Large Language Model Confidence Estimation via Black-Box Access






Published 6/10/2024 by Tejaswini Pedapati, Amit Dhurandhar, Soumya Ghosh, Soham Dan, Prasanna Sattigeri
Large Language Model Confidence Estimation via Black-Box Access


Estimating uncertainty or confidence in the responses of a model can be significant in evaluating trust not only in the responses, but also in the model as a whole. In this paper, we explore the problem of estimating confidence for responses of large language models (LLMs) with simply black-box or query access to them. We propose a simple and extensible framework where, we engineer novel features and train a (interpretable) model (viz. logistic regression) on these features to estimate the confidence. We empirically demonstrate that our simple framework is effective in estimating confidence of flan-ul2, llama-13b and mistral-7b with it consistently outperforming existing black-box confidence estimation approaches on benchmark datasets such as TriviaQA, SQuAD, CoQA and Natural Questions by even over $10%$ (on AUROC) in some cases. Additionally, our interpretable approach provides insight into features that are predictive of confidence, leading to the interesting and useful discovery that our confidence models built for one LLM generalize zero-shot across others on a given dataset.

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  • This paper explores methods for estimating the confidence of large language models (LLMs) using only black-box access, without access to the model's internal parameters.
  • The researchers propose several techniques to generate confidence estimates for LLM outputs, including using calibration data, adversarial examples, and assessing the stability of model outputs.
  • The paper evaluates these methods on a range of language tasks and provides insights into the capabilities and limitations of black-box confidence estimation for LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a problem that's becoming increasingly important as large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 become more widely used - how can we assess how confident the model is in its own outputs? This is important because we want to be able to trust the responses from these powerful AI systems, especially when they're being used for high-stakes applications.

The key challenge is that these LLMs are "black boxes" - we can't see the inner workings of the model, we can only observe the inputs and outputs. So the researchers in this paper explore ways to estimate the model's confidence without having access to the model's internal parameters or architecture.

They propose several different techniques, including:

  1. Using calibration data - data that's specifically designed to probe the model's confidence levels.
  2. Generating adversarial examples - inputs that are subtly perturbed to see how the model's confidence changes.
  3. Measuring the stability of the model's outputs - how consistent are the responses when you run the same input multiple times.

The researchers then evaluate these techniques on a variety of language tasks, like question answering and text generation, to see how well they can estimate the model's confidence. Their results provide insights into the strengths and limitations of these black-box confidence estimation methods.

Overall, this work is an important step towards being able to reliably use and trust the outputs of powerful language models, even when we can't see the inner workings of the system.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes several techniques for estimating the confidence of large language models (LLMs) using only black-box access, without access to the model's internal parameters or architecture.

One approach is to use calibration data - a dataset specifically designed to probe the model's confidence levels. By analyzing the model's outputs on this calibration data, the researchers can learn how to map the model's raw outputs to meaningful confidence estimates.

Another method is to generate adversarial examples - inputs that are subtly perturbed to see how the model's confidence changes. The intuition is that a confident model should be relatively robust to small input perturbations, while an uncertain model will show larger fluctuations in its outputs.

The researchers also explore measuring the stability of the model's outputs - running the same input multiple times and quantifying how consistent the responses are. The idea is that a more confident model will produce more stable outputs.

These techniques are evaluated on a range of language tasks, including question answering, text generation, and sentiment analysis. The results show that the proposed black-box confidence estimation methods can provide useful signals about the model's uncertainty, even without access to its internal mechanics.

However, the paper also acknowledges limitations of these approaches. For example, the calibration data may not perfectly capture the real-world usage scenarios of the model, and the adversarial examples may not fully reflect the types of inputs the model will encounter in practice.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful and systematic exploration of methods for estimating the confidence of large language models using only black-box access. The proposed techniques, such as using calibration data, generating adversarial examples, and measuring output stability, provide interesting approaches to this important challenge.

One key strength of the paper is its rigorous evaluation across a diverse set of language tasks. This helps demonstrate the generalizability of the confidence estimation methods and provides valuable insights into their strengths and limitations.

However, the paper also acknowledges several caveats and areas for further research. For example, the authors note that the calibration data may not fully capture real-world usage scenarios, and the adversarial examples may not reflect the types of inputs the model will encounter in practice. Additionally, the stability-based approach may be sensitive to the specific prompts and sampling procedures used.

Further research could explore ways to make these confidence estimation techniques more robust and generalizable. For instance, work on uncertainty-aware LLMs has shown promising avenues for incorporating uncertainty estimates directly into the model architecture.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the growing body of research on understanding and quantifying the confidence of large language models. While the proposed methods have some limitations, they represent a valuable step towards building more trustworthy and transparent AI systems.


This paper presents several techniques for estimating the confidence of large language models (LLMs) using only black-box access, without visibility into the models' internal parameters or architecture. The proposed methods, including using calibration data, generating adversarial examples, and measuring output stability, provide useful signals about the models' uncertainty levels across a range of language tasks.

The paper's rigorous evaluation and acknowledgment of limitations highlight both the promise and the challenges of black-box confidence estimation. As LLMs become more widely deployed, particularly in high-stakes applications, the ability to reliably assess model confidence will be crucial for building trust and ensuring the safe and responsible use of these powerful AI systems.

While further research is needed to address the caveats identified in this work, the findings presented here represent an important step towards a better understanding of LLM confidence and uncertainty. By continuing to explore these issues, the AI research community can help unlock the full potential of large language models while ensuring they are used in a responsible and ethical manner.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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