Investigating Regularization of Self-Play Language Models






Published 4/9/2024 by Reda Alami, Abdalgader Abubaker, Mastane Achab, Mohamed El Amine Seddik, Salem Lahlou
Investigating Regularization of Self-Play Language Models


This paper explores the effects of various forms of regularization in the context of language model alignment via self-play. While both reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) and direct preference optimization (DPO) require to collect costly human-annotated pairwise preferences, the self-play fine-tuning (SPIN) approach replaces the rejected answers by data generated from the previous iterate. However, the SPIN method presents a performance instability issue in the learning phase, which can be mitigated by playing against a mixture of the two previous iterates. In the same vein, we propose in this work to address this issue from two perspectives: first, by incorporating an additional Kullback-Leibler (KL) regularization to stay at the proximity of the reference policy; second, by using the idea of fictitious play which smoothens the opponent policy across all previous iterations. In particular, we show that the KL-based regularizer boils down to replacing the previous policy by its geometric mixture with the base policy inside of the SPIN loss function. We finally discuss empirical results on MT-Bench as well as on the Hugging Face Open LLM Leaderboard.

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  • This paper investigates ways to regularize self-play language models, which are AI systems that learn by interacting with themselves.
  • The researchers explore different techniques to improve the safety and reliability of these models, which have shown impressive language generation capabilities but can also exhibit undesirable behaviors.
  • Key approaches covered include direct preference optimization, direct Nash optimization, and regularized best-n sampling.

Plain English Explanation

Language models are AI systems that can generate human-like text. Some of the most advanced models today are trained using a technique called self-play, where the model interacts with itself to learn how to communicate effectively. While these self-play models have shown impressive language abilities, they can also exhibit problematic behaviors, like generating harmful or biased content.

This paper explores different ways to "regularize" or control self-play language models, making them more reliable and safer. One approach is direct preference optimization, which tries to directly optimize the model to match human preferences, rather than just maximizing the likelihood of text. Another is direct Nash optimization, which treats the self-play process as a game between the model and a safety "opponent" and tries to find a stable outcome.

The researchers also investigate regularized best-n sampling, a technique that samples a diverse set of candidate text outputs from the model, rather than just picking the single most likely one. This helps reduce the model's tendency to generate repetitive or biased content.

Overall, this work aims to make self-play language models more robust and beneficial, by developing new ways to control their behavior and align them with human values.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes several techniques to regularize self-play language models:

  1. Direct preference optimization: The model is trained to directly optimize a learned preference function, rather than just maximizing the likelihood of the training data. This allows the preference function to incorporate human values and preferences.

  2. Direct Nash optimization: The self-play process is treated as a game between the language model and a safety "opponent." The goal is to find a Nash equilibrium where neither player can unilaterally improve their outcome.

  3. Regularized best-n sampling: Instead of always selecting the single most likely output, the model samples a diverse set of candidate outputs, which are then re-ranked using a regularized objective. This helps reduce the model's tendency to generate repetitive or biased content.

The paper also discusses the theoretical underpinnings of language model alignment and practical considerations for learning dynamics in self-play settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive exploration of various techniques for regularizing self-play language models. The proposed approaches, such as direct preference optimization and direct Nash optimization, offer promising avenues for aligning these models with human values and preferences.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on learned preference functions, which may not fully capture the nuances and complexities of human values. Additionally, the direct Nash optimization approach assumes the existence of a well-defined "safety opponent," which may be challenging to define in practice.

Further research is needed to better understand the long-term implications of these regularization techniques, particularly regarding their ability to maintain safety and reliability as self-play language models become increasingly sophisticated. Exploring ways to make the preference learning and optimization processes more transparent and interpretable could also be a valuable direction for future work.


This paper presents a thoughtful investigation of techniques for regularizing self-play language models, with the goal of improving their safety, reliability, and alignment with human values. The proposed approaches, including direct preference optimization, direct Nash optimization, and regularized best-n sampling, offer innovative ways to control the behavior of these powerful language models.

While the paper highlights the potential of these techniques, it also acknowledges the ongoing challenges in this field, such as the difficulty of fully capturing human values and the need for further research on the long-term implications of these methods. As self-play language models continue to advance, this work provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to ensure these systems are developed and deployed responsibly.

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