating human-like content, but also for successfully clustering human-generated text. The researchers demonstrate a methodology for validating the clustering results using both human reviewers and the ChatGPT language model, addressing a longstanding challenge in the field of short-text clustering.

By comparing the machine and human-coded approaches, the paper uncovers biases inherent in each, challenging the assumption that human-coded results should be considered the ultimate "gold standard." The application of this technique to Twitter bios reveals characteristic ways that people describe themselves online, offering insights that align with prior research while also highlighting interesting differences shaped by the medium.

Overall, this work represents an important step in exploring the broader capabilities of large language models and the complex questions surrounding the validation and interpretation of their outputs. As these powerful AI systems continue to evolve, understanding their strengths, limitations, and potential biases will be crucial for ensuring they are developed and deployed responsibly.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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