Learning Explainable and Better Performing Representations of POMDP Strategies






Published 5/22/2024 by Alexander Bork, Debraj Chakraborty, Kush Grover, Jan Kretinsky, Stefanie Mohr



Strategies for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) typically require memory. One way to represent this memory is via automata. We present a method to learn an automaton representation of a strategy using a modification of the L*-algorithm. Compared to the tabular representation of a strategy, the resulting automaton is dramatically smaller and thus also more explainable. Moreover, in the learning process, our heuristics may even improve the strategy's performance. In contrast to approaches that synthesize an automaton directly from the POMDP thereby solving it, our approach is incomparably more scalable.

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  • Strategies for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) often require memory, which can be represented using automata.
  • The authors present a method to learn an automaton representation of a strategy using a modified version of the L*-algorithm.
  • This automaton representation is dramatically smaller and more explainable than the tabular representation of a strategy.
  • The learning process can even improve the strategy's performance, in contrast to approaches that synthesize an automaton directly from the POMDP.
  • The authors' approach is more scalable compared to directly solving the POMDP.

Plain English Explanation

Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are a type of decision-making problem where an agent doesn't have complete information about the environment. To make good decisions in these situations, the agent needs to keep track of some "memory" or internal state.

One way to represent this memory is using automata, which are like simple machines that can be in different states and transition between them based on inputs. The authors of this paper present a method to learn an automaton that represents a good strategy for solving a POMDP.

Compared to the traditional tabular representation of a strategy, the automaton is much smaller and easier for humans to understand. Additionally, the process of learning the automaton can actually improve the strategy's performance, which is different from other approaches that try to directly solve the POMDP by synthesizing an automaton.

The key advantage of the authors' method is that it is more scalable and can handle larger, more complex POMDPs than the direct solving approaches. This makes it a more practical solution for real-world problems where the environment is only partially observable.

Technical Explanation

The authors present a method to learn an automaton representation of a strategy for solving partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). This automaton is learned using a modified version of the L*-algorithm, a technique for learning finite state automata from observations.

Compared to the traditional tabular representation of a strategy, the learned automaton is dramatically smaller and more explainable. The authors hypothesize that this is because the automaton can capture the underlying structure of the POMDP more concisely than the tabular representation.

Furthermore, the authors' learning process includes heuristics that may actually improve the strategy's performance, in contrast to approaches that synthesize an automaton directly from the POMDP. This is because the learning process can discover more efficient ways of representing and acting in the partially observable environment.

Unlike the direct POMDP solving approaches, the authors' method is much more scalable and can handle larger, more complex problems. This is because it avoids the computational challenges of solving the POMDP directly, instead focusing on learning a compact automaton representation of the strategy.

Critical Analysis

The authors' approach of learning an automaton representation of a POMDP strategy is an interesting and potentially valuable contribution. By producing a more compact and explainable representation, it opens up the possibility of applying these strategies to larger and more complex real-world problems.

However, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the limitations or potential issues with this approach. For example, it's unclear how the performance of the learned automaton compares to the optimal POMDP solution, or how sensitive the method is to the quality of the initial strategy used for learning.

Additionally, the authors mention that their heuristics can improve the strategy's performance, but they don't provide a deep exploration of why or how this happens. Further research into the underlying mechanisms of this performance improvement could help strengthen the justification for this approach.

Future work could also look at ways to extend this method to handle more complex POMDP structures, such as multi-agent decentralized POMDPs, or to explore how the learned automata can be used to generalize and transfer knowledge to new POMDP instances.


The authors present a novel method for learning an automaton representation of a strategy for solving partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). This automaton is dramatically smaller and more explainable than the traditional tabular representation, and the learning process can even improve the strategy's performance.

Compared to approaches that directly synthesize an automaton from the POMDP, the authors' method is much more scalable and can handle larger, more complex problems. This makes it a promising approach for applying POMDP strategies to real-world applications where the environment is only partially observable.

While the paper doesn't provide a comprehensive analysis of the limitations and potential issues with this approach, it represents an important step forward in bridging the gap between state representations and understanding in partially observable decision-making problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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