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Learn Your Reference Model for Real Good Alignment






Published 4/16/2024 by Alexey Gorbatovski, Boris Shaposhnikov, Alexey Malakhov, Nikita Surnachev, Yaroslav Aksenov, Ian Maksimov, Nikita Balagansky, Daniil Gavrilov
Learn Your Reference Model for Real Good Alignment


The complexity of the alignment problem stems from the fact that existing methods are unstable. Researchers continuously invent various tricks to address this shortcoming. For instance, in the fundamental Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF) technique of Language Model alignment, in addition to reward maximization, the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the trainable policy and the SFT policy is minimized. This addition prevents the model from being overfitted to the Reward Model (RM) and generating texts that are out-of-domain for the RM. The Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) method reformulates the optimization task of RLHF and eliminates the Reward Model while tacitly maintaining the requirement for the policy to be close to the SFT policy. In our paper, we argue that this implicit limitation in the DPO method leads to sub-optimal results. We propose a new method called Trust Region DPO (TR-DPO), which updates the reference policy during training. With such a straightforward update, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TR-DPO against DPO on the Anthropic HH and TLDR datasets. We show that TR-DPO outperforms DPO by up to 19%, measured by automatic evaluation with GPT-4. The new alignment approach that we propose allows us to improve the quality of models across several parameters at once, such as coherence, correctness, level of detail, helpfulness, and harmlessness.

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  • This paper proposes a method for "learning your reference model" to achieve better alignment between language models and desired behaviors.
  • The key idea is to use self-play and gradient-based optimization to learn a reference model that captures the intended behavior, and then align the language model to this reference.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on several tasks, including Provably Robust DPO Aligning Language Models to Noisy Preferences, Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training for Large Language Models, and SALMON: Self-Alignment of Instructable Reward Models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a technique to help language models, such as large language models, behave more closely in line with what humans intend. The key idea is to have the model "learn" what the desired behavior should be, rather than simply trying to align it with some predefined set of rules or instructions.

The method works by having the model engage in a sort of "self-play" - it tries different approaches and then evaluates how well they match the intended behavior. Over time, through this iterative process, the model is able to learn a "reference model" that captures the essence of what the desired behavior should be.

Once this reference model is learned, the original language model can then be aligned to it, helping ensure its outputs and actions are more closely aligned with human intentions. The authors show this approach can be effective across a range of different tasks, from aligning models to noisy human preferences, to guiding the training of large language models, to helping models better follow complex instructions.

The advantage of this "learn your own reference" approach is that it allows the model to discover the optimal way to behave, rather than trying to anticipate and hard-code all the rules. This can lead to more natural, flexible, and robust alignment between the model's behavior and human intentions.

Technical Explanation

The core of the proposed method is to use self-play and gradient-based optimization to learn a reference model that captures the intended behavior, and then align the language model to this reference.

Specifically, the authors introduce a framework where the language model and a reference model engage in an iterative process. The reference model is initialized randomly and updated via gradient descent to better match the intended behavior, as defined by a "loss function" that quantifies how well the reference model's outputs align with the desired outcomes.

Meanwhile, the language model is trained to match the outputs of this evolving reference model, using techniques like Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training and SALMON: Self-Alignment of Instructable Reward Models. This encourages the language model to learn representations and behaviors that closely match the reference model's "ideal" behavior.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on several tasks, including Provably Robust DPO Aligning Language Models to Noisy Preferences and Investigating Regularization in Self-Play for Language Models. They show that by learning a reference model tailored to the specific task or desired behavior, the language model can be better aligned than if it were simply trained on a predefined set of rules or instructions.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and caveats to their approach. First, the self-play process used to learn the reference model can be computationally expensive and may require careful hyperparameter tuning to converge reliably. Additionally, there are open questions around the Asymptotics of Language Model Alignment - i.e., how the quality of alignment scales as the language model and task complexity increase.

Another potential concern is the stability and generalization of the learned reference model. If the self-play process is overly sensitive to the specific training data or task formulation, the resulting reference model may not reliably capture the true "intended" behavior, limiting the effectiveness of the alignment.

Furthermore, while the authors demonstrate the approach on several tasks, it remains to be seen how well it will scale to more open-ended, real-world applications where the "intended" behavior is more ambiguous or subjective. Careful evaluation and monitoring will be crucial to ensure the learned reference models are truly capturing human preferences and values.

Overall, the "learn your reference model" approach is a promising direction for improving the alignment of language models with human intentions. However, further research is needed to address the computational and stability challenges, as well as to validate the approach on a broader range of real-world applications.


This paper proposes a novel method for aligning language models with desired behaviors by having the model "learn" an optimal reference model through self-play and gradient-based optimization. The key advantage of this approach is that it allows the model to discover the most effective way to behave, rather than trying to anticipate and hard-code all the rules.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique on several tasks, showing that it can lead to more natural, flexible, and robust alignment compared to traditional approaches. However, the method also has some limitations, such as computational complexity and questions around the scalability and generalization of the learned reference models.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the quest for truly aligned and cooperative language models that reliably behave in accordance with human intentions. As AI systems become increasingly powerful and ubiquitous, developing robust and transparent alignment techniques will be crucial to ensure they remain a beneficial force for humanity.

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