Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Translate: Will a Touch of Noisy Data in Misaligned Languages Suffice?






Published 4/23/2024 by Dawei Zhu, Pinzhen Chen, Miaoran Zhang, Barry Haddow, Xiaoyu Shen, Dietrich Klakow
Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Translate: Will a Touch of Noisy Data in Misaligned Languages Suffice?


Traditionally, success in multilingual machine translation can be attributed to three key factors in training data: large volume, diverse translation directions, and high quality. In the current practice of fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) for translation, we revisit the importance of all these factors. We find that LLMs display strong translation capability after being fine-tuned on as few as 32 training instances, and that fine-tuning on a single translation direction effectively enables LLMs to translate in multiple directions. However, the choice of direction is critical: fine-tuning LLMs with English on the target side can lead to task misinterpretation, which hinders translations into non-English languages. A similar problem arises when noise is introduced into the target side of parallel data, especially when the target language is well-represented in the LLM's pre-training. In contrast, noise in an under-represented language has a less pronounced effect. Our findings suggest that attaining successful alignment hinges on teaching the model to maintain a superficial focus, thereby avoiding the learning of erroneous biases beyond translation.

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  • This paper explores the potential for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) to perform machine translation tasks using noisy and misaligned data, rather than high-quality parallel corpora.
  • The researchers investigate whether a "touch of noisy data" in non-aligned languages can be sufficient to translate effectively, which could significantly reduce the cost and effort required to develop multilingual translation capabilities.
  • The paper presents several experiments and analyses to understand the impact of different fine-tuning strategies, data quality, and language alignment on the translation performance of LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in a wide range of tasks, including machine translation. However, training these models for multilingual translation typically requires extensive high-quality parallel data, which can be expensive and time-consuming to obtain.

This research explores an alternative approach - using noisy, misaligned data to fine-tune LLMs for translation. The idea is that even if the training data is not perfectly aligned between languages, the LLM may still be able to learn effective translation capabilities by leveraging its broad language understanding. This could significantly reduce the cost and effort required to develop multilingual translation systems.

The researchers conduct various experiments to test this hypothesis, exploring different fine-tuning strategies, data quality, and language alignment. They analyze the translation performance of the fine-tuned LLMs to understand the tradeoffs and potential of this approach.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the

supervised fine-tuning
approach, where LLMs are fine-tuned on high-quality parallel data to acquire translation capabilities. The researchers then introduce the key question of their study: Can LLMs be fine-tuned using noisy, misaligned data to achieve reasonable translation performance?

To investigate this, the researchers design several experiments:

  1. They fine-tune an LLM using varying amounts of high-quality parallel data to establish a performance baseline.
  2. They then fine-tune the same LLM using noisy, misaligned data in non-aligned language pairs, such as English-Russian and English-Hindi.
  3. Finally, they explore a
    novel paradigm
    where the LLM is first fine-tuned on noisy data, then further fine-tuned on high-quality parallel data.

The results show that the LLM can indeed learn to translate effectively using only a "touch of noisy data" in misaligned languages, though the performance is not as high as when using high-quality parallel data. The researchers also find that the

mixed fine-tuning
approach, where the LLM is first exposed to noisy data and then further fine-tuned on parallel data, can lead to improved translation performance compared to using parallel data alone.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that the translation quality achieved using noisy, misaligned data is not as high as when using high-quality parallel data. They also note that the performance varies depending on the specific language pairs and the amount of noisy data available.

Additionally, the researchers highlight the potential limitations of this approach. For example, they mention that the LLM may struggle with rare or domain-specific terminology, which may not be adequately covered by the noisy training data. Further research is needed to understand the

limitations of this approach
and how to address them.

Another area for further exploration is the

impact of fine-tuning strategies
on translation performance. The researchers show that the mixed fine-tuning approach can be beneficial, but more work is needed to optimize the fine-tuning process and understand the tradeoffs involved.


This research presents an intriguing approach to fine-tuning LLMs for machine translation, which could significantly reduce the cost and effort required to develop multilingual translation capabilities. The key finding is that a "touch of noisy data" in misaligned languages can be sufficient for LLMs to acquire reasonable translation skills, opening up new possibilities for more accessible and scalable translation systems.

While the translation quality is not as high as when using high-quality parallel data, the researchers demonstrate that this approach can be a viable alternative, especially when parallel data is scarce or expensive to obtain. Further research is needed to address the limitations and optimize the fine-tuning process, but this study represents an important step forward in leveraging LLMs for more efficient and accessible multilingual translation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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