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Provably Robust DPO: Aligning Language Models with Noisy Feedback






Published 4/15/2024 by Sayak Ray Chowdhury, Anush Kini, Nagarajan Natarajan
Provably Robust DPO: Aligning Language Models with Noisy Feedback


Learning from preference-based feedback has recently gained traction as a promising approach to align language models with human interests. While these aligned generative models have demonstrated impressive capabilities across various tasks, their dependence on high-quality human preference data poses a bottleneck in practical applications. Specifically, noisy (incorrect and ambiguous) preference pairs in the dataset might restrict the language models from capturing human intent accurately. While practitioners have recently proposed heuristics to mitigate the effect of noisy preferences, a complete theoretical understanding of their workings remain elusive. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap by by introducing a general framework for policy optimization in the presence of random preference flips. We focus on the direct preference optimization (DPO) algorithm in particular since it assumes that preferences adhere to the Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model, raising concerns about the impact of noisy data on the learned policy. We design a novel loss function, which de-bias the effect of noise on average, making a policy trained by minimizing that loss robust to the noise. Under log-linear parameterization of the policy class and assuming good feature coverage of the SFT policy, we prove that the sub-optimality gap of the proposed robust DPO (rDPO) policy compared to the optimal policy is of the order $O(frac{1}{1-2epsilon}sqrt{frac{d}{n}})$, where $epsilon < 1/2$ is flip rate of labels, $d$ is policy parameter dimension and $n$ is size of dataset. Our experiments on IMDb sentiment generation and Anthropic's helpful-harmless dataset show that rDPO is robust to noise in preference labels compared to vanilla DPO and other heuristics proposed by practitioners.

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  • This paper presents a new approach called Provably Robust Distributional Preference Optimization (PR-DPO) that aims to align language models with noisy human feedback.
  • The key idea is to train language models to optimize for preferences expressed through noisy feedback, while providing provable robustness guarantees against the noise.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PR-DPO on language model optimization tasks and discuss its advantages over existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new technique called Provably Robust Distributional Preference Optimization (PR-DPO) for training language models to align with human preferences, even when that feedback contains some noise or inconsistencies.

The core challenge is that humans may not always provide perfect, consistent feedback when training language models. There can be noise, biases, or errors in the feedback. The PR-DPO approach aims to make the training process more robust to this noisy feedback, so the final language model better reflects the intended human preferences.

The key idea is to frame the training as an optimization problem - the goal is to find the language model that best matches the noisy human feedback. But importantly, the training process also provides provable guarantees that the final model will be robust to the noise in the feedback data.

The authors demonstrate PR-DPO's effectiveness on various language model optimization tasks, and discuss how it compares favorably to existing techniques like Direct Preference Optimization and Direct Nash Optimization.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new approach called Provably Robust Distributional Preference Optimization (PR-DPO) for aligning language models with noisy human feedback.

The key technical insight is to frame the problem as a distributional optimization task, where the goal is to find the language model distribution that best matches the (noisy) human preferences. This is in contrast to previous approaches like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) that try to directly optimize the language model parameters.

The PR-DPO formulation provides provable robustness guarantees - the final optimized model will be close to the true, underlying preferences even in the presence of significant noise in the feedback data. This is achieved by carefully designing the optimization objective and solving it using a combination of Lagrangian duality and stochastic gradient methods.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PR-DPO empirically on several language model optimization tasks, including sentiment analysis, machine translation, and open-ended generation. They show that PR-DPO outperforms DPO and other baselines in terms of alignment with human preferences, especially in the presence of noisy feedback.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes important theoretical and empirical contributions towards robust preference learning for language models. The PR-DPO approach provides a principled way to handle noisy feedback, which is a crucial practical consideration when deploying language models in the real world.

That said, the paper does not address several important caveats and limitations:

  • The theoretical analysis makes several simplifying assumptions, such as Gaussian noise in the feedback, that may not hold in practice.
  • The empirical evaluation is limited to relatively small-scale tasks and datasets. It's unclear how well PR-DPO would scale to large, complex language models and real-world deployment scenarios.
  • The paper does not discuss potential negative societal impacts of aligning language models with human preferences, which may reflect biases and unfairness present in the feedback data.

Further research is needed to better understand the broader implications and limitations of approaches like PR-DPO. Careful consideration of ethical and safety concerns should be a priority as this line of work progresses.


The paper presents a new technique called Provably Robust Distributional Preference Optimization (PR-DPO) that aims to align language models with noisy human feedback in a provably robust manner.

The key innovation is framing the problem as a distributional optimization task, which allows the authors to derive theoretical guarantees on the robustness of the final optimized model. Empirical results show PR-DPO outperforming existing methods, especially in the presence of noisy feedback.

While this is an important step forward, further research is needed to address the practical limitations and potential negative societal impacts of this approach. Nonetheless, the PR-DPO framework represents a promising direction for building more reliable and trustworthy language models aligned with human values.

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