ICGAN: An implicit conditioning method for interpretable feature control of neural audio synthesis






Published 6/12/2024 by Yunyi Liu, Craig Jin
ICGAN: An implicit conditioning method for interpretable feature control of neural audio synthesis


Neural audio synthesis methods can achieve high-fidelity and realistic sound generation by utilizing deep generative models. Such models typically rely on external labels which are often discrete as conditioning information to achieve guided sound generation. However, it remains difficult to control the subtle changes in sounds without appropriate and descriptive labels, especially given a limited dataset. This paper proposes an implicit conditioning method for neural audio synthesis using generative adversarial networks that allows for interpretable control of the acoustic features of synthesized sounds. Our technique creates a continuous conditioning space that enables timbre manipulation without relying on explicit labels. We further introduce an evaluation metric to explore controllability and demonstrate that our approach is effective in enabling a degree of controlled variation of different synthesized sound effects for in-domain and cross-domain sounds.

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  • This paper presents a novel method called "ICGAN" (Implicit Conditioning Generative Adversarial Network) for controlling the features of audio synthesis models in an interpretable way.
  • ICGAN allows users to manipulate high-level attributes of the generated audio, such as pitch, timbre, and loudness, without requiring them to understand the underlying network architecture or low-level parameters.
  • The approach leverages an implicit conditioning mechanism that maps user-specified target attributes to the latent space of a pretrained audio synthesis model, enabling intuitive control over the output.

Plain English Explanation

The ICGAN method aims to make it easier for users to control the properties of synthesized audio. Typically, audio synthesis models are complex, and adjusting the sound requires fiddling with many technical parameters that are difficult for non-experts to understand.

ICGAN provides a more intuitive way to shape the audio output. Instead of tweaking low-level knobs, users can specify high-level attributes like the pitch, timbre (tone quality), and volume they want. The model then automatically adjusts the internal workings to generate audio matching those target attributes.

This implicit conditioning approach maps the user's desired characteristics to the "latent space" - the abstract mathematical representation the model uses to produce audio. By connecting the user-friendly controls to this latent space, ICGAN allows for interpretable feature control without requiring users to have deep technical knowledge of how the synthesis model works under the hood.

Technical Explanation

The ICGAN framework consists of a pretrained audio synthesis model, such as a generative adversarial network (GAN) or diffusion model, combined with an additional mapping network.

The mapping network takes user-specified target attributes as input and outputs a corresponding point in the synthesis model's latent space. By feeding this latent code into the pretrained synthesis model, ICGAN can generate audio with the desired characteristics, such as a specific pitch, timbre, or loudness.

The authors train this mapping network using a combination of supervised and adversarial objectives. The supervised component ensures the mapping accurately translates the target attributes into the correct latent codes. The adversarial objective, inspired by GANs, encourages the mapping to produce latent codes that the synthesis model can use to generate plausible, high-quality audio.

Experiments demonstrate that ICGAN enables users to control various perceptual audio features in an intuitive way, without sacrificing the fidelity of the generated output compared to the original synthesis model.

Critical Analysis

The ICGAN approach provides a promising solution for improving the interpretability and usability of neural audio synthesis models. By decoupling the high-level control from the low-level synthesis process, it offers a more accessible interface for non-expert users to shape the audio output.

However, the paper acknowledges that ICGAN is limited to manipulating a predefined set of audio attributes. Expanding the range of controllable features or allowing users to define custom attributes could further enhance the flexibility and usefulness of the method.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues around the stability and robustness of the implicit conditioning mechanism. It would be valuable to explore how ICGAN behaves when users provide unusual or conflicting target attribute combinations, and whether the model can maintain consistent and coherent audio generation in such cases.

Lastly, while the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ICGAN on various synthesis models, the paper does not extensively compare it to alternative techniques for interpretable audio control, such as Arrange, Inpaint, Refine or Controllable Prosody Generation. Further benchmarking against these related methods could help situate the ICGAN approach within the broader field of audio synthesis control.


The ICGAN method presented in this paper offers a promising approach for making neural audio synthesis more accessible and intuitive for users. By providing an implicit conditioning mechanism that maps high-level audio attributes to the latent space of a pretrained synthesis model, ICGAN enables interpretable feature control without requiring deep technical knowledge.

This innovation has the potential to unlock new applications and use cases for neural audio synthesis, making it more feasible for non-expert users to harness the power of these advanced generative models. As the field continues to evolve, further research on expanding the range of controllable features and ensuring the robustness of implicit conditioning techniques will be valuable in realizing the full potential of ICGAN and similar methods.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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