Improving the Robustness of 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Benchmark and Learning from Noisy Input






Published 4/17/2024 by Trung-Hieu Hoang, Mona Zehni, Huy Phan, Duc Minh Vo, Minh N. Do



Despite the promising performance of current 3D human pose estimation techniques, understanding and enhancing their generalization on challenging in-the-wild videos remain an open problem. In this work, we focus on the robustness of 2D-to-3D pose lifters. To this end, we develop two benchmark datasets, namely Human3.6M-C and HumanEva-I-C, to examine the robustness of video-based 3D pose lifters to a wide range of common video corruptions including temporary occlusion, motion blur, and pixel-level noise. We observe the poor generalization of state-of-the-art 3D pose lifters in the presence of corruption and establish two techniques to tackle this issue. First, we introduce Temporal Additive Gaussian Noise (TAGN) as a simple yet effective 2D input pose data augmentation. Additionally, to incorporate the confidence scores output by the 2D pose detectors, we design a confidence-aware convolution (CA-Conv) block. Extensively tested on corrupted videos, the proposed strategies consistently boost the robustness of 3D pose lifters and serve as new baselines for future research.

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  • This paper focuses on improving the robustness of 3D human pose estimation techniques in challenging real-world videos.
  • The authors develop two benchmark datasets, Human3.6M-C and HumanEva-I-C, to evaluate the performance of 3D pose lifters under various video corruptions like occlusion, motion blur, and noise.
  • They propose two techniques, Temporal Additive Gaussian Noise (TAGN) and Confidence-Aware Convolution (CA-Conv), to improve the robustness of 3D pose lifters on these corrupted videos.

Plain English Explanation

Estimating the 3D pose of a person in a video is a challenging computer vision task with many real-world applications, such as human-computer interaction and robotics. While current 3D pose estimation techniques can perform well in controlled environments, they often struggle when applied to messy, real-world videos with factors like occlusions, motion blur, and noise.

To address this issue, the researchers in this paper developed two new benchmark datasets, Human3.6M-C and HumanEva-I-C, which contain videos with various types of corruptions. They used these datasets to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art 3D pose lifters, which take 2D pose estimates as input and output the corresponding 3D poses.

The researchers found that these 3D pose lifters did not generalize well to the corrupted videos, often producing inaccurate results. To improve their robustness, the researchers introduced two new techniques:

  1. Temporal Additive Gaussian Noise (TAGN): This is a data augmentation method that adds realistic noise to the 2D pose input, helping the 3D pose lifter learn to be more resilient to real-world corruptions.

  2. Confidence-Aware Convolution (CA-Conv): This is a specialized convolutional layer that takes into account the confidence scores output by the 2D pose detector, allowing the 3D pose lifter to focus on the most reliable 2D pose information.

By incorporating these techniques, the researchers were able to significantly boost the performance of 3D pose lifters on the corrupted benchmark datasets, establishing new baselines for future research in this area.

Technical Explanation

The paper addresses the challenge of 3D human pose estimation in the presence of common video corruptions, such as temporary occlusion, motion blur, and pixel-level noise. The authors develop two benchmark datasets, Human3.6M-C and HumanEva-I-C, to systematically evaluate the robustness of video-based 3D pose lifters under these conditions.

The authors first analyze the performance of state-of-the-art 3D pose lifters on the corrupted benchmark videos and observe a significant drop in accuracy compared to clean data. To address this issue, they propose two techniques:

  1. Temporal Additive Gaussian Noise (TAGN): This data augmentation method injects additive Gaussian noise to the 2D pose input of the 3D pose lifter in a temporally coherent manner. This helps the model learn to be more robust to various types of noise and corruption present in real-world videos.

  2. Confidence-Aware Convolution (CA-Conv): This is a specialized convolutional layer that incorporates the confidence scores output by the 2D pose detector. By weighting the convolution operations based on these confidence scores, the 3D pose lifter can focus more on the reliable 2D pose information and disregard noisy or occluded inputs.

The authors extensively evaluate the proposed techniques on the corrupted benchmark datasets and show that they consistently improve the robustness of 3D pose lifters, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods. The TAGN and CA-Conv strategies serve as new baselines for future research on building reliable 3D human pose estimation systems for in-the-wild videos.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of 3D human pose estimation by addressing the important issue of model robustness to real-world video corruptions. The development of the Human3.6M-C and HumanEva-I-C benchmark datasets provides a meaningful way to evaluate the performance of 3D pose lifters under challenging conditions, going beyond the standard evaluation on clean data.

One limitation of the paper is that the proposed techniques, while effective, may not generalize to all types of video corruptions or unseen types of noise. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that further research is needed to develop more comprehensive solutions to handle a broader range of real-world challenges.

Additionally, the paper focuses solely on the robustness of 3D pose lifters, and does not address the performance of the underlying 2D pose detectors, which are a crucial component of the overall 3D pose estimation pipeline. Investigating the robustness of 2D pose detectors and their impact on the 3D pose lifter's performance could be a fruitful area for future research.

Overall, this paper provides a solid foundation for improving the reliability of 3D human pose estimation in challenging real-world scenarios, and the proposed TAGN and CA-Conv techniques can serve as useful starting points for further advancements in this direction.


This paper tackles the important challenge of improving the robustness of 3D human pose estimation techniques in the face of common video corruptions, such as occlusion, motion blur, and noise. By developing two benchmark datasets and proposing two novel techniques (TAGN and CA-Conv), the authors have made significant progress in addressing this problem.

The findings of this research have important implications for real-world applications of 3D pose estimation, such as human-computer interaction, robotics, and mixed reality, where systems need to function reliably in diverse and unpredictable environments. The techniques introduced in this paper provide a strong foundation for building more robust and practical 3D pose estimation solutions for real-world applications.

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