Learning to Stabilize Online Reinforcement Learning in Unbounded State Spaces






Published 5/28/2024 by Brahma S. Pavse, Matthew Zurek, Yudong Chen, Qiaomin Xie, Josiah P. Hanna



In many reinforcement learning (RL) applications, we want policies that reach desired states and then keep the controlled system within an acceptable region around the desired states over an indefinite period of time. This latter objective is called stability and is especially important when the state space is unbounded, such that the states can be arbitrarily far from each other and the agent can drift far away from the desired states. For example, in stochastic queuing networks, where queues of waiting jobs can grow without bound, the desired state is all-zero queue lengths. Here, a stable policy ensures queue lengths are finite while an optimal policy minimizes queue lengths. Since an optimal policy is also stable, one would expect that RL algorithms would implicitly give us stable policies. However, in this work, we find that deep RL algorithms that directly minimize the distance to the desired state during online training often result in unstable policies, i.e., policies that drift far away from the desired state. We attribute this instability to poor credit-assignment for destabilizing actions. We then introduce an approach based on two ideas: 1) a Lyapunov-based cost-shaping technique and 2) state transformations to the unbounded state space. We conduct an empirical study on various queueing networks and traffic signal control problems and find that our approach performs competitively against strong baselines with knowledge of the transition dynamics. Our code is available here: https://github.com/Badger-RL/STOP.

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  • In many reinforcement learning (RL) applications, we want policies that can reach and then maintain desired states over time.
  • This "stability" objective is especially important when the state space is unbounded, as the agent can drift far from the desired states.
  • While we might expect RL algorithms to produce stable policies, the authors found that deep RL methods often result in unstable policies that drift away from the desired states.
  • The authors introduce an approach using Lyapunov-based cost shaping and state transformations to address this instability.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world scenarios where reinforcement learning is used, such as managing traffic signals or controlling a production system, the goal is not just to reach a desired state, but to also maintain that state over time. This "stability" objective is critical when the system can potentially move to very distant states, which could be problematic.

For example, in a queueing network where jobs wait in queues, the desired state is to have all queues empty. However, if the system is not stable, the queues could grow indefinitely, leading to poor performance. The authors found that common deep reinforcement learning methods often fail to produce stable policies in such unbounded state spaces, as the algorithms are focused on minimizing the distance to the desired state during training but don't properly account for actions that could destabilize the system in the long run.

To address this issue, the researchers developed a new approach that combines two key ideas: Lyapunov-based cost shaping and state transformations. Lyapunov functions are a powerful tool from control theory that can be used to ensure the system remains stable, while the state transformations help the algorithm reason about the unbounded state space more effectively.

Technical Explanation

The authors conducted an empirical study on various queueing network and traffic signal control problems to evaluate their approach. They found that their method performed competitively against strong baselines that had prior knowledge of the system's transition dynamics.

The key insight is that directly minimizing the distance to the desired state during online training, as done by many deep RL algorithms, can lead to unstable policies. This is because these methods do not properly assign credit (or blame) to actions that may destabilize the system in the long run.

To address this, the authors propose two main innovations: [1] a Lyapunov-based cost shaping technique, inspired by related work, and [2] state transformations to better handle the unbounded state space.

The Lyapunov-based cost shaping approach allows the algorithm to explicitly incentivize stability, in addition to reaching the desired state. The state transformations, inspired by ideas from randomized algorithms for inverse reinforcement learning and intervention-assisted policy gradient methods, help the agent reason about the unbounded state space more effectively, further improving stability.

The authors evaluate their approach on a range of queueing network and traffic signal control problems, and find it performs competitively against strong baselines with knowledge of the transition dynamics. This suggests their method is a promising approach for tackling stability challenges in reinforcement learning, particularly in domains with unbounded state spaces.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful approach to addressing the stability challenge in reinforcement learning, a critical issue for many real-world applications. The authors' insights around the limitations of directly minimizing distance to desired states, and the value of Lyapunov-based cost shaping and state transformations, are well-supported by the empirical results.

However, the paper does not extensively discuss potential limitations or areas for further research. For example, it would be interesting to understand how the performance and scalability of their approach compares to other recent techniques for addressing stability in RL, such as learning to boost performance of stable nonlinear systems or offline RL methods for imbalanced datasets.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on queueing networks and traffic signal control, it would be valuable to see how it generalizes to a wider range of real-world applications with unbounded state spaces and stability requirements.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of reinforcement learning by highlighting the stability challenge and proposing a novel solution. The technical insights and empirical results are compelling, and the work serves as a solid foundation for further research in this area.


This paper tackles a critical challenge in reinforcement learning: ensuring that policies not only reach desired states, but also maintain stability by keeping the system within an acceptable region around those states, even in unbounded state spaces.

The authors found that common deep RL methods often fail to produce stable policies, as they focus solely on minimizing the distance to the desired state during training without properly accounting for long-term stability. To address this, the researchers introduced an approach that combines Lyapunov-based cost shaping and state transformations, which allows the agent to explicitly reason about stability while also handling the complexities of the unbounded state space.

Empirical results on queueing networks and traffic signal control problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the authors' method, which performs competitively against strong baselines with prior knowledge of the system dynamics. This work represents an important advancement in the field of reinforcement learning, with potential applications in a wide range of real-world domains where stability is a key concern.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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