No-Regret Algorithms in non-Truthful Auctions with Budget and ROI Constraints

Read original: arXiv:2404.09832 - Published 4/16/2024 by Gagan Aggarwal, Giannis Fikioris, Mingfei Zhao
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  • The paper explores the problem of designing automated bidding algorithms for online advertising platforms that run a mixture of first-price and second-price auctions.
  • The goal is to optimize the advertiser's objective (e.g., value, revenue) while satisfying constraints like average return on investment (ROI) and budget.
  • The authors consider a stochastic setting where the advertiser's value and the highest competing bid are drawn from an unknown distribution in each round.
  • They design a low-regret bidding algorithm that can achieve near-optimal performance compared to the best possible Lipschitz function that maps values to bids.
  • The result applies to a wide range of auction types, including any mixture of first-price and second-price auctions.

Plain English Explanation

Online advertising platforms often use automated bidding to help advertisers optimize their ad campaigns. Automated bidding, or "autobidding," allows advertisers to set their objective (e.g., maximizing value or revenue) and constraints (e.g., average ROI, budget), and the platform's algorithms will automatically adjust the advertiser's bids to achieve the best outcome.

In this paper, the researchers are looking at how to design these autobidding algorithms to work well in situations where the platform is running a mixture of first-price and second-price auctions. In a first-price auction, the winner pays their own bid, while in a second-price auction, the winner pays the second-highest bid.

The researchers consider a setting where the advertiser's value for the ad and the highest competing bid are drawn from an unknown distribution each time an ad is auctioned. They develop a bidding algorithm that can achieve near-optimal performance compared to the best possible way the advertiser could map their value to a bid, while still satisfying their constraints. This algorithm works well across a wide range of auction types, including any combination of first-price and second-price auctions.

Technical Explanation

The paper studies the problem of designing online autobidding algorithms to optimize an advertiser's objective (e.g., value, revenue) subject to ROI and budget constraints when the platform is running a mixture of first-price and second-price auctions.

The authors consider a stochastic setting where there is an item for sale in each of T rounds, and in each round, buyers submit bids and a auction is run to sell the item. They focus on one buyer (the advertiser) who may have budget and ROI constraints. They assume the buyer's value and the highest competing bid are drawn i.i.d. from some unknown (joint) distribution in each round.

The authors design a low-regret bidding algorithm that satisfies the buyer's constraints. Their benchmark is the objective value achievable by the best possible Lipschitz function that maps values to bids, which is rich enough to best respond to many different correlation structures between value and highest competing bid.

The main result is an algorithm with full information feedback that guarantees a near-optimal $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret with respect to the best Lipschitz function. This result applies to a wide range of auctions, most notably any mixture of first-price and second-price auctions (where the price is a convex combination of the first and second price). The result holds for both value-maximizing and quasi-linear utility-maximizing buyers.

The authors also study the more challenging bandit setting, where the algorithm only observes the auction outcome (e.g., the winning bid) and not the full information about the bids and values. They show an $\Omega(T^{2/3})$ lower bound on the regret for first-price auctions, demonstrating a large gap between the full information and bandit settings. They also design an algorithm with $\tilde{O}(T^{3/4})$ regret for the bandit setting when the value distribution is known and independent of the highest competing bid.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes several important contributions to the problem of automated bidding in online advertising auctions. The authors' insights on the differences between the full information and bandit settings are particularly noteworthy, as they highlight the challenges of making decisions with limited feedback.

One potential limitation of the research is that it assumes the advertiser's value and the highest competing bid are drawn from an unknown but fixed distribution. In reality, these values may change over time due to factors like seasonality or market conditions. An extension of this work to handle non-stationary distributions could be valuable.

Additionally, the paper focuses on optimizing a single advertiser's objective, but in practice, online platforms must balance the objectives of many different advertisers. Exploring how to design autobidding algorithms that can manage these competing interests would be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, this paper provides valuable insights into the design of practical autobidding algorithms and represents an important step forward in understanding the theoretical limits of what is possible in this domain.


This paper presents a novel approach to designing automated bidding algorithms for online advertising platforms that run a mixture of first-price and second-price auctions. The authors develop a low-regret bidding algorithm that can optimize the advertiser's objective while satisfying constraints like ROI and budget.

The key contributions of this work include the theoretical guarantees on the algorithm's performance, the insights on the differences between the full information and bandit settings, and the broad applicability of the results to a wide range of auction types. These findings have important implications for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of online advertising platforms, which play a crucial role in the digital economy.

As online advertising continues to evolve, research like this will help ensure that automated bidding systems can keep pace with the growing complexity of the market, ultimately benefiting both advertisers and consumers.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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