The Real Price of Bandit Information in Multiclass Classification

Read original: arXiv:2405.10027 - Published 6/21/2024 by Liad Erez, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran
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Summary of our contributions

The paper explores the "real price" of bandit information in multiclass classification problems, where the learner only receives feedback on the chosen class rather than the full ground truth label. This is a common setup in many real-world applications, but the implications are not well understood. The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis, examining the inherent trade-offs and limitations of this bandit feedback setting.

The Real Price of Bandit Information in Multiclass Classification

The paper investigates the fundamental challenges and limitations that arise when using bandit feedback in multiclass classification problems. Bandit feedback means the learner only receives information about the class they chose, rather than the full ground truth label. This is a realistic setting for many applications, but it comes at a cost in terms of the learner's ability to learn an accurate model.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a common scenario in machine learning where you have a classification problem with multiple possible classes, but you only get partial feedback - you find out the result for the class you chose, but not the true label for all the classes. This is a realistic setup for many real-world applications, but the authors show that it comes with some important trade-offs and limitations that need to be understood.

The key ideas are:

  • Multiclass classification problems are common in practice, like categorizing images or documents into different classes.
  • In many cases, you only get "bandit feedback" - you find out the result for the class you chose, but not the true labels for all the possible classes.
  • This partial feedback makes it inherently harder to learn an accurate model, compared to the full information setting where you know the true labels.
  • The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis examining the fundamental limits and trade-offs in this bandit feedback scenario.
  • Their results shed light on the "real price" of using bandit feedback instead of full information in multiclass problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper studies the inherent limitations and trade-offs that arise in multiclass classification problems when the learner only receives "bandit feedback" - information about the chosen class, rather than the full ground truth label.

The authors provide a rigorous theoretical analysis, drawing connections to prior work on nearly minimax-optimal regret for multinomial logistic bandits, adversarial combinatorial bandits with switching costs, incentive-compatible bandits and importance weighting, and the price of exact truthfulness in incentive-compatible online learning.

Their key technical contributions include:

  • Characterizing the optimal achievable excess risk in the bandit feedback setting, and showing this can be significantly worse than the full information case.
  • Deriving matching upper and lower bounds on the excess risk, establishing the real price of bandit feedback.
  • Identifying fundamental limits in terms of the number of classes, dimension of feature space, and other problem parameters.
  • Connecting the bandit feedback setting to no-regret learning in general bandit problems, highlighting important distinctions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous and insightful theoretical analysis of the challenges posed by bandit feedback in multiclass classification. The authors carefully articulate the key trade-offs and limitations, drawing important connections to prior work in the area.

One potential caveat is that the analysis is primarily theoretical, and the practical implications may depend on the specifics of real-world applications. Further empirical work could help bridge the gap between the theoretical insights and implications for applied machine learning.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the statistical aspects of the problem, but it does not address potential computational or implementation challenges that may arise when dealing with large-scale multiclass problems under partial feedback. Exploring these practical considerations could be a valuable direction for future research.


This paper makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the inherent challenges in multiclass classification under bandit feedback. By characterizing the optimal achievable excess risk and deriving matching upper and lower bounds, the authors shed light on the "real price" of using partial feedback instead of full information.

These insights are crucial for practitioners and researchers working on machine learning problems with partial feedback, as they highlight the fundamental limitations and trade-offs that must be navigated. The work also opens up interesting directions for further theoretical and empirical investigation of these important problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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