Human Latency Conversational Turns for Spoken Avatar Systems






Published 4/26/2024 by Derek Jacoby, Tianyi Zhang, Aanchan Mohan, Yvonne Coady



A problem with many current Large Language Model (LLM) driven spoken dialogues is the response time. Some efforts such as Groq address this issue by lightning fast processing of the LLM, but we know from the cognitive psychology literature that in human-to-human dialogue often responses occur prior to the speaker completing their utterance. No amount of delay for LLM processing is acceptable if we wish to maintain human dialogue latencies. In this paper, we discuss methods for understanding an utterance in close to real time and generating a response so that the system can comply with human-level conversational turn delays. This means that the information content of the final part of the speaker's utterance is lost to the LLM. Using the Google NaturalQuestions (NQ) database, our results show GPT-4 can effectively fill in missing context from a dropped word at the end of a question over 60% of the time. We also provide some examples of utterances and the impacts of this information loss on the quality of LLM response in the context of an avatar that is currently under development. These results indicate that a simple classifier could be used to determine whether a question is semantically complete, or requires a filler phrase to allow a response to be generated within human dialogue time constraints.

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  • Current large language models (LLMs) used in spoken dialogues often have slow response times, which can negatively impact the conversational experience.
  • The paper explores methods to understand utterances in near real-time and generate responses quickly, in order to maintain human-like dialogue latencies.
  • The key challenge is that by processing the utterance quickly, the LLM may lose information from the final part of the speaker's statement.

Plain English Explanation

When people have a conversation, they typically respond to each other quickly, often before the other person has finished speaking. This is an important part of natural human dialogue. However, many current conversational AI systems based on large language models (LLMs) struggle to keep up with this pace.

The reason is that LLMs need time to process the full statement before generating a response. If the system tries to respond too quickly, it may miss important information from the end of the speaker's utterance. This can lead to less natural and coherent conversations, which is a problem for applications like voice-based user interfaces.

This research paper explores ways to have the LLM understand the key meaning of the utterance quickly, even if it misses the final details. The authors show that in many cases, the LLM can effectively "fill in the blanks" and generate a suitable response within the time constraints of human dialogue.

For example, if someone asks "What is the capital of [missing word]?", the LLM may be able to infer that the missing word is likely a country and provide an appropriate answer, even though it didn't hear the full question.

This suggests that a simple classifier could be used to detect when an utterance is semantically complete versus requiring additional context. This could allow conversational AI systems to respond more naturally and quickly, while still leveraging the power of large language models.

Technical Explanation

The key challenge addressed in this paper is the response time limitation of current LLM-based spoken dialogue systems. The authors note that in human-to-human conversation, responses often occur before the speaker has fully completed their utterance. However, LLMs require processing the full input before generating a response, which can introduce unacceptable delays.

To address this, the researchers investigate methods for understanding an utterance in close to real-time and generating a response quickly enough to maintain human-level conversational turn delays. This means the LLM may not have access to the full information content, as the final part of the speaker's utterance could be lost.

Using the Google NaturalQuestions (NQ) dataset, the authors show that GPT-4 can effectively "fill in" missing context from a dropped word at the end of a question over 60% of the time. This suggests that a simple classifier could be used to determine whether a question is semantically complete or requires additional context in order to generate a timely response.

The paper also provides examples of how this information loss can impact the quality of the LLM's response, in the context of an avatar system currently under development. These results indicate that balancing speed and information completeness is a key challenge in building natural conversational AI systems that can match human-like dialogue latencies.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper offers a promising approach to addressing the response time limitations of current LLM-driven spoken dialogues. By exploring methods to understand utterances quickly and generate responses within human-level conversational turn delays, the authors are tackling an important usability challenge for conversational AI systems.

However, the paper does acknowledge the potential tradeoffs and limitations of this approach. Losing information from the final part of the speaker's utterance could negatively impact the quality and coherence of the system's responses in some cases. Further research would be needed to fully understand the impact on the user experience and develop robust techniques to mitigate these issues.

Additionally, the experiments were conducted using a specific dataset and model (GPT-4), so the generalizability of the findings to other LLMs and conversational domains remains to be explored. Evaluating the proposed approaches in more diverse, real-world settings would help validate their effectiveness and identify any additional challenges or edge cases.

Overall, this paper presents an interesting and pragmatic approach to balancing response time and information completeness in LLM-driven spoken dialogues. While more research is needed, the findings suggest that a combination of rapid utterance understanding and intelligent context-filling could help bring conversational AI systems closer to human-like interaction speeds and naturalness.


This research paper addresses a key challenge in current large language model (LLM) driven spoken dialogues: the response time. The authors explore methods to understand utterances in close to real-time and generate responses quickly, in order to maintain human-like conversational turn delays.

The core insight is that by processing the utterance rapidly, the LLM may lose information from the final part of the speaker's statement. However, the paper demonstrates that in many cases, the LLM can effectively "fill in the blanks" and provide a suitable response, even without the complete information.

These findings suggest that a simple classifier could be used to detect when an utterance is semantically complete versus requiring additional context. This could allow conversational AI systems to respond more naturally and quickly, while still leveraging the power of large language models.

While more research is needed to fully understand the tradeoffs and limitations of this approach, this paper offers a promising direction for improving the usability and performance of LLM-driven spoken dialogues, with potential applications in voice-based user interfaces and other conversational AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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